Tuesday, November 22, 2022

We will do up the town!


How often those words are spoken.
When I was young
There was nothing my father could do wrong.

And then a jealous envious bitch arrived.
Jimmy took my little sister's hand
And insisted he was her daddy.

We even had to go to court.
A six-year-old was claiming
He had produced sperm

Actually, the boy had no idea.
He simply wanted to be the boss.
After the trail where he lost.

He walked her over to Santa Claus
And tried to get him to marry them.
She died when she was not even six

Never having a life to enjoy.
Meanwhile, he can't tell the difference
And won't leave me alone.

Now he says we are married
And it is forever!
My mother had a complete mental breakdown.

Over this stupid kid 
With rich parents who spoiled him.
All he understands is to keep showing

Me his, you know, even in a courtroom.
Could he please put it back.
Well, at least make him zip up.

I don't know why I have to put up with it.
No one knows how to make me understand
That Jimmy is not going to give in

And neither am I.
This is my town.
I grew up here not Jimmy.

I am tired of being run out of it.
I was pulled out of my own housing.
They have taken all the contents

And thrown away a lifetime of all those 
Who lived with us or around us.
Meanwhile, I want to cut off his head!

Another day and another rejection.
She told us the lady preacher
To come back Monday night

To receive our cooked supper
Instead of the turkey that everyone else 
Are providing, and our fixings

For our holiday meal.
When we arrived, there was only a dozen
Instead of two hundred

We were told again that we would
Be receiving a holiday package.
After her blessing us with scripture

We got a cooked meal
And more of the same thing
Boxes of granola and canned tomato soup

That is not a holiday package
Nor fixens for the holidays.
Salvation army is telling people

If they show up, they will give them
A precooked meal to take home
And a turkey!

Why are they doing this?
This is the old Lutheran church
We used to belong.

But the Samoans arrived
From Samoa with no place 
To live nor work.

They were allowed to stay
With the idea they would take over
The care of the community.

I remember arriving a little while ago
And having trouble with her and her husband
I ended up being mugged in their lot

And losing my wallet and my car.
Somehow one believes it is not their fault
But then they won't do the Lord's work 

Come on. If you want to honey
I can quite scripture as well.
It is like being six years old

And having an angry Vivian
Stand next to you
Demanding child support

For the horrible Bridget
She is raising for us.
The girl is not more than five 

Years younger than me
Everyone knows that it is too young.
Even the Judge told them that I was not the mother

But the congregation allowed them
To continue showing up
Afterwards I found out they were bleeding my father dry.

The conversation between him and his friends
Was that when he turned eighty years old
They were going to do up the town.

It must have been something his grandpa
Might have done when he was young.

Those east coast people 
Lived through the Civil war
Went into hiding and then the Great Depression

Hit everyone hard.
They still had money but did not talk about it
Until someone came along, and they blew it on a party.

My father was a good man
He lived and worked hard.
Never being allowed the same privileges

As others due to being a mixed breed.
He was a war hero and a college lecturer
But did not live past sixty

Because Jimmy killed him in front of me
And then I was told to sit there watching hm
They were going to take care of it.

Instead, nothing has been done
But allow hi to continue his mental games
He has shooed away another suitor of mine.

Meanwhile he has so many children
That he has insisted are mine.
It is considered Fraud 

To take or use someone else money
Removing it from my wallet
Or putting their names down 

Either way it is prison time.
The Chrisley's are going to Federal
For fraud and they were also locals.

Where is it going to end
When jimmy dies now that he is over sixty
And done nothing his whole life

Except make up stories in his head
And tell people lies about who he is 
And provide extortion or blackmailing 

For others to keep the normal ones
From doing normal things.
Even Joseph did not get to do up the town

He had to sit with grandchildren
At the White House
No Las Vegas nor Paris trip

Just grandpa having to hide 
From the outside cameras
He gave one away on a wedding

Then pardoned two turkeys 
From being eaten for Thanksgiving
While the Christmas tree has arrived.

I remember living in New York city
Waking up to have a fir blocking y door
By the time the police arrived 

I had been on the phone to many
It was extremely tall
Wrong delivery or just a joke

I donated it and someone came
And took it away
I heard later that Nancy

Had a failed delivery for her tree
And then miracously 
Well, one never knows does one?

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