Thursday, May 16, 2024

Just a moment!

Wait a minute!
Please replay ...

Have you ever
Noticed that sometimes
Accidents due occur.

This scene above
It is just not right
There is something off

Not that the man
Should be shot
We as the audience

Except just that
To see politicians
Shot in front of us

We have had a few
Presidents assassinated
Kennedy is a day

Most will always
I had an attentive

Really he did his duty
In getting me 

Out of the house
And out of the way
For the ladies

To have their morning
Coffee and meltdown
He often walked

To the bakery
Hung out with the guys
And talked to me about

I recall the jabbering
Which is why when

He was older
He got cold and silent
I knew something 

Had gone horribly wrong
Televisions used to be on
Every one walked

If not the barber shop
The hardware store
Or even just on the counter

Of any old place
It was still fairly new
For one to own a personal one

There it was in front of me
The motorcade and people
Screaming and yelling

While grandpa jabbered
With some ladies
Until I reached my patience

Level and explained
I was not bored
But wanted attention

What? What!
She does not usually 
Make a sound

I'm so sorry ladies
And then the screen
In front of him

His whole body
Went rigid
He was a wwii guy

He knew trouble
When it occurred
Ladies! Maybe you should

Go home now!
We are just waiting

For some tidbit
Of the Dallas trip
What color do you think

She will be wearing today?
You see this little area
There is always a tv 

On somewhere....
They were by then 
Sitting on the sidewalk

A taxi was called
Several taxis arrived
We were off to the races

 He forgot to get in one
He just ran back 
To the big old house

In Georgetown
Where we were all staying
It was terrible

Those days that followed
I learned not to make
A sound at all

Learned to communicate
Without disturbing anyone
At all

Too young anyways
I should not even
Be able to recall it either

Just one of those things
Do you remember
When in fact

It is a cold sweat
In the middle of the night
Or a long hot one.....

What I noticed about
This thing

Is that no one is moving
No screams nor shouting
The guy was quickly

Without any fuss or force
While the guys team

Or living out a dream
They have trained
But have never had

To do anything
And he is not even
The President

But the Prime Minister
The women along
The fence are there

From all those old years
Of training in the soviet system
Now they are retired

And just out to see
The guy giving handshakes
A guy walks

Besides them
And pulls out a gun
Close enough

For a head shot
But instead he aims
Down into the torse

Alot of vital organs
Are there but also
The possibility of a recovery

What was he thinking?
And not trying to get away
While the crowd are in shock

But not even moving 
Just standing and clutching
The wire fence

Are they waiting 
For themselves
To be shot

Or do they think
It is all a prank?
It is odd

That all.
No bullet proof vest

No expectation
Of violence
Nor any real message

His being dragged
To the car

Is rememberable
It is one of the better

His men in a huff
Getting him into the car
And then running around

What to do next?
Oh yeah 
Where is that guy?

Already on his knees
And trussed 
Some good guy

In the crowd
Calmly removed
His gun and put him down

On the ground
For the police to arrive
While the women just waited

And waited
Until after the guy
Was taken away

He survived five shots
To his torso
Probably is going

To be on a restricted 
Diet the rest of his life.
But he is alive

While there are news
One wonders ...

What the next moment
Will bring to us 
And to the world....


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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...