Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Lightbearers of the worlds soul

Did you know that one of the oldest professions

following the two oldest is reporting.

Herodotus gave us Greece!

Moses gave us Egypt!

And then there was Cronkhite,

He gave us the world.

Throughout time there are always 

Those who report the news.

The Troubadours used to go around

Singing it in public squares

Others would put on plays

For the poor to see what was occurring

This is how so much of the Modern European

Press developed into a party on the networks.

From upstanders of the laws

To promoters of the righteous

To protectors of the innocence

To condemner of the really bad boys.

We have all watched our knights

Grow up in their own shoes

To become mega heirs 

To a profession that they might 

No longer be in control 

With the National Enquirer

Still in operation 

And other news related

Options allowed to stalk and harass

Some out of office and homes

While others moved in on a good thing.

They don't have the training or the expertise.

They also don't have the nose.

They aren't in the game for the news

But for the glory, slaying everything

In front of them without regard

To maybe that one might have been useful

You know in the long run.

We still need those willing 

To go out and investigate

And report accurately

We don't need is opinions

Based not on facts

But supposition

Nor on what is convenient

Because that honey 

Is yesterday's news...


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