Sunday, May 5, 2024

Mystic Forever Senegal


Now, now boys

Stop fighting!

Have you ever 

Heard of such a thing.

And not a whisper

Out of Fierceness....

And so it goes

The favorite died

At the gate....

Did not even surface

Came in next to last

Just ahead of 

Grand mo

Number 17 was 15th

Sad, so sad...

My bet was on 11

I just liked his style

He flew all the way

From Japan

To my country

Never had a horse

From Japan before

We had two of them

This year

Usually it is those Arabs

Who attempt to get into

Our little show 

On Churchill Downs

And they have won 

As well,

Poor little guy

So quick was he

That he got trampled

The guy next to him

Swung right in front

Of his face

Not even out of the stall

And wham got it front side

And then the crowd

Was so thick

And so fierce

That he had to catch

His breath

By swinging outside

Where he was meet

By this guy 

Whose master

Paid over two million 

For his hide

As a baby

Got to get out 

Of the crowd

Got to get to that 

Line or he will 

Be mad!

Get out of my way!



I flew 35, 000

Milles to get to this place

Watch it!

Hey referees!


Got to keep face

We are Japanese

Cant tell them

Most unhappy

Just keep going...

Where the hell

Did that guy

Come from?

Who are you?

Sneaking up behind

The two fighters

Is Mystic Dan

Got a good head

Got a good man

In the stalls

Not going to disappoint

Get out of my way

Slide right on up

And he the guy on top

Knows what he is doing

Stretch, stretch those noses

Out, out there

Photo finish

All three boys

Were right at the mark

One guy got swallowed

Up between two others

Couldn't get his head up

Or his nose out in front

They go by noses

And not by feet or hooves

Too bad 

Forever young

Was the first to break

Free of the crowd

Went to the outside

Which is the furthest

To the line

While Mystic

Got the inside route

Less foot falls

And shorter to the mark

Got to have his roses

And 3 million

Of the five million purse

Just get me one 

Of those rose bud mint julep's

They come in a gold cup

His trophy was 24 carrots

Well I just want a reminder


No one went to the races?

Even Trump 

Ran to Florida for the weekend

Everyone's money

Wasa on 17

But 2, 3, 11

Those were the numbers

On your tickets

That you wanted

Just to place

Much less win

Who thought

Of those Gassaway's


Can you believe it?

Only one guy was on hand

To stick that mike

Into his face

He let his cousin

Do the honors

With his hands firmly

On his daughters shoulders

Almost too much to believe

Hey you guys?

Who are you to us?

Now we got all those

Bookies mad at us!

How we going to do business?

Jeez Louise!

We actually live in the neighborhood.

The announcers had gone silent

First time ever

I heard a group of school girls

Get it fast

They just let the air right out

Of them watching the start

Thier guaranteed winner

Just disappeared 

Into the crowd of dust

Hope the jockey

Does not suddenly

Retire to the Bahamas

Or something

Too bad, too bad

For all of you

Who spent your last dollar

My mother grew up around

The races 

And dragged us kids into it

Some of us even trained

To ride before getting to tall

Watered and feed 

Those boys 

Only to have Jimmy come along

And steal them 

Or worse

And if Adelhead gets in the way

Will someone just mow

Her down

She has lived way to long

At other peoples expense

My mother took 

My entire savings

And sunk it into the job

I was in the back

When the last race

Of the century was running

Yelling at them

Its my entire bank account

Just take the ticket

Honey and shut up

Cat Thief 

Is what it said

Charismatic was the winner


Never got past the door

Immediately jabbed in the arm

They had to carry me out

The time I remember 

Going to the races

Unless some idiot took my back

And I just don't recall

All that mickying and ruffing

Is bad for my nerves

And my kidneys

Don't want to tell you

What I have been doing since

Bankruptcy court

Is what she put me through

And then Jimmy 

Said I was done period

Just wanted me locked up

For no reason

And anything at all.

Hey does anyone remember


Where did that cat come in?

Little bit suspicious

About all these antics

My grandmother used

To do the announcing

She knew how to describe 

A race better than 

Reagan and his little dog

What the hell was going on

In the announcers booth?

Did they have to call 

An ambulance?

Hmm, still want to know

Where my ticket went

All those purses that 

Keep getting stolen

Enough to make a girl

Have a nervous breakdown....

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...