Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Fierceness be number 150?


What are the numbers?

What are the chances?

150th running of the Kentucky Derby!

Fierceness is the fastest

But is not expected to win

Just because it would be too much.

Saturday we will know

Who really is the fastest

This year of the races....

My mother lived in a dream world

She had already suffered

Too much as a child

Of the war years

And never got over

Her mothers betrayal

Of getting married again

And not allowing

Her to be an only child.

She would do things

That just were not right

Such as the scenes

In Paris

Sitting an outdoor table

Having our coffee

In those days

They got invited a lot

Too places because

Of their parents 

Being in the war 

But his degree

Was never good enough

Around other greedy people

Such as Candy

Who always got involved

And then gave his jobs away

To others in the Truth

She does not know 

Any better having been

Raised by the wrong woman

Who never instilled in her

Christian virtues

But how to always 

Lie cheat and steal

From everybody

Especially those 

Who were just receiving

Thier rewards for having

Taken care of others 

And done the right thing

In those days

The European Hotel

Would have meals


Which meant that at some

Point during the night

They would sit down

And eat everything

In front of them

But in the morning

The Papa would be sitting

With his four children

Wondering what to do

And no one in those days

Really had cash

So he would drink

His coffee

Which I was always

Coveting for myself

And the one meal

He could afford 

Would be split 

Between us 

As it was thought

We would be getting

A free meal somewhere

Else during the day

As many traveled

And would make the offer

Which is why my parents

Were unindated with items

Such as tires or washing machines

As payment for some job

My father would end up 

Doing for them as his own

Government jobs

Would have suddenly disappeared

It would go this way....

I would get the juice

Which was always 


Which makes me pee


I am allergic to citrus

So then they would offer

Or by mistake

I would get the other one

Which was red

And wine

For breakfast

Sister usually 

Got the cheese

And a brother 

The bread

While the last one

Would either get 

An egg or 

Something else

Not the usual 

American Breakfast

French eat 

Bread and cheese

Eggs were rare

While stewed prunes

Was most common

One can imagine

That none of us 

Were happy

Except for sister

Who just kept eating

Her fromage

No sharing with her

And then would fall off

The Eiffel towere

Or something worse

I was frightened 

She was going to die

One day which 

Is what did happen

At one of those places

We were one of those

Families that camped

Through France and Europe

Then would get an offer

In England

To stay at a castle

Which was a one down

Musuem or fort

And not Buckingham 

Peeling an orange

Was one of my brothers

Favorite things to do

Cursing each piece

As he shoved it into his mouth

They would later learn

To eat from the garden

Cauliflower or broccoli

Raw not even cooked

I did keep after

The salad

As it was the lest expensive

Thing on the menu

Later when Jimmy

Came to live with us

And boys were taken away

Because my mother would

Get hysterical at some point

And call the cops

On my father

Because she did not want

Something or other

How I wished I could

Have had coffee

In those days

But my father needed

To have a clear head

Anyways Jimmy

Wanted Pizza everyday

Or would endure

Chinese food

Where I was ordered

A grilled cheese sandwich

I would sit there wondering

Which movie we were reliving

While attempting to think

How that bread was going

To react to my stomach

Which was bad

And where had my brothers

Gone to?

We did get them back

From time to time

But never when Jimmy

Was there as his parents

Did not want him 

To keep playing

With the little girl

Which turned out to be

My mother whose brains

Had developed cancer 

Her life was never good

But she made it worse

Because we could not get

People from taking advantage 

Of her all the time

Who believes someone

Is going to give them

The very house one is living

Or the promised items 

Of the daughter?

Only people such as 

Candy and Anne Marie

Whereas Betty A

Did not bother to ask

She presumed

And kept going to visit

The Queen herself

We were not even...

And don't mention

Porridge or oatmeal

To any of us

Especially the one we lost

She did die in a staged 

Auto accident

While the rest of us

Had to learn

To run faster

Than the others

They made it in the end

The boys

But is was difficult

With Suzie P

And Gary C

Insisting they were

Thier parents

How often I would walk

By my brothers

Or vis versa

Without recognition

And then cry myself 

To sleep

Why or why

Does Bridget G

Not want to be 

Joanna Cassidy's daughter?

How it goes on and on

And when one does get ahead

They show up with needles

And stuff you into a trunk

I have watched my brothers

Suffer this and then sit there

The next time and blame me

Because thy don't remember

Being mickyed or ruffied

I know it happens

And can usually hear

The voice of the annoying

Candy Gillette Johnston Fitzjohn Thompson Galiotto

Or is it Channing

Taylor, Norma 

Claims to have given birth

To her but while her husband

Was in prison

She did things 

Such as housekeeping

And laundry

For others in the theater

District of Oakland


Carole Channing

Always gets in my face

Any time I attempt

To get her candy

In trouble with the law


Once a long time ago

I outdistanced

These thugs and rougues

But they got together

And don't allow one

To know when they have 

In fact won the race

What ever happened

To fairness 

Or Christianity

Much less humanity?

Bless you 


May the best horse

Win without injections of tranquilizers....

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...