Sunday, May 12, 2024

Feeding the World, Americas promise....



What not now!

We are modern humans.

In America

Farmers are subsidized

25 billion dollars

Or they would not make it

35 million dollars

Is the typical food bank costs

So the community

Will not resort to complete


In Gaza 

There are people starving

6.67 hundred thousands

Because of the current

Tense situation

Where they opened fire

On a music festival

Taking hostages

And raping them

Causing an elevated situation

Not unlike

The old ancient history accounts

In the bible

Of the people

And their lack of humanity

Deuteronomy 28:53

She said, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son, and we will eat him today. Then we will eat my son tomorrow.’ 29 So we boiled my son and ate him, and I said to her the next day, ‘Give up your son, and we will eat him,’ but she has hidden her son.”

Certainly! In the book of Jeremiah, there is a passage that describes a dire situation during a siege. In Jeremiah 19:9, it says:

“I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh because their enemies will press the siege so hard against them to destroy them.”

This verse portrays a horrifying scenario where the people of Jerusalem were under siege, facing extreme hunger and desperation. The hands of compassionate women even resorted to cooking their own children for sustenance during this devastating time1. It’s a grim depiction of the consequences of war and famine.

Luxury tax or sin tax

5.49 dollars

Per pack of cigarettes

People sit around

Smoking their heads off

While claiming to be starving

Causing the rest of us

To shorten our lives

My mother always 

Kept her own family

From having food for ourselves

Learning to starve everyday

Just because they were

On ration cards during

Her childhood

She was told to only eat

What was on her plate

But then her mother 

Got pregnant

Usually a bird eater

She ate like a horse

Making my mother

Permanently mentally ill

About allowing people

To eat food

No sooner did I earn

Money then it was taken away

She was even shown 

On television

Smiling as she stuck 

A needle in my arm

So she could just take my purse

Because I was unwilling

To pay for Peter Barmettler

To sit at my grandfather's table

And eat everything he could

While he complained

Of a back pain

My grandfather ended up

Loosing his whole way of life

It is what happens

When one goes too long

Without food

It causes all types

Of hallucinations

As well as classic

Non psychotic things

While my mother simply

Was greedy about food

She often got that gleam

In her eyes making the wise

To back off from food

Even if we paid for it

And put in her refrigerator

She would call the cops

If we thought we could

Eat our own food

Her breathe would smell

Of hot dogs, French fries

From the local fry joint

Stealing the stuff 

Not eaten by others

While we lay there waiting

But not allowed

She just did not want

Us to eat anything

Then she would carry on

That this was our life now

Because we ate the food 

Provided for us 

If the government

Did not subsidize the farms

We Americans would have no food

If they had not kept the cost

Down people would not have been

Eating all this time

The increase price of food

Is more accurate to the true real cost

Instead of the limit put upon

The items on the shelf

If I accept the free food

From these places

Because it is so much more

To provide basics

I still have to pay

Extra for the bread

Gluten free

Used to be normal

Only people such as 

Jimmy who have African ancestry

Don't get diarrhea from eating

White wheat products

Every European has some

Allergy to this product

But it varies according to their system

And it builds up in the system

Some one such as myself

With no African relatives

But native American and European

Have issues of being

Told to just eat it

When in fact 

After awhile

It is stay out of my way

Those toilet episodes 

Are tiresome

So is the idea

That a person

Is forced to accept

Other people

Stealing the food

From you with your name

On it just because

It is special food

They just want to know

What it tastes like

Split peas and garbanzo beans

Are freeze dried 

And made into flour

Then baked for those things

From bread to snacks

Including the pasta

And then they add 

Gluten to the products

Once okay for eating

The kind of person

Who steals your food

Or your money for food

Much less the one that 

Wants to eat it off your fork

The same ones

That existed in prior times

People don't do that


Cannibalism is not even

Something people joke about

I will take her but

Because it is so fat

Out of the mouth of
Peter Barmettler

And Janet Pittsenbarger

Wanted what body part?

They were fighting over my body

Because I have a diagnosed 

Thyroid condition

Not a sweet tooth

I ended up in kidney failure

Those ungrateful kids

Who though their parents

Were crazy for not taking advantage

When in fact

They were often the ones

Clearing out the garages

You don't have Mormons

In your families

Do you?

They are some of those 

Religions which requires

An extra amount of food

To be kept on the side

Strangely so does this one

But no one has any of it

They find out if you

Have relatives in your family

And show up with either 

Thier hand out for money

Or a crowbar for the locks

These people have existed

By stealing everything

They can and plan

To do so the rest

Of their lives

Because they were told

They will be the survivors

Thus, leaving them the only ones

Such as Wendy Dimsdale

Who has her sights

On Fort Knox

They actually sit around

Speaking about how they

Are going to get into

The places they have not already


There is no guarantee 

They will survive

But they don't know that

And their antisemitism

Is staggering when gets

Them to talk about it

Meanwhile there area girls

Who insist a girl of six

Can give birth

Spending their life

Getting even with the child

And destroying everything

They can of her life.

While they think thier strong arm

Methods go unnoticed

The authroites

Are only waiting until

They have to use force

On the crowds

Such as in Gaza

Where they shot at the pople

Who were supposed to get

The food for thier families

I recall this happened 

When my family lived

In Africa and other places

My mother always wanted

The free stuff

Sacrificing ones mothers

Is more normal in the history

Of mankind

And these younggirls

Are no different

In their treatement

Of even my mother

Who thought they liked her

Brent Weiand's 

Showing up needing to know

Where we had been from the taxi

Because he was not going

To allow her to live any longer

While I have had more 

Hits on the head

And knives in the back

The reality is that 

The fantasy of being

Allowed to access these places

Is not going to happen

And most people

Don't spend 200 hundred dollars

Per week on food

400 hundred a month

Is the expectation

All those who spendmore

Or not aware of reality

nor the actual cost

If unguarded would

Eliminate anything

But bread and water

Happy Mother's day

To all those born

Into special religions

And special families

Who believe they are going

To replace royalty

Demanding to have their way

All the time

While someone is forced 

To exist without their own income

Those in Israel 

Have forgotten

The Roman and the Nazis...

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...