Wednesday, November 16, 2022

89 and counting


Diane Feinstein is only 89 years old and is considered

 The winner of the Senate Pro sempre position.

This would put her third in line towards the Presidency.

The President should slip and fall down those stairs.

His replacements would be the VP Harris

Then Pelosi and now Feinstein.

All three replacements are women

And all of them are from San Francisco.

Imagine that dream team coming together!

I saw another member of that horrid congregation

Again, in my residence lobby.

What and why would possess Ruth of all people

To show up as she did on GMA

Just to renounce me one more time.

She did not even come to my mother's funeral

And yet has been traveling a thousand miles

Just to get in my face.

She is the one who falsely claimed I was a shoplifter

In order to marry the newest hunk.

Newly divorced, two children and not 25.

She attempted to put something into my purse

After she grabbed it off my shoulder.

I know my purse and its contents

Also had a camera on her hands.

She got away from the police that day.

And yesterday showed up in my lobby.

No wonders I have difficulties going shopping.

I keep wondering what I am doing wrong.

But it is her wanting that new man

She actually went out to the restaurant parking lot

And had it on with him in the back seat of his car.

After I was introduced to him in an informal gathering.

He was an old friend of the family but no more.

In the news, the moon launches finally occurred.

I was trying to watch the news last night.

Not a word about the space launch.

I knew it was this morning 

But I was off just a bit 

Due to East coast time schedule.

Oh well, who gets up early

Just to watch something on the news live.

Nobody does that anymore

It is all rebroadcast.

Except that little error

In Poland.


Who does the hell not know how to aim?

All the way across Ukraine into Poland.

Even President Biden does not believe it

He says it did not come from Russia

Useless Ukraine forces must have been 

Testing out their toys.

Like fireworks before the Fourth of July

That burned down the whole town of Paradise.


Did that reach your side of the border?

Hee hee, we did not mean it.

An act of war to fire 

On a member of NATO

But Zelensky will get away with it.

He is after all a stand-up comedian celebrity

Nothing he does goes wrong.

He just wants to rule Europe.

First, he went after the Crimea

Then he refuses to release the Donbass people

Now he has fired up Poland.

If one knows their geography

Or looks at a map

This it the old satellite district.

Used to keep Europe from invading

Russia, a stretch between the two seas

And blocking Europe or Russia 

From the other side. 

Poland, Ukraine, Crimea 

Would be a dream chance 

For Zelensky to put Moscow

On the back burner

While Kiev glorifies itself.

Wonder what will happen next?

Hopefully those monkeys will come back alive

From the Moon and not some foreign Alien 

Named Jimmy commanding the Moon pod.

Victory goes to those victorious

And Peace to those capable of 

Hearing and seeing 

Through the mists 

And the forests.

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