Sunday, November 27, 2022

Where have you been?


All those old coffee shops of yesteryear.

When people were at least honest with themselves.

Instead, everyone is now to consumed 

With putting on a performance for TikTok.

What happened to all the old school 

Promises of coming through in the end.

Instead that horrible Lisa is probably

Sleeping on the family property 

That her mother candy insists

Belongs to her instead of me.

She was born to a German family

And one the supports fascists even now

But just wanted to belong to the Danes

Mainly to rout them out of America

And she has done a lot of harm in that regard

Having Lisa feet first and then not being able

To acknowledge that she had her stepbrother's child

While he got married toa woman who was not her friend

Does not mean I have to put up with it.

If Gary thinks he is going to 

tell me he has no place to live

Then I will make sure his not living

He has long pretended to be friendly to my family

All over some stupid story of his father in Italy

Being routed out of his hoe during the war

He was still alive, wasn't he?

No hey have to come all the way to California

Just to rob us of our homes

And neither one of my grandfathers were in Italy!

But Gary is also one of Ludmilas husband 

And the father of at least one of her children.

Although I am not sure her last husband was aware

Of how many men she paraded through customs 

In the old days when they were taking in those

Who claimed to be German and unhappy

They have not gone home, have they?

Just liars like Suzanna, they all know each other

And my neighbor is going to start in on me

About not knowing that it would hurt

If something of mine went missing

Like the money in my wallet

The case workers don't know how

To tell me not to carry cash around

But then my debit card does not work

On their machines either

So having half and half 

Is the way to go in this pandemic

Which is coming to an end.

And well it should 

The people of the community

Have gotten downright ugly

They don't want you at their gym

Which is the one your membership

Was already before this thing began

Nor do they want you to shop 

At their stores which were yours before

Nor ride the bus as the drivers 

Had to be hired after the others 

Went on strike because they did not 

Want to catch this thing

But then lost their jobs

and these new guys do nothing but scream at you.

where have you been?

All my old friend were warned off 

By Candance a long time ago

And they have even forgotten they were friends

While my family don't know who I am 

At all, but still want to know 

Where to go to crash when things 

Go wrong. Well, that redhead down

There is going to get out of the lace

Because she has already been arrested a few times

Her old boyfriend and father of her children

Gary had better not have come down to stay

While she sold everything out from under me

Those bodies have to dig up 

Whether or not she wants them

While I am tired of seeing Latinos

Around me as if she is Mexican

They did not arrive in Baja

Until after World War two

So, stop the lying that they 

Were already there before us

A three-hundred-year-old 

French land grant

And Scandinavian land grant

Is not to be awarded to some 

Italian bastard and his German catholic wife

Believe me Jimmy is not down yet

But I am and it is over

The day I am not allowed to have

The traditional Thanksgiving 

Weekend for all of our friends and family

There is not forgiveness in murder

Just to have a place to take off your clothes

And run into someone else's arms

All that fornication and adultery

And then they sit down in a congregation

And lie about the little babies 

Belonging to the one person 

Who can't have babies.

I am not going to accept a single one

Of them, all two hundred

Are put on notice to get out

Before it is too late

My mother is not running the show

Anymore having gone to her grave

Fifteen years ago, and if Betty A

Opens her mouth again it will be the last time.

Honey I am tired of you telling me

You think I am mental instead of yourself

My mother was never a fit mother

And not allowed to adopt as a grandmother

Those who continue believing they can

Just have what they wat because it is 

Unfair not to celebrate holidays

Should look at themselves really carefully

Before they go to prison for the next few decades

If it is not me, it will be someone else

Who sends them without recall.

Where have you been all this time?

Listening to the wrong person on the phone?

Believing the lies of Jimmy who won't even stop lying to himself?

Or just waiting for Armagedón?

I fear those in Ukraine will have a time

Of getting their lives back after they return

To nothing at all 

Just because their leader

Is too stupid to keep asking for more money

And not surrender to the idea 

That he is never going to be allowed to keep Donbas

The UN will be forced to hand it over in the end.

If not to Russia to itself.

Or the UN will be shut down 

If they fail to give them the freedom 

They ask for in a time of peace

I am tired of hearing the false reports

Of unprovoked attack on his poor backside

He is the one who started the war

He is the one who showed aggression 

Towards another country

And even tried to get the military operation

To obey him instead of their appointed leader

He is the one at fault for continuing

This affair long after it is over

When is he going to run for reelection?

I am sure Jimmy has guaranteed it success

Since he is the handler for Mehgan

And others who have no business 

Getting involved in politics

But then a wise man would have known

When to quit and admit defeat

Instead of sending women and children 

Out into the cold world

Those who have taken in America

Will find out too soon that their new life

Is threadbare and will not last

If they don't do something themselves

All this talk of gas and oil

Is so old and et the Yule log 

Is older still and there will be none

In my hoe this year either

Where have you been?

I ask again of my past companions

Who allowed my enemies to capture and refuse to release

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