Saturday, November 19, 2022

Number Nineteen?


Where's my invitation?

The Bidens did not even consider an out of work 

And over fifty-year-old woman for their guest list.

Can you blame them?

After all they don't know me

And this was a special honor for them.

A White house wedding does not happen every day.

They claim this is number 19 and the first grandchild.

I wonder what the Washingtons did for their grandchildren?

George and Marth raised her grandchildren.

But then the White house had not been built nor burnt down yet.

They rented New York houses during their time.

Best to the young couple who got the honor.

Of making an old man happy

And his wife looks good, as if she needed it.

Unlike Michelle who still believes the world 

Revolves around her.

She actually upstaged the event with an interview

That was released at the same time.

I assume she got to attend despite 

Her daughter's bad behavior.

I do hope her ex did not show up

And spoil the whole event.

Jimmy keeps popping up

When I don't want him to

Which is never or at all.

But that one time he should not have been allowed 

Well, there is nothing the police can do.

They can't arrest him before he misbehaves

Nor can they know which member

Of an audience is going to pull out a weapon.

There were a few weddings I thought I was invited.

But then my memory fails when I get hit on the head

Or jabbed with yet one more needle.

Now I am hearing those words again.

Depression, depressed and depress.

All of them mean another needle 

Is coming me way.

Even though I have been to see a real

Doctor of psychology and not a quack.

They tell me I am not depressed.

And some said I was faking it to get attention.

I am tired, exhausted, saddened, grieving 

And Melancholy.

All of which take time to heal.

I'm sure there were other women

Who might be in menopause 

And have a few medical issues

But don't need to be physically carried

Away as if on a football field.

Which brings me to that other thing.

The wedding I would not have attended

Even if I had been given an invitation.

Meghan has single handedly 

Caused so much trouble 

That they are already speaking

Of Charlotte not being allowed

The same special royal privileges.

Not to be coronated nor wed in traditional style.

All because a bad b actress had a handler

Who told people she was good enough

To be introduced to a harmless young man.

Who will be penniless by the time she is done with him.

A divorce who claims not to have mothered a child.

And yet spent years obsessed 

To the point of showing up everywhere

Just to sit in public where her victim 

Was innocently doing nothing at all.

She even wanted to introduce 

Her new boyfriend,

having to have her way 

Once again with someone else home.

The last of the old village

Pre-American revolution brick building

Was destroyed due to a single girl

Needing to be given the right

To go over someone else's head

To go behind her back

And then pat herself on the back

For being the real royal princess.

Instead of allowing peace to settle.

The lost employment and medical treatments

Causing stress, distress, and horrible treatment

By the medical field due to the variety of drugs 

All to have herself given a special award

For standing up to royal racism.

The girl is not black nor African.

She does not have birth certificate 

With Doras name on it 

Because she is not her birth mother.

She is a complete fraud

Showing off everywhere she went

And now her poor husband 

Will face another action

Once it is revealed that she is in fact

Lying to everyone about who her birth mother 

Is not nor never will be.

She can't understand nor comprehend

The enormity of her actions

Because she still lives in a dream world

Where others have no idea what it means

To be born and raised in a royal household.

Perhaps Harry will become a widower

Or end up with an Oyster bar 

That is what the famous Wyat Earp 

Was doing when he got called back

From retirement in California.

Even the Ellis Island immigrant station

Began its life as an oyster bar

A Samuel Ellis bought Oyster Island

Set up an oyster bar

And for those who went out and found

The oysters on his island

He would cook them for the visitors.

As most families the property

Passed to the wrong person

Who sold it or lost it

Now where are we today

Nineteen weddings have been performed

At the White House

And those pretty girls

Hardly even remember them

Only that they got to be a Princess

For a day.

Enjoy your day.

Don't save me any cake.

I can't eat white flour

Nor wheat bread

As I keep explaining to everyone.

Glutton free!

Celiac Disease!

Please remember!

Oh, and don't call me mama

Nor Mom.

I am not your birth mother!

None of you.

And I know you don't have a birth certificate

With my name on it either.

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