Thursday, November 3, 2022

What goes up

Poor little white boy sitting alone.

He got to play with his mama 

But only at a distance.

One day a young woman 

Who was the daughter of a Baptist preacher

Meet and married a young man 

Who went off to war 

Only to be returned as soon

As he arrived for it was all over.

He had missed the show

His was to return to home

And figure out how to care 

For his wife and daughter

His wife had gone to Howard college

And so, he worked around town

Until one day he was a big-time politician.

He had acquired quite a reputation in town

As well as a mistress outside town.

The wife was a good one

But one day she meets the man

She had run into that day at Howard.

Which led her to go out 

With the man who was now her husband

It was the way it worked

She found something she wanted

But could not have so she settled

He was not a bad husband

Although she did not know about Mary,

Not yet and when she did it was too much.

Her affair of the heart had a second chance

Years after they first met

He was there again and out of town

What was one night?

Enough to make one more baby

She hid it from her husband

She could neither ask for a divorce

Nor marry the man who was the father

If she had known about Mary

She might have done things differently,

As it was, she arranged to be out of the country

In Berlin at a school function

Just so he would not know about it

And then it came out looking

Just like his father!

Well, it was a good thing she did it that way

After all, it would have been bad 

For her to have a child that did not look

Like her husband.

They arranged for his care 

In the hands of nannies and later

He would be able to travel 

He was with his dad 

Most of the time until he was old enough

Then she took over his upbringing

She had fun taking him places

Her own hometown where 

He was one of her "cares"

No one was convinced

After all, why should she bring him at all?

But the trips overseas were the best

Showing him the world

And at first class travel

She could afford it 

But only on the other side 

Of the world.

Where she went for her conventions

And his political ambitions

Meanwhile, the little boy

Was miserable

He was a control freak

He wanted to sit on her lap

To own her wallet

To eat off her fork 

While she was conducting business

Instead, she had someone charm 

Him at a different table.

Making sure he had a good time.

All that expensive wardrobe

And fine dining for him

Her son that she had 

While her own husband 

Had stopped having children

They only had the one after all.

She was proud of her mutant

But things were not good

He hated her for one

And for another thing

He did not want to be controlled

Never allowed to approach her in public

To call her mom nor anything at all

As long as they were outside.

But alone he could do what he wanted

Unless he had been bad with her

Then he got punished

It was no fair

He had to sit there and get her attention

But she would not tolerate it

He had to behave, or she was done for

Instead, he built up ideas in his head.

His father started putting him in mental wards.

He insisted on being in halfway houses

In order to get away from all those kinds of people.

He did not like them at all.

And one day he was going to get even.

Until then he arranged to have another woman

Be his mother in order to get even

This woman had not a clue

Who he was nor how he would destroy

Everything of hers including her soul.

At first she fought him off

And then she joined him

She had gone so long without

A normal thought of her own family.

One of those who wants to choose

Her own relatives instead of being

Burdened with the ones she was born 

And the ones she bore herself.

In the end he killed both women

His mother he began to rob

By having others cash her checks.

She had gone and gotten him 

Elected Mayor of the town

Her had warned her and now he owned her.

She he broke her by going after 

All that money she got

She did not know it til the end.

What he had become the father

Having lost control

Though he himself though one day

He would get him to do it his way.

He never did get the kid to believe him.

Nor want it to be true.

Poor little white kid

With no real relatives

Because he had killed them all off.

And now he works at keeping 

Everyone from finding out

What he does not want them to know.

He never wanted any of them 

He loves no one but himself

And he never will love nor want

Except to be Ceasar 

Where he gets to sit there 

And make demands from afar.

Just this and that

No more work or thinking

Just the wave of his hand

And he will get everything he wants

But he also will never be told no

While everyone has to do it his way or else!


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