Friday, May 17, 2024

Mexica Hueyi Tlatoani Cuauhtémoc

Hey Jimmy!
Oh, that's right
You don't get up

Before noon.
You don't care about

Anything with the military
Except setting the boats
On fire 

Or being the one to push 
The button
To annihilate entire villages

In some foreign country...
By the way,
The Mexican navy

Is in town
On a training ship
A sailing ship

They are going 
To cruise towards 
Asia for goodwill

Wonder if they have
Plans to make it to Pairs?
Probably not

But they would look
Along with the rest

Of the flotilla
For the Olympic 2025

Mexica Hueyi Tlatoani Cuauhtémoc 
Was executed in 1525
But he has a ship

Named after him
Mexicans are unique
In their thinking of the world

On the one hand
They celebrate the death
Of those who proceeded

The Spanish conquerors
But also celebrate
The demise of them as well

The end of the Imperial nation
Of the Estados Unidos
De Mexico

Well if you want to get
On one of those old boys
There is one parked 

Downtown on B street pier
But they pull up the drawbridge
At eight pm tonight

Just one day to view
The world from someones
Elses eyes

The entire navy crew
Was there this morning
While we waited

There was a junior team
That left in their uniforms
And then those whites

They had us board
While they were doing
Roll call

Had to walk around 
The crew to go up
To the front of the ship

Strange but friendly
Went for a walk afterwards
One group went to the 

Left and the other 
To the right
Wonder what their plans

Are for the day?
Well there is plenty to see
Along the boardwalk.....

My grandfather
Who raised my father
Was born in 1899

And then trained 
On the USS Constitution!
Still have those photos

If jimmy has gotten 
To them first

He was raised 
In the East as an Indian
Made it to Chief Engineer

On a modern war cruiser
He spent fifty years
Serving America 

Through two world wars
Stationed in San Diego
And then retired 

With an officers rank
Before he died
He was on the 

Goodwill tour
Of the old ironsides
Made it to the West coast

And did not go back
Into those woods
Jimmy is not his grandson

And is a conscientious objector
Filing as the first when
The draft was repealed

He slept all night
On the sidewalk
Outside the Post Office

Just to file under a false name
Did you know he is an illegal?
Just walked across the border

Wont go back
And causes enough trouble
To terrify foreign ambassadors....

I grew up on boats
And served in a civic way
National parks, Forestry, Search and Rescue...

I even won a few things
When I was young enough
To get respect

Instead of being offered
A hand just because
I have a walking stick

Once I was known
As well as a sailor
But now I cant even mention

Anything at all
Without a couple 
Walking away 

In disgust for some reason
Or other that I don't know
What did I do wrong?

It is all in Jimmys
Head that I am to blame
Really I was once considered a nice girl....


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Well, well why dont you

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