Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Into the fire


Look who came to town!

The twin set!

It is sad when a good guy marries a bad girl.

No virgin was this girl.

She had so many flings 

Before she suddenly 

Was flung into the arms

Of the innocent Prince

From Heaven.

Well, well.

Someone thought they would 

Go to Boston town.

After all the hoop la

They found it necessary 

To see the sights

Instead of holding old dads' hands.

They are skipping across the sea

To see where the infamous 

Boston tea party occurred

The rebellion started with dumping

Precious tea into the waters

They are even going to have Caroline

The daughter of President Kennedy 

Give them a tour around the Kennedy Library

Well, they have probably never been inside a Library

Of any kind, as university students

They will be in for a surprise

Especially when it does not have any photos 

Of their own grandmother Queen Elizabeth.

Poor Caroline, she has had so much

To handle in her life

Between her father's death

And her mother's notoriety

Jacqueline was a perfectly

Fine woman who had no understanding

From the press at all.

She grew up poor

In a rich household.

The stepfather paid for everything

While the father was supposed to have gambled

It all away in his times of troubles

Unlike Kate

Who was born poor

To a poor drug addict mother

Who put her up for adoption

A happy couple from the airlines

Found her and decided to adopt

An airline stewardess and controller

The perfect couple for a smuggling operatoin.

And overnight success

They went from having a meager income 

To becoming Billionares

Who could afford not to educate their daughter

But present her as a party girl.

A certain handler thought

She fit his mold for elaboration

It is too bad that no one thought

Of young William who has gone bald

Of finding a mate who actually liked him

Instead of acting as his twin

Never letting him out of her sight

And flexing her bank account 

Whenever she needs something

Like a trip to Disneyland 

Or in this case to America

Are they going to invite themselves 

To supper at the White house

As well, with the extremely good looking

French President coming to town?

Or has Kate missed that one in the fire?

He is certainly not her brother!

Nor is his wife or mother going 

To be approving if she slides 

In next to him!

Wonder what is next for the witch

Why don't they stop at the Salem Witch trails museum.

A museum is where one studies the exhibits 

Not the finances in party dresses 

Of those having a party, Kate.

Willima could learn a thing or two

From Caroline, she lost her father when young

And then her mother and only brother.

He might lean on her shoulder 

To see how someone else has dealt 

With the difficulties of coming 

From a Dynasty where even one's birth

Is questioned but not the power 

Behind the name.

Please don't send them West.

I had enough of them last time they came to visit.

My life was in fine order

Then something hit me sidewise

Namely Jimmy who just did not want me to meet them

What was I to meet them

But I did like my housing

And my career as well as my ability

To move through society 

My family were not unknown

But we were not Captain Kangaroo

Famous nor Kennedy rich

I can't even get m y menopause tumors

Taken care of due to Jimmys concern.

Marriage by Proxy 

Does not mean marrying someone

Else and using that marriage license

To have your way with another woman

Nor having a mother already driven over the edge

Sit there with her hands on the girl claiming 

Her for the boy who is not her birth son.

Have a nice time, William.

Don't stay too long and do take her home with you!

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Well, well why dont you

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