Saturday, November 5, 2022

Hmm, since you forgot to stop by Biden...


Have you ever thought about where you will be in six years?

It is presumed you will run for a second term.

And then you will have to choose a successor.

For the most part

The Vice President is the likely candidate.

And Kamala is very striking.

However, there have been few VP's

Who have made the cut.

You are one of them.

And with an incumbent in between.

It is wise to consider

Whom you want to replace you.

While Kamala has had a long career

In the Political world

I have no issues with her.

She has a Jamaican inheritance.

Of both African and British 

As well as India.

With the new Prime Minister 

Being of India Hindu descent

She is a good choice

For tomorrow 

Who knows how long this one will last.

Really the British politics is worse 

Than ours and we have nothing to be proud 

At least we don't shoot them when they get it wrong

Or at least we did not used to do so.

There is another choice 

If you are going for the first female

Who is not Hillary

That is your Speaker of the House

Third in line to the Oval office

Well known and traveled.

Nancy comes from Baltimore

With male family members

In politics and her husband 

Is from San Francisco

They are part of the old landscape

Of the Elite that used to be looked 

For in the West for leaders

The nephew Gavin 

Has made his way to the Governor's office

Like Jerry before him they are old

Family in California 

And have a backing that comes 

From experience he might be 

Heading your direction

But first consider Nancy

As an alternative if something

Should go wrong in the Harris household

Because they make a classic couple

A long marriage with a few bumps

His recent experience is of notice.

Someone is feeling she is a threat

He is going to need time to recover

But who knows what it would mean

If he should not survive 

To have a female widower 

Lead the country 

With a daughter willing to step 

Into her shoes already

And plenty of grand children

To fill those upstairs bedrooms

It might be worthwhile

Protecting both females 

Considering their worth 

In the next few years 

As you yourself get over 

That little bug you caught

Despite your masks

This one take longer

Because it crawls up the nasal passages.

You did not stop by my place

For me to tell you in person. 

So, I have to send it to you through the air....

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