Thursday, November 10, 2022

Always in hiding...


Some people don't know reality

People like Jimmy only know their fantasy 

That they are the boss and in control

For no reason at all this kid

Came into our lives

To destroy everything of ours

There was no beginning 

According to Jimmy

He does not believe in a world 

Before he was born

He does not even like to be shown

Photos of himself when he is a baby

He arrived full grown 

And a man 

In his eyes

Never mind the whining 

And other means he used to control

My mother who was weak

In mind and soul

Her mind had been broken as a child

By kids from the neighborhood

And then her parents did not appear

To believe her and she lost faith in them

Really, her brain was being eroded by cancer

The question is would she have done things differently

If she had a chance?

Selling out every one of her family members.

Not a grandmother nor a grandchild

If she was ever given one of her own

She went about stealing from others

First she stold a black womans boy

For herself so she could feel good

But he was her master not the other way around

Then she continued to allow

Young women to lie to her

About where the babies came from

In the end, all they wanted

Was to be called Princess

To be allowed to extend their hand out

As on stage and have a man droll upon it

And bend his knee down 

And give her the impression 

She was being considered a princess

Instead of a prostitute

Stealing a title from someone else

Does not go unnoticed

And even real princesses

Sometimes have to be moved aside

Such as the current Norwegian

Who chose a Shaman instead of a sports athlete

Of questionable origins

To hold onto while her rights

Have now been denied

Love conquers all they say

And yet it is also the calling card

Of the others who want to have it their way

Just as Candace who knows not

To keep getting involved 

With worldly leaders

And laying down with men 

Of questionable persuasions

Such as her own nephew Justin

Who will throw her to the dogs

First chance he gets

Just like Jezebel of the bible

No, auntie, no auntie

But he has his own agenda

To become the President himself?

Or at least a Prince on earth

As he once told me

And I thought 

A prince of what

The darkness?

There is no light

In that family.

Well, Jimmy has been at it again

Wanting more paperwork

Another barn burnt down

In my neighborhood

One that I recognized.

He thinks he can get away 

With taking other peoples

Thoughts and information

And then using it against them

Steal a box for him 

Or loved one will never be seen again

One thinks the newer toughness

Of the border will prevent

Say a child from being abducted

And walked across 

But that is what Suzie and Betty 

Were known for 

They never did work those two

Except the oldest profession

And had children out of wedlock

Which they gave up willing

Only to turn around and steal

From others in order to gain


What is it they gain?

The authorities are supposed 

To prevent such out right

Extortion and swindling

And yet it occurs over and over again

Even a well-known child 

Just standing at the wrong spot

Can have been picked up 

In the past and abducted

No one will tell you anything

Especially once the child is returned

But no one is safe around those

Who keep needles in their drawers

And medicine that only a real doctor

Can prescribe after a real diagnosis

Instead, they have fake doctors

And nurses who don't know

They can't misdiagnose a patient

Or a neighbor and give them an injection

All Jimmy knows is if he keeps

Drugging people they won't tell on him

After all he does not have any real power

Except from those stupid ones

Who want to help out 

But instead, are part of a child

Smuggling ring

Of individuals 

Who don't know who they are

Nor who to go to for help

Since every office and administration

Has now been infiltrated by this gang

Of would-be assassin's

But are just common thieves

A group of Germans

Who won't go home 

Now that their wall is down

And there is no longer any danger

Because they are here to destroy

They are on a mission of their own calling.

Endangering a child's life

Just so they can't sit at the pool

And call themselves royal

Is all they imagine

But instead, there are things at work

Drugging the kids just as they are found

The old colonial apartment 

Was at taken over by a car dealership

And a fraud at that

He is involved in drug trafficking

Human trafficking, baby stealing

And outright having people disappear

Those suitcases should hold cloths

Not bodies

But no one asks any questions

Because they are accustomed to it all

No questions asked

No way any legal authority

Is going to touch Jack Smith

All Jimmy has to do is sit down

Everyone thinks it is okay

But it is not

He is playing out stories 

From movies he has seen

It is just that everyone assumes

He is given the right to sit down

Or he has already threatened

Someone elses kids

He is good at just arriving

And sitting down inside

And then laying out the information

He has already 

Even if it is wrong

It is that he is so determined

To have his way.

