Friday, November 25, 2022

Broken arrow or Heart broken


One never knows whom one is going to meet 

On the way to the ballet

Or to the grocery store....

I once took a class 

Just for exercise

The ladies got together 

And decided to add extra elements

Such as a performance

Required was an actual test

And a technique test

I was taking a ballet dance class

At the age of 35 in order to stay limber

Not to get on stage and wow

Anyone at all 

But these women were professional's

I was not ugly just not skinny

I had been a well developed

Young adult who had performed

At various things including dance

On stage before I was 25 

And I got paid for it!

I only did what was required

Because I saw no reason to reveal myself

To them, but watched others make fools of themselves

I had been there and done that

Dance camp is not an easy thing

Nor is an Olympic gymnastics camp

Anyways it was just another thing 

In my life that could not be predicted

Why are there so many mean and cruel 

People in the World?

My mother had dementia

And was doing crazy things

They told me to put her in a group exercise

So she could adjust to her life over 50

She did not adjust nor admit she was over 50

She took off her swimsuit in front of the whole class

Actually Jimmy took it off in the parking lot

He was not supposed to be there

But he had to  know what we were doing

He  made fun of her and made took it off of her

I had don't that with him as well

When I was younger

His fingers would not stay off 

My outfits until his real daddy 

Found out and had him in a mental place

So he could come back on his show

He never did what his real daddy wanted

Nor did my mother understand

Anything at all towards the end of her life.

Frustrating, I had been promised

But Uncles and cousins don't know

To make promises they can't keep

No matter how hard one works

You can't make them like you

When all hell breaks loose 

Behind your back

For instance, my father complained

One day as to why I was not living 

In Spain with my Prince.

I had meet the young man before

His father was King

And they were as poor as church mice

But I had no idea what he was talking about

It turns out that a girl would get on the phone

And ask him for money to be sent to Spain

Because she needed to live according 

To their new lifestyle

And she believed she was going to marry

The Prince of Spain

I had been through a lot by this time

Embarrassment on both sides

When one shows up where one

Is not expected

And find out that the stories 

Are not true or have been 

Elaborated by others 

In the end, my father

And I took a trip to Spain

Where we were able to speak

To those people

Who were upset that

They thought we were 

Using extortion on them

Only to find them 

Hiring someone to investigate

And low and behold

Demi of all people 

Was pretending to be me on the phone

She would make the call

And wait till my father would 

Deposit money in a wire service

And then go and stop the wire

Collecting the money for herself

As well as that group of women 

Led by Suzie and Betty

My father died heart broken

And bent towards a world 

He did not understand

He had never been too proud

But had lived according to his family

Who did have some money and land

But were not Rockefellers

Nor Kennedys

Although they did have connections.

My own life has been miserable

The story of the nutcracker

Of the uncle bringing a gift 

For the young girl to enjoy

The once-a-year party

She is allowed to attend

Even though there is obviously

Someone fuming in the background

In my case, my mother could not allow

Anything at all because of her promises

And then died with no one at all

There except me out of respect 

For my religion which put me out

And her relatives, none of whom

Have thanked me for taking care of her

Instead I have been abandoned

Or propped up so they could 

Play at being nice

But they always take the presents

And the clothes or money

At the end of the teatime event

Just as in the ballet

The young girl falles in lvoe

With her Nutcracker

He is her hereo

He is going to save her

In the end, she must go back to high tower

While others get to enjoy the treates

And presents that were provided

But not for her to keep

Only in her dreams 

Is she allowed to own the one present

She wants and then mean aunt candy

Comes in with hot coco to end that as well

Not even allowed to dream much less remember

A Broken arrow is my nutcracker

Once so handsome 

Willing to fight any war

And now laying there dripping

Not in fear but frustration

He was going to at least protect

But instead, she had been taken away

And hidden from her own world

Meanwhile they sit and watch

Enjoying all the harm they have inflicted

Just because they could

No other reason 

This group of women

Who wanted to get even 

With a woman who was on the radio

And her young innocent daughter

Who became the mother from hell

While these non biological children

Demand they are going to make me 

Believe I gave birth to them

Instead of decapitating them

Broken hearted that is all life 

Has to offer me is the Velveeta

Loving black daughter of Rebecca Debrone

Who lived in San Rafeal with her

Before getting to go to London

Where she left Lorraine behind

Who is now completely delusional

Watching her on tv disk every person

Who dares to stand before her 

As if she is the only good cook

Is so much Rebecca

In a Hand Rocks a cradle

And now has no idea

Where her little mistake

Went because of course 

She has no bad days

As long as this world goes on

There will always be little girls

Who believe in the Nutcracker coming to the rescue

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