Thursday, May 9, 2024

Sleeping beauty

Met gala 2024
Sleeping beauty

The exhibit had exquisite
Designs of what is thought
To be sleepwear

From ornate gowns
To a beautiful
Silk robe

Most of the guest
Missed the mark

From showing up
In just a bath towel
To see through 

Things my program
Will not allow me 
To upload

For their 

There were also
Those who dressed
As if nature 

Had attacked them
And then had not
Released them

Too bad
Another year
Maybe one of them

Will get it right

Just to be seen
And not to see
What the curator

Has dreamed up
For this years 

Maybe we should
Send Queen Candance
Next year to represent

The Christian Congregation
There are photos
Of yester year

And she is not known
For being modest
She would enjoy

The Hollywood spa
One gets a list of items
To be performed

And a coffee!
While one waits
I noticed that many

Of the items
Involve removal
Of areas I would 

Prefer to be left alone
But Candy has not issues
Just a pedicure please!

Let someone else go
Into the curtained booth
Where half a dozen people

Work out how to make
One smoother 
Down there than

The day one was born
Not for me!
Please, another expresso?

And perhaps 
A facial
As long as it does not

Involve me removing
Any of my clothes.

Where did she go?
Oh she has decided...
Oh that is too bad.

My little exhibitionist
Who never got to that point

Of understanding
That clothes are meant
Not to be removed

Did you hear the story
Boys about her reaching

That mark of maturity
The one where she hid
All summer 

Only to have an aunt
Explain to her it was normal
Too be proud of it

So on the party day
When everyone else 
Showed up wearing 

Beach attire
She chose to go 
For a walk along the beach

Without a stitch of clothing
Just to show off...
Was confined to a wheelchair

The rest of the time
Until the bruises healed
Grandma did have her limits

Aunt made it clear
She had not understood
That there would be a scene!

She never had children
Did not know what
My mother would do

And anyways
It was too late
To prevent her from

Destroying the family
Honor and name
Please boys

Keep your underwear on
At least!
And if you should see me

About to be attacked
With a needle
Just to be taught

A lesson....
Don't let it happen!
There is no stopping

A good Christian 
Woman in a christian

From taking action
And providing fun
For the others

Which is why 
I forbade you guys
From associating with them.

What is the world 
Coming too
If one cant trust

Ones own mother
Or her religions
Associates from taking

Advantage of her 
Well,  dont worry

There is still time
To get even with them
After all their path

Is not clear
Nor do they have
The keys to the gates

Of heavan
Or hell
Although I do believe

Betty A
Has accomplished 
Her resolve

Of switching places
With my mother
And has in her mind

Made it to heaven
When she awakes 
She will find it was 

The other direction
Because my mother
Always made deals 

With the devil!
Perhaps Satan's assistant
Can trip going up the stairs....

Lets not think
Of the wars 

None of them
Are pretty
Not the religious one

In the Holy land
Nor the land dispute
In the old Scythian 

Or any of the others
Did I mention 

How many times 
I got sent to Saigon
During that experience?

Enough for a lifetime
But then I was always
The go to girl

Before these others 
Can buy themselves 
Front rows to anything....

I still have nightmares
War is necessary at times
But not at other times

I grew up in a Naval
Family of boat nuts
Who were determined

Not to get caught
In a sinking ship
While the other side

Were airmen
Who made sure 
They came home 

At the end of the day.
I do wish I could 
Remember a phone number

Or two
But no one is listed

Next time it will 
Not be Jimmy

Who comes by 
To steal everything he can
When is he going to stop

Using my last name!
It is mine, really...
I almost stepped

On someone this morning
It was early as I wanted
To get on the ferry

To go to a town
I once called home
But now the townees

Have no idea who is who
Anyways the body
Was covered with a jacket

Her small feet stuck out
And a whisp of hair
I know her!

She did not move
And I was too busy to stop
Did she wake up at all?

What modern humans
Do to others not at war....


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Well, well why dont you

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