No one seems to know how to take 

Care of him

The children will just be moved somewhere else

They are always moved 

As I was so many times

When I came home 

My mother refused to accept me

Just because her parents

Were involved in a war

She never forgave them

And keeps on working against

Her own family

Instead of stopping the behavior

Pattern of a spoiled brat

She used to call me that 

When in fact I did nothing abnormal

I was told to live with her

Because she would tell them

She wanted me to be with her

Only to open the door 

And tell me to get out

I was stupid or spoiled

For staying and yet

I had no place to go

I went to Siberia

And was dragged back

When it was discovered

That I was simply going to live

And not die

But be allowed to be a human

For some reason she thought

We had to be given up

And yet he has trained her

Even better than Candance to do his will

Long gone and dead

Why are the authorities not aware?

Because Candace is going 

To be every Sunday

At the same place

Even though not a member

Of the congregation

She has been told this repeatedly

But her family run the show

Not those men in New York

So, she does what she wants

Because there is no one to correct her

If they would only pick up 

The phone and call the authorities

Then the world would be a better place.

But then they would just be speaking

To Candy who is the phone operator

Do you remember those games

People used to be 

If you were stranded on an island

Or the world came to an end?

Well, Candy took it seriously

That she was going to man the phones

And Wendy the mail

I don't know a single letter that

Has not been inspected by Jimmy

When I order things

The staff has to first inspect them

To decide if I am allowed

Especially if they come from a government agency

Recently, I have had a dead bird with no face

At my bird feeder when there is no reason

An angry Asian man attempting to enter

My room claiming, he is my husband

No, no, I am allowed entrance

He wants to eat my food, steal my money

And sleep in my bed

Attempted rape al mode 

By Jimmy!

I have had an electrical fire inside my room

Four times maybe five 

I have had floods from other apartments

Intrude onto my place

Requiring outside people

Access to my rooms

And each time there is a furry thing

A black widow spider

Horrible looking cockroaches....

Another building burned down 

That was once ours....

And I saw an antique train

Go by me 

Last weekend 

From the flea market

Where jimmy is sending the personal 

Items from the personal homes

That were once part of the greater

Group of friends and family.

When will it end?

When all three sisters and then niece die

Of this family of Suzie, Candy, Alona and Janet

Who believe they can sit in cars

And steal your bags 

When you go shopping

The Groceries they can't afford

The clothes that don't fit them

They just don't want you to have them

Nor the ability to replace them

Because you were not able to feed them

When they had the ability to do it themselves

The old Christian threat

That if they had to go to work

And fell into a disreputable life

When in fact most of them were already convicts

And all they want to do is sit inside

Your place because it makes them special.

Or maybe Jimmy will be allowed to blow 

Up the world

By taking hostage 

What is presumed to be 

Someone important child or grandchild

What is it to someone else


If Zelensky had any ethics

He would not allow it to occur

On his watch

On his table of righteousness

He could not win the war

On his own 

So, he started whining

And now everyone is saying

The Russians are losing

Old War propaganda

In order to stir up the troops

And the public outcry.

But is he going to release 

His hostages?

In the end

Does the UN

Care about the freedom 

Of the people of Donetsk?

Or have they caved in as well.

Until Zelensky agrees to their release

He is no better than any other dictator

No matter how good he considers himself.

It is not a matter if Putin is right or wrong

It is if he will allow a people to become independent

They are not even Russian but Welsh descendants

While his own kids are allowed privileges

Others have been in hiding

Just because it is the wrong thing to do.

Win your war one way or the other.

But release all of the hostages.

On both sides and get over it.

Candace is not the ruler of the world

And neither is Jimmy.

It is that they don't know it themselves.

Imagine to always be in hiding

Because others are allowed

To continue finding things out

About people and using it as extortion

No one is supposed to be that bad.

Not Thelma, Not Anita, Not Suzanne

All of Jimmys Stepford wives

And yet he is not smart enough

It is the world that has gone wrong

Where children are not cared for by the authorities

Where they are allowed to be abducted

And used by others 

Because it is too difficult to give up

Such a thing as cigarettes bought 

From illegal sources

Maybe the government does not move in

Because they believe Jimmy will release

His sources and reveal his people

How naive to believe this man is capable

Of ever telling the truth.

Why are we all being held in the hand

Of one man or one woman?

Why Jimmy, do I have a problem with this picture?

Can you tell me honestly you had nothing to do with it?

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