Thursday, May 23, 2024

From Jamestown to Rosencrantz

White pepper!
She nodded her head
He had been in one

Of his biggest parties
Instead of pizzas

He was bringing 
A fine white powder
But it got switched!

No names being used
Had gotten 

Brents score!
She was going to suffer
Her own mother

Had to help him
He was her crutch
Since her own sons

Were too clean
To come to her aid
She was always 

Having to explain
Things to the local authorities
While her own father

Had been robbed 
By this bastard

She thought he would
Be useful in her 
Quest against her own daughter

That other couple 
Got caught again
His mother was 

A phone company
All those phone calls

To Sonoma county
Were always interfered
By this woman 

Who acquired a house
Out by the Airforce base
Her son was in so much

Trouble !
He was not even
Going to graduate

From High school
Instead he cut a deal
He would join up

At seventeen
All he did was give
His girlfriend

The one of the place
Dear little Candy
So sweet and full

Of surprises
She really liked her sweets
Not the ones safe

For children
Now she was pregnant
With his kid

And he was jumping
A wire tap nothing
This woman simply

Goes in and does what 
She wants and when
One asks questions

It is always too 
Someone in the congregation
Not the FBI

Running this scam
For decades
All you do is forward

The number to someone else
Than the one dialed
He showed her how 

To do it when she 
Was little and then got
That other idiot 

To do it for her
On the computer
Cathy Millers 

Father was very useful
So was her source
Of sweets

Off her boyfriend
Went to Italy
For his American GI

Came back with an Italian wife
Nothing they could do about it

Also got in trouble
In Italy
There is a little girl

Named Amy 
Who does not know 
Who her real mother 

Is and it is not me
I on the other hand
Have been robbed

Repeatedly by this 
Same couple
Who have entered 

My house of worship
Just to claim me 
Not for tax reasons

But for income
Smuggling drugs
Out of Italy 

Into the USA
Through that neighbor
Air force base

I have awoken
More than once
On board a military

Transport plane
Arriving in my local area
Actually I am not from

Sonoma county
But none the less
The last time

I had a heart attack
My mother could not revive me
Just because Candy 

Cant allow me to be
Too far away from her
Which is why her daughter

Lisa lives in the same
Congregation as this man
Her real daddy

Elbow to elbow
With her former husband

Sits Wayne the other guy
Who is still causing problems
How many more times

Do I have to go in cold
Into a government office
And file a complaint

About something they should
Have an open file?
Brent always wore gloves

Small black ones
Every time I tried 
To get him caught

And away from my mother
Who had dementia and brain cancer
There was no evidence

He would be arrested
But had no finger prints on file
He delivered pizzas!

Leave him alone
Except he worked
For dominos

In Sacramento 
Not Southern California
Another phone call

To the police
He would not stop
Harassing me

And then my mother
Would get on the phone
And make a call

To someone else
With explicit language
They would show up

Pounding on my door
Instead of the little creep
Whom has been pretending

To be my mothers
Real son and only child
Since his mother 

Was arrested
For solicitation!
This time he had

Gone to far
I was cooking for a show
And my white pepper

Was not pepper!
It was one of candys

I hate her so much!
I am allergic to everything
And I am always

Under investigation
I make a point not to do 
Anything that will get me

Convicted because i know
It will be me dangling
For someone else trifles.

How many times
I got up and walked away
But when one has to leave

Thier own religion
It is quite serious
Especially when they 

Go to another one
And another one
Never left alone

And why for gods sake?
Because Don Weins
Has a problem 

With his nerves 
And needs a needle in his arm?
Or he cant even order

The correct size windows?
Him and his wife
Are another story

Also claimed me as their child
How many people
Don't know what they gave birth to?

I was once a set of two!
Anyways i found it first

Had to throw away
The entire menu 

Already cooked
For some wedding 
Or was it a club thing?

Was going to have 
To pay out of pocket
To replace the ingredients

And I had a whole
Cupboard full of the wrong

I called the cops
Of course
Who were not interested

In the guy
Instead of me
How long....

Found my grandfather
Dead in my apartment 
Never got over it

Wondered hmm...
Brent likes to wear
Little black gloves

When he drives
He actually told me
That they dont leave

Made a point of it.
Lived in so many

Different places 
And then the money
Would disappear

All those things
One used to do 

Direct deposit
And bitcoins
And electronic money transfers

Nothing like the good old days.
Judy was not unknown
To rob a bank or a gas station

When she needed to have cash
And her son learned 
How to keep his mother

Out of prison
By substituting my mother
Which is how Cindy 

Got caught
When her mother showed up
Dead ringer

For one of those posters
In the post office
I used to work for those

As well, used to be
Alot of time on my hands
They have probably

Swapped out those 
For one of me 
Photo shooped or something

There is nothing on file
For me at any time
I made sure of it

When one grows up
With criminals
For neighbors.....

Those Italian couples
There are more than one
German and Italian 

Man and wife
Sean N was one of those
Turned out his father

Was from Iraq
Not Italy
And his nurse mother

Was caught
Doing drug dealing
What ever happened

To summer bible school?
Went out of fashion
Or something....

My mother just wanted
To be bad all the time
It had something to do

With her being abducted
While her mother was on the air
Radio announcer

She never got over it
And she was from
The type of family

Who did not have
That type of problems
Half LDS

And half Lutheran
Strict people
I suspect most of the women

My mother came to know
Were part of that other world
All of them claim I am their daughter

Have no idea 
Why this works for them
Except the Indian thing

But Demi Moore
Took that over a long time ago
Used to annoy my grandfather

That she had to come by
His place for tampons
He had to keep them

In supply even though
And old man with no wife
I don't wear them myself

But his wallet
Was always going missing
Once he was being forced

To go to every food handout
In the county but not allowed
To have any of it

Jimmy who screams at me
That he uses his spouses name
Except he is not my spouse

Had gotten his wallet
With those special cards
From being in the war

With buddies 
Who were not criminals
Found his stash

Had a bunch of wallets
Replaced them with 
Tampon boxes

And jumped out the window
Wearing one of my grandfathers
Old parachutes

Never figured it out
His beatings never stop
Nor do the needle marks

If only someone would find me
When I was not being drugged
I could tell them a lot

Of unusual information
No one really cares
Unless it gives them a promotion....

Well, well 
It is that weekend
And I wake up 

Thinking of that couple
Who have been trading 
Secrets for drugs

In fact there are 
More than a few of them
But this one had 

Not turned up at 
My mothers funeral
Had me told to show

Up for their mothers
Only to have it told 
To me I was not family

Was not going to share
In any of the wealth
From the sale of land

Bet they are without funds
And need more
Instead of swide stepping

A twenty year sentence
His daughter was found
With the white powder

Never know whom
Is connected to whom
He should be facing

Post court martial
And treason charges
While his wife

Had one of those 
Communist party cards
But then Italy is not France

Jim is a contentious objector
His daddy missed the war
By a few months

Not old enough
I had three grandfathers
Who served WW II

My father was in Korea
And I served in the Forestry
Fire fighters

And the Search and Rescue
Which means I am not 
A war Veteran

But my family have
Been fighting for America
From day one!

Both as Indians
And as Americans
Despite not being white skinned

Does make a difference
How they look at you
Your skin color

Those white boys
Just dont know
What happens

When they steal 
And steal 
And make it obvious

That they are not going
To stop.....
Reinforced bullet proof glass

The former Marriotts
Has steal exist doors
And are prepared for

Gunfire as well as physical
Threats to the staff
While the clients 

Take their lives 
In hand just going to sleep
Inside this place.....

Got them buried
In Arlington 
As well as ...


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