Saturday, May 11, 2024

Should I tell them?


What should I tell them?
Life is not fair
I was once told

Can you imagine
What role one would
Choose if you could 

Have any one?
Eva Green
Has gone from 

Miss Moneypenny
To Milady De Winter
She is not the best actress

And she looks a lot
Like her grandmother
Doris Green Roberts

Another famous actress
Married twice with one son
Plus the one she had before....

Anyways it is mothers day
What should I do?
Call them up

And tell them 
She does not want 
To see them

As Suzie Pittz
Did routinely
She was the one

Who always stooled them
Then raided my fathers wallet
So she could afford

To pay for their fun weekend
With the non mother...
I would love to play

Mrs. De Winter
Alone in the world
With no friends

Working for the enemy
While her son is living
With another woman

Putting a knife to a mans
Throat would be easy
If he were the wrong one

Such as Duane who still
Has not gotten the message
Child pedophiles are never forgiven

Being strangled as a child
Is not pleasant
Nor is the constant comments

From your mother
About your virginity
Cant even buy a bottle

Of Olive Oil
Without wanting to crack
Her on the head

And pour it all over her....
Duane was only told
To stay a 100 yards away from me

Which is why every school trip
He was there 
100 yards away!

My sister and I 
Never had the conversation
But my fingers twitch

Every time he sticks
His head up 
And he always stick his head up!

My mother lay 
There dying
Refusing to eat

From my fork
Looking down the hallway
No one showed up

Not even jimmy
In the daytime
Did they even know?

Probably not
Stay in touch!
Is what i heard them told

By the Elders
Of the congregation
They had been stolen

From us when we little
They were forced to live
With other people

Who would not allow
Them to know us at all
But Betty A and Suzie P

Often had them visit them
Instead of us
Imagine a religion

That blames six-year-old 
Girls for what a sixteen-year-old
Has done such as given birth

Such as Joane
I recall those National Park days
When we had no place 

Else to go or we would
Be kidnapped or abducted
I always bit, scratched, kicked and peed

On them, getting away
Was easy, finding home
Was the hard part

My family always 
Lived somewhere different
Don't you remember where you live

The cops would ask
How could I respond
When I knocked on the door

And found them living 
There instead
Somone else was always 

Living inside our house
And now most of them
Have been torn down

By the way Jessica S
Why don't you lean
On Candace a little bit

More than usual
Her and your husband
Could be mother and son

Whereas I know
That your mother 
Is the one you call

Sister Joane
Who showed up
Not wearing a top

It was the sixties
And those things 
Were considered optional

No bras ladies
And the t-shirt
Was often too dirty

To wear
Isn't that right dear?
You see dear Jessica

Your were homeless
And you showed up
Sucking off your mothers tits

In front of everyone
At the campground
Was that Yosemite?

Hmm, well eventually
She was arrested
And you were removed

Not before she made 
False claims 
Against my father

Whom she described
In detail
And then did not recognize

Him when he came forward!
Of course we did go to court
And you lost poor little thing

Which is why you went
Around kicking me grandfather
Out of his places

Your friends have told 
You lies is what i should
Tell those two princes

Of my mother
We are not talking
About Jimmy

He is not a prince
Nor a king
And he is not my father!

They lost their family
Over nothing more
Than some evil slave

Who just did not want
To give back the money
They had stolen

And those others
German criminals
Working over the American public

Your mother and sister
Are bad people
We dont know what to do

They just keep showing up....
They called every year
It is time for that meeting

I had agreed to be a missionary
On one of those dark days
When I thought 

I would never see my father
Again thinking it would
Be something my mother hated

She did hate it
And she kept making problems
For me everywhere I went

Born with a pair of perfect
Angles, indentical girls
Princesses for her to enjoy

She took care of my father
She said in order for it not
To happen again

No girls!
Then she kept having boys
I wondered

Really  I did 
But grandma  said not to ask
And I would not know what

To tell them.
Sorry I am dads only 
Surviving daughter?

