Thursday, November 24, 2022

When enemies came together

What were they thinking?

Those residents of the East Coast

When these boats began to arrive?

They had heard of the explorers

And even been visited by a few conquerors

Such as Erik the Red

And some displaced Irish Monks

Perhaps a Roman Centurion 

Or even an Egyptian princess

But these people had come 

And set up homes in mass

Not just visitors but squatters

Except for Squanto 

No other Indian 

Had been to Europe 

And back again

He had been captured as a slave

And allowed to learn the language

Whereas others are reported 

As displayed before the royals

And then released to the docks

If they ever made it home again

It is not known

But these people

Came to stay

They talked about freedom

From religious persecution

They carried long sticks

That spat hard painful magic

Those bullets were worth avoiding

And the women were both covered

Head to toe and able to move

Around their plots

They had planted a harvest

And then had not gone home 

When the early winter signs

Appeared, autumn was here

To stay and so where they.

Massasoit decided to investigate

The man named Williams 

Was their leader as he was the chief

He approached to received hospitality

Instead, they were invited to a feast

He was not sure what the occasion

Thankful is what they kept repeating

Apparently in the land they came

From they were going to be murdered

For having a black book 

From which they read, and worshiped

Out came their vegetables

They had harvested squash

And carrots, roots, cranberries, berries

And so on in their attempt to make a new home

As well as learning to capture the fish from the sea

They could learn a few things

He sent for the rest of his village

As well as to bring venison and fox

For their supper table

While they feasted on baked goods

And fruit pies along with seafood

Most of their fare were the seafood

And the harvested fruits and vegetables

Made into pies and stews

The inclusion of his meats made 

It a unique opportunity 

To bring together the two tribes

While the leaders smoked a pipe

And spoke of the future

The women seemed to enjoy

Each other's children

Something they would regret 

As measles swept through their community

They kept asking about pheasant

Those large garblers were not good eating

But they impressed the young men

While he worried his new friend

Would bring men who were not as willing

To sit down and share a meal together

He must warn the Iroquois league

Of the wanderers

While he had already heard 

Of Jamestown and Pocahontas

Foolish girl who did not want to marry

Instead threw herself at another man

He was lucky to be spared

On the basis he returns to his land

But he left those people behind

And they ended up eating each other

Out of starvation those first few years

An outcast the young Powhaten princess

Joined the dwindling group

Only to be taken to Europe herself

And not return except her son did come back

All was not well with these travelers

From a far shore in larger boats

Who spoke of peace and God

But had no sense of foreboding

They too would starve from lack of preparation

Sharing their food and experience at hunting and harvesting

Went a long way towards keeping them put

While the chief could call in reinforcements

It was the next batch he was not sure of

In the end King Philip 

His grandson would war against his new friends

For enemies is what they were 

Encouraging on their lands

And not getting the message 

To go home before it was too late

They had no idea who often

That one supper would be mentioned

Amongst the Indians as a warning

Of not getting to close nor to friendly

With those who could kill them without warning

The blessed Thanksgiving feast of the Americans

Is nothing more than a day of goodwill

For those included to the feast of god

But for all those outside the walls 

Nothing more than death

Why don't they just roast all the homeless

Since no one wants them to sit outside anymore.


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