Sunday, November 13, 2022

You know Joe...


Since we seem to be annexing Ukraine

As the Fifty-first state of the United States

I nominate myself to represent them on the first representation

After all, they won't have time to make a play

For a real elected official

And I am a descendant of Vladimir of Kiev

I even lived and worked in Kiev

It can't be that hard 

All they want is liberation for themselves

What they really need is an ease from 

The baddest and worst prepared country

To one of the fortunate ones to included

Into the American lifestyle.

The media has already accepted them

Meanwhile, they dust of their losses

And before they let loose one of your nukes

It might be time to inform them 

Of the new arrangement.

By receiving so much 

American money and weapons

They are automatically under the umbrella

Of America until they return the things borrowed.

Or we were not attempting to annex Afghanistan

And now Ukraine?

We actually won the war 

Against Mexico when the Alamo 

Occurred and yet we handed over huge 

Land amounts to them including Baja

Which is just a Californias dream

Never mind it was originally 

Not Mexican at all but everything else

Even Napoleon made Jefferson

Pay for the Louisiana Purchase

But no Mexico expects everything

For free!

They even walk into your property

While you are residing inside

And tell you that they know own it.

Especially on this side of the border.

This place above was the last piece 

Of a Homestead left over

And I was allowed to move in

After my auto accident by relatives

But the non family member

Showed up and moved me right 

Out the door.

He decided he did not want to work.

Instead of the old antiques and books

It now housed a bunch of bikes

To be used as cabs

While my bed and other things 

Were piled against the fence

And I was led away to lay down

On a cot in a shelter

Now it went up in flames

And Jimmy is offended 

When I ask him about it

Because the convicted arsonist

Does not know what I am talking about.

Meanwhile, my stuff found its way to the thrift store

The same week as the accidental fire.

Where has it been all this time?

People such as Teresa should be shot

On first sight due to their lack 

Of smarts, believing they 

Can just arrive illegally

And steal another's life.

She says she is my mama

Because she is married to Jimmy.

Apparently the six-year-old 

Is claiming to have given birth 

To me all by himself.

No wonders my parents 

Began to wonder who I was to them.

Teresa likes to show up as a housekeeper

No matter where I go there, she was

And her boys just don't understand.

Bizarre things that occur 

Come from these type of people

Just like Elise walked on to a family

Compound in Baja and now her adopted daughters

Believe they are the Queens of England

Or something and have removed everything

Of ours to replace it with no work at all.

What is America coming to anyways?

Now I wonder if they had insurance.

In the old days, I always paid insurance and taxes.

The ground below probably has interesting items

But there has been now real excavations

In downtown where they keep throwing

Up these glass death traps

And now there is one more tiny plot

Leaving no room nor air for the neighbors.

Wonder what they plan next?

These illegal aliens who don't have their name

On a single piece of property according to the county records

Nor a bill of sale for anything either.

But they own everything

Including the right to jab someone 

With a needle and pull them out

In their bed clothes in front of a crowd

Just to prove they are lying 

Otherwise, it would be done more civilized.

Meanwhile, they just keep claiming it was given to them

And for free, no responsibilities nor repayment.

Just like in Ukraine who want their liberation

But won't give it to their neighbors.

If my grandmother was to rise from the grave!

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