Monday, November 14, 2022

I heard a rumor...


I heard a rumor that they are planning to replace all the legally elected authorities.

For instance, Joe teams is supposed to replace Harris with someone else.

Someone such as Gavin, as Vice President he would then replace Biden.

And Biden would be forced to give up his job due to his age.

The same thing with King Charles who has not even been coronated yet.

They plan to replace him with young Kate who is now at that "40" mark.

And so on and so on.

All those young princesses are expected to heft 

Thier old dads out of the way because they are young.

Not experienced nor well-bred or even properly trained.

They just have lots of money.

They just don't like old people.

They actually expect people to understand

When they trip or have an accident of some sort.

And they are not thin!

I know. why don't we replace

Zelensky with Jimmy

Then he can have fun 

With all of his nuke toys.

Everything according to Jimmy

Is his!

His dolls, when I was younger.

Now it is his clothes to give 

To his girlfriends, his food

To spend on him and eat.

Nothing for me at all.

Unless one thinks 

That Sean Penn is qualified

To lead a country with no prior experience.

This withdrawal is suspicious

Ziska was a war general who never lost

Putin is not known to have lost during his years

It is interesting how much has gone wrong

Maybe the Russians don't want to fight 

Thier own people and maybe it is something else.

Who is qualified to rule a country

Much less run a swindle on the rest

Calling and whining for money and weapons

Without any means of proving ability to repay.

What is important about Donbass anyways

Why are so many willing to allow this war?

Maybe Macron should replace the UN chief

He at least seems to know what he is doing

While Boris was doing nothing wrong

But got replaced by a woman 

Just in time to handle a womans funeral.

Technically, according to British law

Until recently there were no female heirs to the throne

Queen Elisabeth became queen due to no one 

Else being available.

But when her son became of legal age

Twenty-five is the full limit of a minority

By that time all inheritances must be handed over

Which is why the elite are sent to university

So, they will have something to do 

And keep themselves busy until 24 is finished

Then at his legal age, Charles could have challenged

His mother, technically

Instead of patiently waiting 

Until she died of natural causes

But then Victoria was also allowed to continue

Her reign despite her sons coming of age

And attempting to have her committed to a mental institution

When is Jimmy going to stop 

Threatening people and claiming he has authority

He even wants my medical appointments 

To be his time, for him to have fun.

Instead, I am still waiting to have a tooth extracted

And four tumors to be cared for medically

Instead of having a mentally ill woman

Follow me around just to see what I am doing

I can't even take the garbage out without her comments.

And now I have a mouse in the house.

Whoever brought this to me is dead.

There are no rodents on this floor.

I have no reason to have been chosen

No food out of the fridge 

No dirty dish outside of the dishwasher

And no real dirt, I even vacuum too often

According to neighbors.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...

I would like to replace that with a meow

I miss having a cat around and want one now!

They even tried to replace Pelosi

These young ones who think they are better qualified

They have replaced all the experienced journalist

With famous ones, who don't know any better.

What is the world coming to?

All this replacement instead of the old careful planning.

Replacing the Romanovs for the Lenin's 

Did not work out so well, did it?

Nor did having Hitler rise up to 

Replace the Kaiser work out.

The Kaiser might have been crazy

But his family could have taken care of that.

These men who come out of nowhere

With no experience

And then led by little girls who 

Don't know anything 

But how to be skinny

And how to do their nails and hair.

Is this all we have become?

A world of well-groomed girls

Instead of well-worn women 

Who did their best to become educated

And experienced in the right things?

Why don't we place Jimmy in a mental ward?

And Candace in a prison.

Then they will no longer call and claim

That they are the real rulers of the world

That would be a real snake fit,

 Those two in the same pit.

I heard a rumor

That there are real authorities

In action against crimes 

They are called CIA, FBI, USB, MI6

There are others including Interpol.

When are they going to take care of these people?

Who think they can replace people

By stealing their wallets and their identity

And then acquiring to much money

They don't really have to attend college

But hire someone to do the work

And then sit there are pretty and skinny.

There was once a group of men 

Who worked on the Manhattan project

They were both Russian and American

Working on a common cause, the Germans

Who had gone wacko and gotten their hands 

On weapons they did not know how to use.

I am told not to dig to far under any of the turf 

In Europe where they buried serious dangerous bombs.

The Germans even replace God with monkeys.

Goodall is a good person who works against killers.

But expecting people to believe monkeys jumped

Down from trees and began to be able 

To understand, comprehend and use a nuclear device

Properly is just too much to believe.

It is not whether or not you believe in God or not

And a lot of people are calling on him right now.

It is whether or not you believe something can change its spots.

Become something they were not intended 

And from a man named Darwin who spent 

The rest of his life inside a mental institution!

How far are they going to go with replacement?

Maybe they intend to replace you for someone else

For your husband?

How about that, no longer being allowed

To have the man who proposed to you

Instead of a new skinny one who just wants to look good on the cover of Vogue!

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