Thursday, May 30, 2024

Not for the first time...

It is not the first
Time I have sat
In complete

And shock
But it will also

Not be the last
I can recall

Watching my mother
Drive up 
And assuming 

That she had come
For me
Instead of Demi 

Or Sandra
And then there
Were those lunches

She would always
Make sure I was
Not around for them

Usually a doctors 
Meant that I was

Being excluded
Including the time
I was getting

Kidney dialysis
I was still in school
But I could take myself

I would wait just past
The train station
For the hospital bus

And across the street
Was the Chinese town
Or what was left of it

And there was a killer
Buffet Chinese restaurant
Those were in the day

I knew of my severe
Peanut allergy
But not that they 

Used Peanut oil 
For their frying
In fact most 

Restaurants do use it
Peanut oil for frying
It has a higher temperature

There was my brother
Going around the corner
And entering the place

With my mother
This happened
More than once

What betrayal
By her!
To keep me busy

While the boys 
Were being allowed 
To visit her 

I am not talking
About Jimmy
Who is not a relative

But always barges in
I would beware 
If I was on a special detail

Those guys 
Looked as if they
Were expecting the worse

I had comments today
From behind me
To the affect that

They had already 
Gotten the verdict
I believe many of them

Had heard prior
To it being read
Trump had probably

Been told as well
Not supposed to happen
But sometimes

The shock is too much
The Judge should
Have waited until

Tomorrow morning
But he wanted to get
It over with

In most cases
It would probably
Be safe to say

The testimonies 
Would be thrown out
No one should have been

Sure of the outcome
And yet that is not
What I am picking up

On with the onlookers
And all accounts
No wavering

This is interesting
It is almost as if
They want it to be 

Overruled or something
Certainly an appeal
Can be mounted

But then there was
Something in his walk
As if I am man enough

For this to go through
The President 
Could pardon him 

If he agrees not
To run against him
It is surely a situation

That they wanted
To prevent these
Two men from facing off

And yet that is what
Is going to occur
There will be few

Who wont want
Him to continue
This race for the Oval office

Who should win
Both of them
They are both qualified

And they have both
Had problems
With their kids

And are not 
First timers
With spouses

What should he do
Tonight it going to be
A hard one

For Jill
An unfair advantage
Has happened

What will Joe do?
He loses if he wins
History will always

Remember this moment
When it appears 
As if the sitting 

President caused
His contender
To go to jail

Instead of just 
Letting the voters
Do their job.

He causes to become
That was one of Jimmys
Favorite expressions

He wanted people
To believe he was 
Causing things to happen

He just got the information
First before it was published
I recall how often

My carefully timed
Piece was superseded
By him making the announcement

As if was the one
Who had sat all day
On a hard bench

Waiting and waiting
And then standing in line
At the ladies room

Wondering what 
Was happening 
Back in the courtroom

The days before
Cell phones
I was one of the first

To use such a strange
Even had one of those

Satellite ones
Where are you 
Calling from

The middle of the 
Just listen and repeat

How often I still
Hear her voice
Thank you 

Hey wait a minute
That was Vargas

What are you guys
You are not supposed

To put me up 
If I am not ready
Much less don't know

Whom I am speaking
I have had a nervous
Something or other

From being told
I don't exist 
Nor am I needed

When in fact
They were just following

Orders from Jimmy
Well may the best man
Win fair and square!

It is like finding
A rare item
Only to have the

Credit go to someone
Else and then
Find out is worth

A diamond mine
Is the claim 

Of the beauty above
But was it really?
Have never found 

Another one the same
Color in that mine
But hey!

Why should they not 
Be believed?
If it is raining outside

It might just be the rain
And then again it might be
Jimmy peeing

Did I mention
That he was on his fathers

Captain Kangaroo
Had him sing the little
Spider crawled up the spout

And when he got to that point
He pulled it out and let go
With poor papas 

Face covering the camera
I was also told
That it was Jimmy

At the White House
The day Hillary 

Had to change her clothes
Because she was standing
Down wind of ???

Not pleasant news
Today nor tomorrow
As I often told

Meredith B
If I come out of a 
Bathroom and find a man

In the bed
I assume he is in 
The wrong room

Meredith and I 
Apparently spell
Our name the same

She is always 
Snagging my hotel 

Poor Tom 
He worked with my mother
At Burbank studios

And I was a well trained
Never go into the toilet

Without your wallet
And always exit
If there has been 

A change in the 
Never, never

Listen to someone
Who does not know
To simply leave!

But then I had those
Years when I was
Fainting or passing out

And did wind up
In a few places....
They finally took out

My kidney
Not the same as 
An appendicitis

Which they claim
Does nothing at all
And is not needed

But they did give
Me my sisters
And I know she wants

It back someday!
Well Bobbie K
The court is yours!


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Three times loser

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