Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Now, now sweet child


When the end came

They set fire

To their own homes

And their churches

To cover over 

Thier own misdeeds

They had it planned

All those stories

Of those old guys

The young men

After the war in Europe

Thought they were smart

Just kept on talking

The children were never

Going to be old enough

And they had all that

Stuff just waiting for them

The envy of some 

Such as Duane

That we would take

Advantage of their 

Peaceable kingdom

When they had it 

Already planned out

Of how they were going

To take over 

None of that nonsense

From Brooklyn

About waiting to see....

They were going to be 

The first ones into the stores

And the banks

And anything they needed

They were going to take

The younger men

Did one better

They went in and 

Raided all those 

Store houses

They even went

And got rid of other

Peoples store houses

Not going to allow

Them to have anything

Made sure there was nothing

Left for them to fall back upon

Then they chose straws

As to who would be the ones

To go in and take care

Of those stupid old men

Who was going to put

A knife to Jimmys throat

Is he going to still be alive?

Why don't we plot on that 

Other guy 

Not the one in the oval office

Although the girls 

Had already decided 

What rooms they were

Going to live in

They needed those

Other ones gone

Before it was too late

They have plans of 

Taking over completely

From headquarters

After all they are 

The ones in power

Of all the information

They could get 

On the locations of items

As well as the passcodes

And what not for that 

Moment in time

When god strikes

The earth and they

Know that they

Are the chosen ones

Not going to take

Any chances at all

All those plans

And now they are 

Sitting there themselves

Having raided even 

The places left over

So there is nothing at all

To raid in the future

Getting tired of getting

Out of bed in the morning

Already half a century

Has passed 

And nothing is happening

All those stories

Of those old guys

And there is nothing

They gave up thier own

Youth in order to make sure

They were going to be the Princes

On earth after it all collapsed


The angels had other plans

Secrets not kept

Promises not met

And there they are


Just like any other group

Had so much promise

They are going to have

To resurrect some 

Of those already completed

Thier journey without failure

Such as Russell

All that talk of old fashioned

And russelllites

He might be the answer

To this group  of thugs

Just like in the days

Of Noah

Waiting to kill their own

Taking what they want

From those who were

Told they were safe

No one is left over

Give me that list...

Lets get some of those

Already gone to come back

And take care of this mess

But they are the ones

Told what was going to happen

And still allowed it

Even better

They wanted us to do the job

Resurrect them

And let them deal 

With the chaos!

Ha, thought they

Would get rid of all 

Of the world leaders

As well, lets give

Them a few of those guys

As well

It is going to be a complete

World wide riot

If we dont take care 

Of this now

Oh that has not happaned


Why does he leave it to us?

Still pissed about that garden of his

Went in and destroyed it all

Just because he was 

So beautiful

And the favorite

These guys could 

Be his grandsons

That reminds me


Lets make sure there is

No mistake about it

I actually  heard 

Those guys claiming

They were going to go down

And release him

From hell!

Thats not going to happen.....

Running feet in the distance

Breathless and heartstricken

They gone and done it

She is gone

Nowhere to be found

What about?

Oh he got out a while ago

We knew that was going to happen

Which is why we all agreed about....

He is gone!

No way!

Who let that happen?

Those guys went and

Moved out of that location

Thought they could move

To those farms

Left somethings behind

You mean

He was hidden right

Underneath them?


Its just what happened

Kept changing his location

Become problematic

So they made this cute

Disposal system

In that area where no one

Was going to find

Thier way back

After dispersing them all

But no it was inevitable

That they would burn 

Down everything in Europe

But dont worry about it

They were all put in different

Places so that none of them

Can find the others

And that was not disclosed

He cant do anything

Without his followers!

The dragon had escaped

And he did not need the others

He could do it on his own

Had already infected

All those minds

Of that group 

Just like before

It is so easy

Got to love that guy

They always do it

Get to confident

He is just going 

To wedge himself

Into a nice corner

To watch the clean up

And see what those idiots

Are going to do next....

We cant fail 

We could just wake him up

And explain what?

Sorry we let too much time

Go by while we thought

Just once his group 

Was going to do it

Right just once!

What a mess this is

Where is she?

Not responding to anything

Those remnants ones

Are hiding from the others

They know what is going to happen

Not the day and hour

But the chaos 

That is going to rein over all the lands

While the angels figure it out

Lets just wake up 

The old man....

One look and he knew

He would be the one

Kept out of the way

Not going to happen

Going to get it right

And those young dudes

With knifes to the old men's throats

Are his primary concern

Then let the little children

One around a play....

Snore  sniff

Hmm, what time is it?

Must be about time

Why has no one come 

For him?

Going to take care of it


Sigh lets just take a peak

Uh huh, 

Not going to happen

As planned

Al right I will do it again

Slip into a dove

And put things right

While they think he is just

Waiting for them

To get done playing

Really, when are they going

To get it right

Not in a millennium....

The child sleeps on 

While she watches 

The winds pick up

And the destruction 

Upon the naysayers

Occurs according to his plans

Nowhere to go and no place to hide

For anyone at all

But some know how to do it

Where did that dragon go?

Rumble goes the earth

The Kings and Presidents

Are still sitting on their chairs

Just as it should be

Until he decides based upon

Their works he is and he is not....

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...