Sunday, May 19, 2024

Nakhchivan autonomous republic


A blast from the past
This land of mystery
And beauty

It is like a novel
Out of the past
Of a lost princess

Or President
Iran's lost its leader
Somewhere north

There is a helicopter
Who did not make it
A hard landing

What does that mean?
No fireball has been spotted
Nor has the location

Just on the border
Of Azerbajin 
The closet neighbor

There is an enclave
Famous in the past
For its high tower

And castle in the sky
The way out of 
The former Persia

Georgia, Armenia
And Turkey 
Are also borders

Where or where
Is Raisi?
The 63 year old

Has gone missing
After his flight
Was suddenly ...

If I were escaping
I would make my way
By water not land

This enclave is
Surrounded on all sides
Yet is allowed 

To have its own 
Elections and politicians
A former Ottoman

And former Bolshevik
It was allowed its freedom
Unlike some unnamed place

What will the west do?
Crucial to thier middle eastern
Politics is this entire area

One guy goes missing...
The whole area goes up!
It is now dark

Very dark 
In the land of
Arabian princesses

What will they do
With all that

There has to be
An answer...

Lets hope someone
Gets to him
Before the wolves

Come to prey
Upon the head
Of the man

With the knowledge
Of his country
And its arsenal.....

Flying into the 
Unknown in weather
Not for happiness

Must have been
Important to be there
Qiz Gharle Dam

Is not on the map
But Iraq is sitting
There in the early hours

Considering if their 
Enemy is worth
The effort to rescue

Go deep
In some areas

And McCoys

Shaking the wrong hand
Keeps one from 

When it is needed
What will the west do?

Biden, Biden
He is a human being
Not lucifer incarnate....

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...