Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hey honey, where is ...

Hey honey?

Where is our money?

I went grocery shopping

And they asked me

To fill out a new card

We will get 30% off

But there was something 


We were denied!


What happened to us?

Are you losing your job

Or something?

Hurry, hurry

Boss, big man

My wife is hot!

She wants to now!


What are you talking about?

I don't know nothing about


Hush money

Trail leads to

Paper trail....

According to the

Witness on the stand

There was this agreement

Between the big boss

And his little soul

He was to pay out

Money to keep

This girl shut up

Thats his story.

He says he went

To his own bank 

Account without

His wife's permission

And took out 

130,000 dollars

Then deposited

It into a brand new one

Then sent the it 


To another woman

Without his wife's


Sounds fishy

Honey ???

Why is another woman

Getting our Retirment?

Anyway, this is his story

Then he goes on to state

That the big guy 

Paid him back

Over the next year!

The sum of 

120,000 dollars

First it took a year

I know that people

Are cash poor

Really the higher up

One travels

The less cash is available

It is all caught up

In financial things

Only my mother

Could unravel

She was one of those 

Women who spent 

Money like it was water

My grandfather 

Once had on the mantle

A small currency maker

Just in case he said

She should sale the house

Or something

It was of course

A joke!

My mother reported

Her own father

For making fake bills

And then sent her own

Mother to jail

Just for saying she 

Could not use thier 

Bank account

For her afternoon

School friends


She went through

Her parents and grandparents

Money, mortgaging when necessary

Anything and everything

Then she wondered

Why my father and I

Hid our work from her

I did not know 

You worked ....

She also went through

Our money as well

Four generations

Of spending in on others

And I am dealing with

A bunch of people

That believe it grows 

On trees!

I know if I was a wife

I would not miss

A hundred thousand dollars

And it took a year

To get it back

And then, then

He got cheated

By the big boss

He not only did not

Get a bonus or anything

But he got robbed

What is the interest

On 130,000?

For an entire year?

He says over the course

Of a year

He got paid back


Thats ten thousand

Less than what he 

Paid out of his own




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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...