Saturday, November 12, 2022

It was just a crazy dream...


It was just a crazy dream.

Don't you remember Dynasty?

Or was it Dallas...

Or are you old enough?

Anyways, this girl accused Andrew

Prince of England of, well

You know, not being princely,

His mother had to pay a handsome reward

If his dad was alive, he might have gone to the woodshed

His big brother

Who is now King 

Made him cry!

No more, I say no more!

But alas, the little lass 

Has made an error

She has discovered he might not 

Have done or been the one who did or did not...

It is all very confusing,

One does hope he is innocent

As it appears he might be getting his life back.

Meanwhile on the other side

Is the sad story of how in the Spring

No one wanted Putin to attend the G summit

And now that he has declined,

He is being made to look ugly

As if he is at fault or something.

Maybe we will all wake up one day

And Zelensky will be doing standup comedy

Putin will be a taxi driver in St. Petersburg

And I will be a CNN reporter.

Okay then Barack and Kamala 

Would be history 

Well, we can't have everything.

Maybe it is just a dream 

That the end of the world is coming.

It might not if God can't find any honest people.

The dream of freedom that so many have had

Was squashed by the Ukrainians 

Who are so selfish in their own needs

They have allowed so much death 

Over a bunch of Welch descendants

Who just wanted to be free!

But the brute Zelensky has refused

To acknowledge that he is wrong

In leading his people into hating

Thier brothers on the other side

Just like the Nazis who killed

His own Jewish people 

During that other war 

That nobody remembers either

Why? Would he be allowed to keep whining

Over a bunch of people 

Who don't want to be his?

A dictator through and through

What else is history going to say about him?

After it is all over and they get rid of Putin.

Zelensky will still be hurting and needing

And one day the White House 

Is going to wake up to one more of his calls

And wish it was all just a bad dream.

All those deaths!

Over one man not being qualified to be elected.

Just as if Jimmy was allowed to consider himself

A world ruler, where he would just 

Start war after war

Until there was no one left 

As they fight each other.

Then he will be just sitting

In an empty house 

With no one at all to rule over

No one ever thinks of the end result.

People like Jimmy who just wants to have his way.

Another dream is the world rulers

Wake up now before it is too late.

Dreaming of a Trojan horse, I am, I am....

Meanwhile, the King of England

Is actually qualified to be a leader

One some might not like 

But unlike Kate, he at least has class.

While the others have chosen their own paths.

Imagine a world where real people showed up.

Oh well, let's just go to sleep

With all those new nukes 

In the wrong hands and believe we will awake.....

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