Wednesday, May 15, 2024

They promised a king!

They were promised
A King!
They made him 

Wait until he was old
Over seventy
When he was ready

At 25
Just as she was 
Not ready as a wife

And mother
To assume her 
Fathers shoes...

Life is not fair
I have lost my
Entire family

To just jimmy
Who wants his way
Because he is a King

In his eyes
In his head
He has assumed

The idea of controlling
Everyone else
To our detriment

Because he is 
Criminal Insane

But, but
My great grandfather
Gave up a career

In the Danish military
After his family 
Lost in the border

Skirmish of Germany
They are no longer
Nobles due to this

They chose to immigrate
To America 
Where everyone gets

To be his own king
Or so they are told
As long as they don't

Kill anyone
Jimmy kills...
My grandfather

Was guaranteed
A life of luxury
After his father and him

Fought in those wars
As merchants and traders
They could import or export

Instead he found his life
Being stolen 
By jimmy

Who keeps interfering
With the mail and phones
In order to have those

Bank accounts 
For himself
He even robbed his own real mother

Who died of a heart attack
My father and his father
Both Indian chiefs

With military accomplishments
And access to oil
They should have been

Extraordinary rich!
Instead they both 
Suffered at the hands

Of jimmy
This little thing
Over there were a man

Wants to play guitar
Instead of looking 
Under the floorboards

Has cost me my life
I have lost my only

I have lost contact
With all of my family
Have been surrounded

By thugs and thieves
Who just want me
To hand over my money

So they can keep on smoking
We are all sick inside
This building

Which was once 
A fort and a church
A place of refuge

Along the river
Only to have it stolen
And destroyed

They blame the mayor
Who is Alaskan native
Instead of their own

German selves
When are they going
To go home

Those Germans
Who don't want to
Save the world

But have everybody
Give them a life
After they helped

Themselves to others
In Germany
I don't believe 

The sniffles
We did not know
Who are neighbors 

Were going
They did know
They were the first

To go inside 
And lift up the floor boards
They took what they wanted

And reported innocent ones
Just to have their things
Life has not changed

And jimmy kills
I don't believe that
This man Zelensky

Is any better than he claims
He has continued 
To rob us of our incomes

And caused troubles
All the way down
Into our families

Were as his wife
Lives in a plush palace
And he has access

To everything of those
Who ran away
And those who have

Been hiding things away
When is he going to be 
Caught as a traitor!

His own people
Left in the millions
While he has stained

His hands with the blood
Of those innocent neighbors
The Donetsk asked 

For their freedom
Why can't he give it to them?
Because they don't want to lose

The mineral resources
Of that area?
Why doesn't he play

He would be perfect!
I once came upon

A man that jimmy
Had killed
I was often not

With my identical sister
I saw jimmy scurrying 
Away from our family

Compound which was 
Once rich enough for a time
I saw her running up the stairs

Of what is called
The castle
Only half of it stands

Because jimmy
Took a bulldozer
And was tearing

The whole thing down
Just a large white house
On a cliff near the ocean

Marble floors 
And crystal lamps...
Now it is dirt floors

Because jimmy dug 
Everything up with
His own hands

Laying on the ground
When I am through 
The once proud gates

Of the new iron horse
Was a young man
Lying on the ground

Who is this?
I kept screaming
Until they came

The adults 
Who hid during the day
To find a young arab boy

Was dead on thier property
He was unknown to them
He was just lying there

As if he was sleeping
He had been poisoned
They said as we buried 

Him in our family plot
As no one had come to claim him
He was an Arab prince!

jimmy was screaming
From the other side
An adjacent property

Where he would hide out
Until he wanted to get 
Someone instead at home

In Hollywood
Where his real family
Still resides...

They don't know what happened
But I figured it out
From my sisters stories

Before her life's was 
Cut short on jimmies
Real birthday

He claims the day
Of the dead fetus
As his birthday

My parents first
Pregnancy ended
In death at six months

I am their first born
Not jimmy
This weekend 

Will be both
Geronimo Terry's 

As well as the one
Celebrated by jimmy

Beware all!
There have been
A series of earthquakes

Not far from his home
On the border
He must be up to something.

She was sold as a slave
My little four or five 
Year old sister

Jimmy had taken
Her away from her mother
Because he wanted

To be her prince
Native Americans
Claim they don't have

Princes and princesses
Anymore in thier own
Snobbish rich way

Because most of them
All filthy rich
From the mineral rights

But persist
My sister was given 
The honor as the granddaughter

Of one of those 
Manhattan project guys
But it is not transferrable

There are a lot of journalist
Going to be shocked
They are not only my daughters

They are also not
Really anything but 
Bastards born to drug addicts

Given up at a Catholic charity
And provided homes
Along with the same story

Sad story of jimmy
And most of them 
Are too stupid to not show it....

It was in the desert 
She said were she got lost
She remembered the tents

The beautiful music
And the strange tasting food
The men wore 

Ghost sheets
All white 
And no electricity 

She thought she was 
In one of the story books
A thousand and one nights....

She was charming
Until she was forced

To get married
To one of them
In order to keep her

They were going to make
Her into a real princess
He was a young man

Who dreamed of America
All those stories
And the pictures

Only seen on trips
To Damascus or someplace
When they worshipped

Thier god Allah
And Muhammed
He was not a bad boy

Just a young one
He left with her
After the ceremony

That made her his
She had done this before
Convinced someone

That she was a rich heiress
And we should have  had
Money in the bank

But those oil rights
Of ours were stolen
As well as our banks

Even know there 
Is another bank
Left empty and abandoned...

They had a hard time
Getting out and he got them on
A boat which came to the west coast

Instead of going east
As expected
He loved her as his toy

When she grew up
She would be rich
She was very pretty

My twin and charming
Whereas I have always
Been told I am cold

And distant
Bitterness at watching

The men be humiliated
By this kid
Who belongs to someone else

Jimmy, jimmy
What have you done?
This time....

Someone's rich spoiled
Pince of a son
Is buried on our property

We will never know
And yet eeryone
Of my family have suffered

Great things
That should not be mentioned
While squatters are using

It as a whore house
They are going to pay
For what they have done

How would you like 
Him to die?

Jimmy the killer
Of young men
And little girls dreams....

What really happned
The mother says
From her grave...

Is that jimmy
Always had a pocket
Full of pills

He would steal them
From people
Old men with heart pills

And young women
With birth control pills
Then he would extort

Promises from people
Then there was candy
Who was always hiding

With her needles
They think the guy
Siad he had a head ache

As he found the place
With too many relatives
Laid down and overdosed

Candy probably had jabbed
Him with one her tranquilizers
But it was jimmy

Who was seen handing him
A handful of pills
Having wasted a morning

Of attempting to get money
When his family made sure
He had plenty to spend

So, he would not be a bother
To anyone else
The men who did come

Said he was not theirs
The men with Arab dress
No one is sure of whom

Or where he came
But she shuddered
On 9/11

What have you done
To us jimmy?


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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...