Friday, November 4, 2022

Must come down


Rich Indian girl.

She was caught holding her one day.

Her own little sister.

She liked to place her in her lap.

Then she would hold the doll.

That had been made to look like them.

And the sweet picture of the two faces

That mirrored each other and the extra one.

It freaked them out for some reason.

The evening was long, and they were tired.

Another fire had erupted in their place.

They had moved so many times.

Here he was the fireman 

Who had come to rescue them

Laying down on the job.

He had collapsed after freeing them

From the upstairs windows.

Between them they were struggling

Attempting to pull him

One step at a time away from the blaze

They knew they could not leave him.

But they could also barely move him.

At last, they made it to the street

Where the rest were standing around

They had been told by dispatcher

That they could not enter the place

Nor put out the fire!

As usual, a suspicious occurrence

Followed by a mysterious phone call.

One of the guys spotted them 

Yelling all the way across the street.

They surrounded their mate

While we were lifted up into the air.

I grabbed her leg with my hand.

And did not let go of her until 

Someone gave me an injection

So unfair to be responsible for something 

So small and so innocence!

The parents arrived to see their house

At the final stages of the burn.

They just stood there wondering why

The fireman had not put it out

Because they were told not to on the phone.

They had gone out to supper. 

Where were the kids?

The girls were over here.

And the boys?

What boys?

Where is the other girl?

She was holding her leg.

I had to make her give it up.

Well, now the little one is gone.

The mother ran down the street.

She knew something.

Later it would be discovered.

That visitors had come and removed 

The boys and allowed the house to be consumed

By fire with the girls still inside.

She woke up to confusion.

And watched them in the eerie silence 

As the flames died down, she thought

Of something she had seen walking home one day.

And taking her grieving father's hand 

Began to run towards the woods.

It was there in the far side

A small hut of not much

Inside was the girl laying 

As her father approached, he was attacked

She scrambled over the top

And jumped down on top 

Of the assailant hitting him 

With her shoes while her father

Finally got the upper hand

Having been taken by surprise.

She found her sister was still alive

Slowly she weaved back and forth

Through the trees 

With her father leaning on top of her

Leading her sister 

With her hand firmly around her wrist

They saw them as they made it to the street.

She was completely wiped out

She had injured and her asthma was bad

But she made sure they went to the emergency room.

She slept in the chair waiting

For the others to find them

While her father was recovering

From a head injury

And her sister had to have strange exams

She was under suspicion of having had

And interaction with someone

It was his bad fortune 

To have escaped but she knew him

His name was Shawn

While she slept 

They stooled her sister again

The couple came into the hospital

And removed her before anyone knew

Janet and Gary 

They always show up

With different spouses

And different ways

To make us all unhappy

One begins to believe 

All those girly bars 

Are just communist places

To get information from the military guys

And to harm the normal community

Anyways, she finally went all out

They put her in the bed of her sister

And when her father awoke

He did not know what had happened

Nor whom she was and in the end.

All her good deeds that night

Landed her with the wrong name

And wrong indentification

Even Demi Moore keeps trying to steal it for herself.

The boys arrived after awhile

And the couple got tired of babysitting

She was released and walked all over the city

Looking for us her family

Except we were no longer a family.

Shawn was the little boy 

With a life he could have had anything.

Instead, he got shot on the Scottish moors.

Interfering in the Mountbatten's.

One of them was blown up in a boat

Another one was winged out hunting.

He was buried at six years of age

With the wrong family's name attached.

Life is full of surprises and those

Little times when a person gets the wrong name.

Jimmy is of course his name now.

His father was so proud of him.

He worked hard to make him 

Into an image he wanted.

To the last time he was at a big game

In the glass box ticket holders.

And there was his son sitting 

With two Mexican boys

Down on the bleachers.

He decided to go down 

To talk him into joining him

But instead after a short time

He moved over three feet.

The kid never did get over anything.

He wanted his way all the time.

HIs biggest thing was to embarrass.

She had died of a heart attack

Now his dad would have to learn as well.

His life was never a good one.

He went around pretending to be poor

And homeless making everyone else angry.

They had forgotten he was not ours.

Or that we had buried him already.

Instead, they complained about him

To us and then got even with us

All I heard about when I was little

Was that I was the wrong child

I did not belong and that I should 

Just go away and I did do that

But when I was older, they wanted

Me to understand that my parents

Were a disappointment to them

All they dd was face problems

And they had so many wrong kids 

And then there were few extras 

That we did like and who did make a difference

But the rest were just spongers

Who still want nothing more than 

To destroy this one family

That everyone took advantage

But my parents did not deserve

The lives they were given

And despite all the court orders

Jimmy who should be Shawn

Took over everyone else's life

There is not a place i can go

Without a phone call

Controlling my life 

And others as well.

People who should know better

Still are not able to do as they promised

And if they want to offer 

Something he just walks in

And takes over the seen

As if he is in a movie

Instead of outside a mental ward.

Is he really the original son?

Of a couple who could not marry

Nor divorce nor get caught

And then did everything for their own 

Only to have him want someone else life

Just to control and destroy theirs as well?

One does not wonder to long what will come of him 

When he crossed the wrong person

Or heaven forbid 

I should disappear altogether.

No victim no extortion.

He should have been shot again

When he was old enough 

But instead, two girls are now one

And everyone else is running around 

Playing hide and seek behind restaurants.

The Day the President of America 

Comes to town and there is no one

For him to have introduce him

What will he do?

Will he even care after all those years,

Of simply walking in and sitting down 

At the White house supper table?

Was it all just a joke?

Or does he just no want us to know

What is he planning next?

He is no longer six but over sixty

Someday, it will be over for him....

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