And I am not a princess
Life just keeps going on and on
By the way Jessica

While my parents were
Attending business 
The homeless man

Would reside inside
Our homes
John G

Is what he called himself
He is not a Roman Italian
But from the Ottoman empire

Not Greek 
And I am part Sicilian

Wonder if he would like
A knife at his throat
Do you have one

Sweet Aunt Candy
With her storehouse
Of chemicals

She administers by needle?
Well, it is this way
John was always sliding out

The back door
When my parents arrived
Meanwhile he had been

Sleeping in my parents bed
Hence, Jessica and Janet
Are probably both your

Happy Mothers day!
Why dont you go out

And buy youself something
Without using my money!
It is this way guys

I know you loved us
Once upon a time
Those men told you lies

Told you not to talk to us
Told you not to come to our aid
It is not your fault

They kept calling me
To show up for them
Always had me on hand

When the overseers
Showed up 
Just to make it look good

But never gave us a single cent
While their wives have been robbing us
All because were once five generations

Of faithful women
Who were going to serve god
We did serve god 

Just not the way they wanted
We were not supposed to give up
Our lives for someone else

Nor provide income for them either
Every one of us 
Has faced the firing squad

Just because of Jimmy
Who just wants to have his way
But not do anything for it.

She died penniless
Because she was robbed
By Jimmies only wife

Teresa and her son Juan Barron
She continues to make life
Difficult through the medical clinics

My mother made a will
And paid for life insurance
Listing me as the heir

The only one
She was not allowed
To acknowledge you boys

Nor even leave you anything
Beside Suzie and Betty
Had already taken what 

She wanted for you guys
A life of adventure
Which I do remember us having

All over the world
Only to return to Paris
Before heading home

You were supposed to go
To university and get a career
Whereupon she would 

Introduce you to well to do people
With beautiful daughers
And deep pockets

Instead she was forced
To provide this service
To others such as Sean N

And Dan F or Brent W
None of them were her choices
They were forced upon her

By those who did not care
About her cancer nor want
Her to live either

It is the only reason
I stayed to make sure
She did not end up on the streets

As I know they planned 
Peter B is great at planning
But the execution always

Has to go to someone else.
She did not hate you
She did not know you

Not really
Just some guys
Who showed up

And wanted to speak
To the elders about
Her living conditions

I took them to court
And the legal team
Did show up 

Even going on their knees
But Bernice continued to tell
The local cops that mom

Did not own the right
To anything while her son 
Bill has been waiting 

All his life
For me to take a knife
To his ....

We did what we could
And often won
But her brains were fried

Never drink the tap water
Or the from the punch bowl
Is probably all I will tell them

Nothing of the ways
She wanted to know
Whom I was

While she sat thier dreaming
Until Jimmy caught her
And she had to do what 

He wanted one more time
Just because there are bad
People who sit down

In other peoples religions
Such as the Coulteres
Chased me down the street

With a knife in her hand
Said I was trying to get her husband
Not my type and yes she made sure

I walked in while they were in bed
It is when I gave up inside
About the religion that just wont

Do anything accept 
Send strongly worded letters
Through the regular post

Which is then picked up
By the ones mentioned inside 
Those envelopes

Thinly veiled threats
Is what I was told
When I attempted to go

Straight to the source
After all they had removed
Donald from his home

And put him in a nursing home
He never did see anyone again
And he was once part of the

Writing team upstairs
They did not care
They have this idea

They can do whatever they want
And get away with it
Because their collective familes

Take care of business for them.
We were not in fact bad women
But disillusioned ones

Who thought god 
Would save us from hell
He is going to do it his way

He delegates to these men
Of god waiting for them to get it right
But not forgetting us either

It is not what I will tell you
Either but simply that 
She did love you

Somewhere in her mind
When she was a young woman
And had a husband

And a family of four
Plus her own parents
She was lost without them

Next time
Don't listen to the men
Don't listen to Jimmy 

Or Lisa Calvi
As she was already told
On bended knee

Not to continue her 
Bad ways but her husband
Just cant do anything 

About Candys bastard
Born on the beach 
As you will recall

Feet first and backwards
Wicked knows no bounds
Dont worry about mother

She is gone now
And thanks to those men
Wont remember your kindness

Your faces or you
Her mind was gone a long time ago
Mother's day might be best 

Going to headquarters
And telling them what you were told
Instead of sending roses to Suzie...

De Winter
A woman out in the cold
Who knows god exists 

But that men get it wrong
Even the best of them
Rely on other women to tell them lies...

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Well, well why dont you

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