Wednesday, May 29, 2024

For the last time....

My grandfather
Was a war hero
A decorated one

And yet he sat
On a park bench
In Washington DC

Having gone to everyone
He could to get justice
Who was this kid

Was the son of

The wife of 
The Mayor
Of 1975

The first black mayor
Had a mistress
A daughter

And a wife
Who was a high school

With credentials 
From a university
Who had allowed

Herself to have 
A one nighter
Actually they had not

Been allowed to get
So she stayed 

With her husband
And raised Jimmy
Off to the side

The guy is always
Going behind peoples 

There was no reason
For what we went through

No reason for him
To have lost his job
Nor his social security

Jimmy enjoys
Collecting other peoples
Social security

Retirement's and pensions
The list goes on
It is all for jimmy

His parents 
Were rich
We were not poor

Until we meet him
My grandfather 
Could not believe

There was no one left
Who could say no to him
He was there from

Day one as thier guy
But Jimmy came
With Heroine and Cocaine

A little bit more weed
And do you need
Some smokes

Always accomadating
And at a cost
To their own grandchildren

My grandfather
Could get no rest
Because after fighting

The germans
America was bringing 
Them in and to no avail

People such as 
Bridget Murphy
And Jimmy Bullocks

And Wendy Perry
And Duane Kirkpatrick
The list goes on and on

They were all allowed
Out of mental wards
Most of them

If not all of them
Are convicts
Just because

They have blond hair
And blue eyes
They are seen as innocent

Got caught
Defending the Russians!
What can we do

We know those
Germans are going
To cut our throats 

One day!
I even have a tiny 
Scar on my neck

Just to prove it
The Russians are 
Not really the bad guys

They just dont have
Anywhere else's to run
They are landlocked

With all those Asians
On one side
All those Christian haters

On the other side
And then there is 

Who hates to let them
Have their way...
Multi cultural

And multi languages
And multi religions
Make up an entire 

Land mass 
Why do they have
One of the biggest 

To get out of town
Those waves

And the smell 
Of anything besides
Those stinking streets....

For the last time
I was not arrested
To be indicted

There has to be 
A hearing of some sort
With a grand jury

Made up of common citizens
For an arrest
One has to have a warrent

Of arrest 
Prior to them
Slapping on of the handcuffs

And they have to read
You the Miranda 
Before they get to their station

I was forcibly removed
From the premisis
With the complaint

I was not conducting 
A homeless person

Had walked into their place!
They did not care
If I had the President

On speed dial
They wanted nothing
To do with me

Does not matter
That I had called the bank
Never ever go into 

A check cashing establishment
They call the cops
Every time on you

No matter what
It is up to the teller
Whether or not

She likes you
Or not
She took offense

At my bag
A gold one

Bought at the thrift store
She just thought it
Would look better

On her shoulder
Than mine
I was not homeless 

By the way
But waiting for something
Which did not occur

Because I was not 
Able to cash a check 
With my name on it

The same  name on my
Photo Id
And what not

Later they changed
Thier minds 
No arrest warrant

I was put up
On the wrong docket
The charges 

Were added that made no sense
And the first day in court
The Public Defender

Looked at what the
Incident report said
And went into the 

Judges chambers
Jimmy had already been
On the phone

As he is the one
Not the owner of the business
Who decided I could not cash

The check
I had already been
High jacked 

In Ensenada
When I went to collect
From a Money wire service

And been robbed
At a hotel
And not given

The opportunity
To keep the appointment
I had made with the FBI

I was back where 
I could get nothing done
Had worked in Sacramento

For everything 
From the Historic  state park
To the District attorneys office

But I had no work history
Because jimmy likes
Collecting the money

For himself
Don't know what 
An unemployment 

Check looks like....
Anyways after many hours
And mine having to waddle

Across the hall to pee
He came back cross
What had happened

I don't know
But the charges were
Dropped and the clerks

Downstairs agreed
As they took the paperwork
And then

I awoke one more time
A few weeks later
Having been brought

Back by force
To face the Judge!
And we went through 

It again and again
This time the 
Public defenders guy

Went down stairs
To the jury summons
I watched and did not tell

Him what I knew 
As a journalist about 
Those things

Very unpredictable
Cant count on them
Once they go to the 

Toilet area
And receive their freebees
He likes the jury he says 

To me in the hallway
Take a no guilty plee

We go inside 
And I am about to enter
My plea when the judge

Matter of form
Says he has nothing
On his schedule

For the day
There are no openings
For a jury trail today

Don't even think about it
I look at my lawyer
Who looks at her boss

Who is out in the hallway...
Does anyone want to do
Justice classes

What are those?
I am the only white person
In the room today

They all decide 
To come back another day
Justice classes

You sit and have 
The law read to you

Sounds great
What else do I have to do?
Just show up on time

We will wipe your slat clean!
Sounds great

What is the catch?
No catch
Do you want to do it?

I enter a not guilty plea
But don't contest the court
To please the judge

And then get told
As he signs the paperwork
That I owe 

Him five hundred dollars!
Good thing I had worked
Last year

I had a tax refund
And it was just the right amount
Paid for my classes

I had to go to four of them
24 hours of my time
Was required

And there was no arrest warrant
The case had already been
Dropped as Larry was not

Going to sit and testify 
In court at all on any day
Just to have the case dismissed!

I did not eat
For the next few weeks
Turned myself 

Into the Wayfarers
A place for people
With no money to stay

Walked the next two
Weekends to the bus stop
A few miles away

Paid for intercity travel
Went through three counties
And sat for six hours

With no lunch 
Nor breakfast or supper
Either as I am on a special diet

Did not do my waist
Any good 
I have tumors!

They stick out 
While my tummy grumbled
I listened to shoplifters

Tell their get away stories
Not one person had innocently
Walked into a legal business

With a legal tendered check
And been denied the right 
To cash it

Then I got on my last bus
Which got me back
Late walking in the dark

To get checked in to the place
Then I got lucky
Got accepted to a graduate program

The reason I was trying 
To get out 
I had nothing on paper

I came back for the dismissal
And was told not to go into 
The courtroom 

Just let the guy handle it
It was all taken care of
He had proof of my attendance

Just go Away!
And don't come back
I found out latter

They had not dropped
The charges as promised
And I had paid the money

And there was no way 
Of going back
Once those notices

Stop being posted
I could not go into
Court and say 

Excuse me
Not going to happen
Just on my record

But there was no conviction
When I want to 
Washington DC

Where I grew up
Working from everything
Of museums interns

To the historic tours
Of the White house
As well as the library

Of congress
I got cold shouldered
There sat the DA assistant

In her stiletto's heels
Waiting to see Mrs. Feinstein
I have known her since

I was born..
Never even got an invite
To her funeral

Which would have cost
Five hundred dollars
Just to take the train 

And stay two nights
In San Francisco
Wanted to go and stand outside

But was held back
Went through those 

Medical lab results
And found I had tested
Reactive to hepatitis ab

Could not go anyways
I have been so sick
For a whole decade

Did everything right
But still cant get around

Or is it Betty Adelhead?
That woman is so mean...
She probably would have

Taken her daddy's
Rifle to Dallas 
And shot JFK

If it suited her
And she had been told 
No by him as well

Insists she gave birth
To me when she was no more
Than eight years old

And not even the Pope
Is going to tell her otherwise
Oh, he got shot at didn't he?

Good luck
Best wishes
Mr. Trump

Keep your fingers crossed
That Jimmy is not up
To his old tricks.....

As for Mother Teresa
Hate to tell you
But she got arrested a few times

For her charity work
Not everyone likes
Good Christian girls and boys


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