Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Son, do not fly into a storm!

Should a retarded

Woman come over

And introduce herself

Just throw her ass

Into a jail cell.

My new office entrance

Is just that 

Metal doors now 

Into what was 

Formerly a Marriotts

No more nice guy

All because a cry baby

Has to have his way

And uses everyone

To thier disadvantage

My mother is dead

And no one else can

Provide evidence of 

Giving me life

Only death over and over

Thought I would try

The free hand out

Of produce in the Y

Outreach program

They used to be a 

Good association

They even had a song

About them by some

Unknown group

The Village


Not worth the wait

Some water bottles

And a thing of pasta

Along with a box

Of breakfast bars


Nothing to even get 

Out of bed 

But then I had the

Company of two old 

Time Ukrainians

One looked like

He used to wear a

Military suit

Too old to serve

So he left?

Some Asians 

Who hit every single one

And then i got insulted

On the bus by Tehranian


Are they giving out free food?

I remember way back

That they had no way

Of understanding 

How America worked

Accustomed to all the free

Handouts at those camps

Now freshly showered

The have too much income

To understand being a little

Bit under due to the way

People take advantage

Of those who take 

The public transport system

They also looked as if 

They had cars!

I had a few more

Observers on the busses

I have been carjacked

So many times 

That all I have to do 

Is drive into any 

Kingdom hall

And pick out 

Half the vehicles

As once belonging

To myself

Don't misunderstand

The ones who know

When to strike

Are the very same ones

Who watch your every move.

On to more important 

Things than my tumors

Being mocked by everyone

Including my mother

Is that there is a spillover

The riots in Paris

Have spilled over

Into New Caledonia

That is the island

Down under

The Australians are 

Launching flights

To evacuate their 

Citizens from the burning

Cars and other things

Hey they are doing

It in Paris

I don't see England

Telling their people

To get on the next flight out!

Please do not fly into

Bad weather!

After the Iranian President

Has been found dead

There should not be 

Another plane disaster

Fly well and safe

Mr Macron

Into your countries 


Do they give you

A parachute?

Or are your body


Well, lets not talk

About it 

My cat is starring

Me down again

He wants to play

Bottle cap

While I am working!

Please stop and play

With me!

He steals them 

Sometimes before the bottle

Is empty!

And then chases them


Then plop

On my desk

He wants me

To pick it up

And throw it

So he can chase it 

Again and again


With my cat!

I have been tossing

It high for him

To catch

Which he does

With his paws

Clever cat

And such an intelligent face

Not like some of 

Those guys who drop by

Actually no one

Comes to visit me

They stop and talk

To  others instead....

As for Israel

Don't worry

Jimmy Carter

Will give you a free pass

Thats right 

No longer the President

Is he even still alive?

99 and too old

To care

Oh well,

Just be careful 

Not to get mickied

Or Ruffied 

And find yourself

Waking up 

In the wrong place

Like some people

I know 

Such as that Irby guy

Liked to show up

Asking about the money

The ladies owed him

While his wife sat

In the car outside

Her elder husband

Was exacting his dues

Unless a young girl

Got to him first

And dragged his limp

Body to a dumpster

Where his wife found him

Not to long later

Just wants his dues

And takes them

From the innocent women

With no men to guard them

Reminds me of Jimmy

Always selling me to someone 

Else again and again

Even had a man

From Tehran

Kept coming back

To visit us waiting

For me to be old enough

My grandfather 

Finally figured it out

Since his daughter

My mother was refusing

To allow me inside

Her house while he was in town

Nothing untoward occured

But a frustrated college man

Got frustrated and tired of the game

Then he made the announcment

Of what my family already knew

That I had a female disease 

Causing me to not be able

To have babies

Which is true

He went his way

And I got invited to a

Swiss clinic

To produce a prototype

A frozen embryo

A single one 

Just in case I wanted

To have children

Went into the freezer

For a future time 

All the other girls

Were reproducing

Like bunnies

Hop, hop, hop

Lots of promises

But no one ever

Follows through 

On them 

As long as jimmy

Just wants to have his way

I wonder if a local

News circus

Wants to be shut down

Since everyone of their girls

Insists I am their mother

None of them must 

Be legal at all

San Diego needs

A migrant processing place

And that local news place

Is in such a convenient 

Location near the border....

I bet even Kimberly

Has no real paperwork

Did I tell you the story

Of how I had to go through

The nationalization process

Right here in San Diego

Just because I  had lost my papers....


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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...