Friday, November 18, 2022

40 thousand towards one coat


All I wanted for this Christmas was a warm full length sweater coat.

I have a few stolen, who steals wool or Cotten sweater coats?

Your nearest neighbor or roommate.

I had my eye on a nice black one, but the store is out of it.

In California it is frustrating because we wait till at least thanksgiving.

Then your chosen favorite has been gotten by another.

Kind of like boyfriends.

You struggle all summer long

Keeping even your best friend from guessing.

And then at Thanksgiving.

You have it planned.

This one guy, parents, this one.

As my story goes from worse to worse.

They went after me online and got blocked.

So, they simply went for the wallet.

I have no idea at what point.

But two hundred dollars.

Disappeared from my carefully guarded purse.

What am I to do?

Wait till next month and start over with my expenses.

Sniff, sniff, hopefully I won't get a cold.

Anyways, it is the month of turkey giveaways.

And I am officially broken.

So, I got up early to go to the one guaranteed.

He never fails, this guy is from Somai and a minister.

He failed; he was in the hospital.

And the woman he left in charge.

Lied to us, all two persons who showed up

A week before Thanksgiving at least an hour before 

Standing in line and the cold with no bathrooms.

She sweetly said they did not have enough.

They are handing them out on the streets

To anyone who has a car.

Everyone has a favorite place.

And those of us who go to foodbanks

Or turkey giveaways

Go to the same place every year.

This is the Lutheran church 

With the mile high cedar tree.

The original one was dieseled from Denmark.

Tje Queen of Denmark did alot of travels

In the Seventies with her young sons.

She paid for this tree herself 

And the trip through the Panama Canal.

And waited with everyone for to arrive

And be planted as her gift to the community.

People used to have thses ethnic places.

The Daughters of the American Revolution

The Daughters of Denmark 

Was alos a club one went to on the weekend

It was not an exclusive club

But a place to feel at home amongst

Everyone else in the neighborhod

Who were not accepting your strange

Grandmother or greatgrandmothers

Behavior or cooking or anything.

Unlike the modern Africans who just walk in 

And sit down, taking over everything 

As if we did not offer them an allowance

Of living normal lives without issue

Only to have them want your life

Your special gift from grandma

Your name on thier birth certificate.

Anyways, this used to be an all white group

Of the ones who could not call home

Instead it is primarily mexican

Who have homes on the other side

OF the Border and they are not starving

But they come to everything 

Because they belive life is free in America

We have to go back to get our cooked meal

Handed to us by the group next week.

Some of us have dietary needs

And others have no place to cook

But we have to stand in line again

To receive what should have been 

Provided normally as part of the deal

It is always part of the cities 

To give out to those who need.

My father would have a turkey in each hand

They used to have huge meals for everyone

Until those girls who went to prison

For lying about being his real daughters

Instead of my sister and myself

And she died while my father lost himself

My mother gave up her soul

Just to lie to little African kids

It was her purest joy

To see how easy, they were

And how many of them she could

Convince she wanted them to be 

Her one and only born out of wedlock

Baby bitch for her to destroy her family

She began to hate her own family

As part of her Dementia 

And Brain Cancer

It is often the way it is with that type

Of disease, it eats you alive

Destroying your own person.

They cut down the tree,

The Lutherans who were gifted

By the Queen of Denmark.

They cut down her expensive tree

It is part of the Lutheran the image of the tree

There is now a metal version 

Sticking way up above the houses

But it is not the same.

She came to visit a few years ago.

Del Mar which is where the Denmark Consulate

Is located was where she went after her husband died

She did not come all the way down to San Diego

But neither did Biden come down from Oceanside

His granddaughter is getting married tomorrow

In the Rose Garden of the White House.

She decided to no longer have her second son

Be a Prince or his children

What some of these girls think

That they are the real little princess

But they are not allowed to tell their parents

Nor the mother because they are being lied to

As if your mother wakes up to make

Your pillow smelly from her own body

Dementia has its limits as to tolerance

So the Queen of Denamark

No longer wants son number two 

To be a prince

While number one married a divorce

Trump has decided to run again for President

And his first born is jumping ship

While his other daughter got married

This last weekend at Mar Lago

Too bad neither daddy

Caught one of those Minks

Another crazy environmentalist

Released forty thousand minks into the wild

These small guys are kept in domesticity

And have no knowledge of life outside

Besides they are not large rodents

But like ferrets a special kind of their own

Anyways hey went running wild in the north

Ten thousand are still at large

How many tiny minks make one coat?

Probably more than one handful

Sorry girls, you might be your daddy's princesses

But you won't be getting a royal garment.

And sometimes one can get cut from the royal line.

Unlike these girls who just want it to be true.

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