Monday, November 21, 2022

The world marches on


They are bombing a nuclear plant in Ukraine

While an electrical fire raged for nine hours

In Moscow flower warehouse with seven bodies

Discovered, if they can't put out their own

Local fire, what hopes of a more powerful one?

Then it is not their problem, is it?

Russia is the only one interested in freeing

An enslaved people from a mad Pharoah.

Good or bad, the guy is till refusing.

Has anyone asked what his plans are

If and when Russia stops?

Or is he a CIA operative 

And no one is supposed to call

Into question the amount of bodies

Piling up over the freedom of a nation?

Meanwhile, chaos has struck America

Every time one turns around

There is another shooting or stabbing

What is America coming to?

Meanwhile, men have stood all day

In the hot arid desert of Qarat

Without food and water

To get a job

At the Worlds cup

One could die in an emergency room

From lack of treatment

And the doctors have stopped diagnosing 

They leave the patients to the mercy

Of the nurses who claim to be heroes

But won't lift a hand to rescue

A single soul,

They simply want to cry over

Thier PPT 

And their damned scale

What good is weight control

When one is in lock down

And can't even get enough food

Much less normal exercise

When in fact the issues are medical

But all they want to do is go

To the local grocery stores

And receive reports 

Of any single item

Considered contraband

Although the patient is exhibiting

Signs of dehydration

And other symptoms of influenza

Brought on by their mishandling

But the doctors are too busy 

To care about the health 

Of a patient versus the ideas

Of first responders

Being put on a pedestal.

I was a forestry personal

All I did was fly a helicopter

We were shoot at and got at

In order to steal the machine

While the crew was fighting 

Oil fires started by the military

But we were not heroes

We are not war veterans

If caught or captured

We had little chance of being rescued

But we made America safe

And those idiots with guns

Were allowed to go back

To setting fires in a nation

That then took revenge

According to the reports

I have no work history

Nor employment 

Not even a pension

But I do have several Bachelors

Or above degrees in various

Sciences and arts

The nurses have nothing at all

Most of them don't even have

A High school diplomas

Counting body bags

Became one of my chores

As the Captain of my ship

In a time when people

Were not allowed to even know

What was happening.

I was a photo journalist

Who kept being dumped

By my own bosses

And had to back up my income

With civic duties such as 

National Park ranger

Forestry firefighter

No glory no pat on the back

No live people to practice on

I have a non-functioning

Thyroid gland 

I need replacement therapy

I don't need a bruise on my arm

Because I asked for a proper blood draw

And still got the wrong results

They are not even close to the last set

But they the ones in control

Don't study medicine

They simply deny people

The right to have a life.

Standing in the hot sun

For a promised job

Without food and water

Is a walk in the park

But it is considered 

Inhumane treatment

And still might get UN

Sanctions over it.

The rest of the world

Are doing nothing but breeding

Breeding and getting married

The days of Sodom and Gomorrah!

Might I also want a celebration?

I have long gone down that road.

Jimmy ruined every chance

I had of any normal life.

And still hires others to do his job.

Girls such as Suzzanne claim 

To have paper on me

For what reason would 

A high school dropout

Triple F former prostitute

Have to control an innocent woman?

She needs more injections

And no food much less humane treatment

Someone actually stopped today

It was my day to run to the store

My stipend came on Sunday

Without a bus so I had to walk

The few miles to the trolley

In order to get water 

And what edible things

Qualify for Celiac Disease

But then without a toilet

Had to go all the way back

My mini stroller and I

Were noticed by a neighbor

Who stopped with her SUV

I always give her my recycle

Her dog and I shared the front seat

For the last mile

I was grateful for such little

Kindness from a woman

Who often complains about

Things that score close to home

Life is not easy anywhere

Even those who were being housed

In the same building as the mayor

Golden Hall have lost their roof

The place is notorious for leaking

And 300 persons were misplaced

They were provided another empty building

But this the Queen of civic proudness

Fifty years ago

Has one more time fallen short

The Queen was given a luncheon or something

When she came to San Diego

And then Mayor Peter Wilson

Gave her hospittality

My father had also been an elected official

But to much went wrong with Jimmy

Even Pete Wilson who then became Governor

Wont reside in the same city

Jimmy was not allowed in San Diego in those days

Now he lives in Los Angeles instead

Everyone left town after they started 

Building those death traps

And more of them are going up

I remember a family area of old houses

In downtown alongside business buildings

Instead, it is a wasteland

With too many out of towners

Homeless who have no place left

No place to go home to

I am home and have nothing left

All because of greed and stupidity.

Meanwhile China has reported

A single death in six months.

And shut down again.

Here we go again.

They started this Pandemic

When people were people

And nurses were nurses 

And Doctor treated patients

Best to those who survived

And were not supposed to survive

Not all survivors are welcome

Not even amongst their own family

They can just have more babies

Or pretend to be relatives

While robbing you blind.

Marriage is not something

To go into lightly

Nor to leave hastily

Bless those who survive

Weddings and holidays

And wake up in the morning 

Ready for another day

Despite the commercials

And the daily weather reports.

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