Wednesday, November 9, 2022

is it safe to come out yet?


Watch me!

I don't walk to talk about it.


Are the elections over yet?

Can one come out from under the table?

Or out of the woods?

Is it safe?

There he goes again.

Disappointing everyone.

Mr. Putin after being defiant in the Spring

Has now said he will not attend the G summit.

Oh, come on!

Thats politics

One can never guarantee the outcome 

Nor how the players are going to play.

And there she is saying so bravely,

I was scared!

Nancy Pelosi on having the pounding at her door.

She thought it might be the kids or grandchildren.

But no, it was her husband

The Capital Police were standing there informing 

Her of the break in all the way across the coountry.

She does not want to talk about losing her chair

She has been Speaker of the House

Forever and last night it is thought

She might not have a job anymore.

They are still counting and counting.

But it looks as if the Republicans 

Have taken over, majority rules.

And her chair will go to someone else.

Imagine this sweet lady

Eion's ago, taking in some strays

And finding them always being dragged

To her door in the middle of the night.

She probably did not know how horrifying

It would be to a non-relative having to sit through

It over and over again.

My great-grandmother had to do that.

Have all sorts of children arrive at her door.

She had only had just over a dozen of her own.

Not all of them survived to adulthood. 

And not all of them were going to make it after that.

But here came the neighborhood.

Ken and Candy leading the charge

Somehow, they thought they could convince

Her that she had forgotten some of hers.

She knew exactly who they were 

No matter where they were!

Anyways, Mr. Biden 

Was asked if he thought he would

Get away with running again.

With all the upheaval 

And losing the Democrats

Majority in the Senate as well.

Just Watch me!

He is just as defiant as Putin.

Politics worse than a bad performed Shakespeare.

He might have two left feet

And difficulty with those steep stairs.

But he still has his wits.

Well, what is next?

The French guy falling off the Eiffel tower?

He has to get ready for those Olympics

That are coming to his town.

I wish I was going.

I'm still trying to get there

But I am still trying to get 

A Doctor and or a Dentist

To treat me as a human.

Well, another voting day over.

Squeezing the liquid out....

And the guy who had my vote,


That nice California Governor

With the very beautiful family.

Move over Jill,

There is a family looking to redecorate.

After the Rose Garden wedding of your granddaughters.

Just let me say it.

It sounds like Jimmy struck again.

Really, it is just up his alley to hire a guy.....

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