Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Out of the frying pan...


Which one! Which one?

Whom should the little prince trust?

The big brother Biden with his arm around him?

Or proud papa Putin who trusts him?

No one is allowed to drive Putin around.

And he did not even get an invitation to the wedding!

But he is now being invited to the first State Supper.

And he is the treat!

No one else has been invited all this time.

The youngest President of France, is being invited

By the oldest President of America

To the White House for a tete

Camilla and him seemed to get along

Maybe they will get a chance to dance

Or do they still dance at state suppers?

Hmm, it has been a while since I was

Invited to one of those shindigs.

Maybe Grandma Feinstein can be allowed

A Seat although it is Christmas around the corner

She might have a thing or two 

To discuss with the young fellow

After all he has no other family

Or does he?

All that is shown is his wife's relatives

Nobody knows his own parents.

Well, let it be successful

And pray he won't be arrested

For no reason at all 

Or recalled

French politics are tricky

Only the foolish and the wisest 

Make it in France

Wheras almost anyone can get 

Into the Oval office.

Even uncle Joeseph

Who was once everyone's best friend

Trust no one young man!

If I was his mother

They are all after your wallet

That bank account is precious

As is the retail value of your castles

Not to mention all those fancy cars

Your country is one of the more expensive ones

Even a well-known person could be robbed 

And not even recognized when approached

By authorities till it is too late to return

The private papers and other items not replaceable.

Enjoy the Wine and the Dine

Maybe Joseph has not changed his spots

By walking into the Oval office 

Instead of running around the perimeter

77 trees are there for you to count

On your tour of the White House

But this is not your first trip.

I forgot I was living in DC

When I suddenly had a knock on the door

Meghan and Harry had droppedd by

To inform me that I no longer had a home

Evicted by my non daughter who had the key

I was forced to walk out of a three-hundred-year-old brick house

A month before your wife was about to transcend

Upon the domestic America press

While it is probably been replaced

By a glass death trap

The once tranquial neighborhood

That was already there when the 

District of Columbia was established

It was once an Indian village

Then an academy of sciences along the riverbed

They put up so much no one can guess

What was once in the neighborhood

They even tore down the original train station

Finances and economy 

Will be your teatime conversation

I am still a caffeine addict

Without coffee or expresso

I am dead to the world

I came all the way back

To California to find

The other inheritance property

Which was a French land grant

From Napoleon himself

Has gone to the dogs

Those people who claim to be Mexican

And yet, are not born in Mexico nor America

Have taken a private compound

Made it into a campground

Are probably planning a casino or something

They think they are Monaco or something

Instead of a fruit orchards and port village.

I can remember walking when I was very little

Along the twisted road towards the old train route

Smelling and touching the vintage roses

They had been there forever 

And there were grapes as well

When the blight hit California wines

They took the root stock

And provided a new stock for them

Then they uprooted our grapes 

Trust no one!

Especially those who don't want to pay taxes

When I finally recover from pneumonia

And a few other things 

I will be going back to both places

With more than hand typed paper work

Such as dear Suzanne keeps replacing

She seems to think I owe her an income

We are not related at all dear.

And Jimmy is dead to me 

He never was my friend 

But my enemy

But he has gone too long

Without a spanking

Even if he is put over

Bidens knees and given 

A really good one

He won't give me back

What he has taken from me.

He has no intentions but to act

Like an ass his whole life

He thinks he is a handler now

Who is going to control the politicians

Don't shake hands with him at any time.

Just shoot to kill

He would do the same if he knew

You were not going to play with him.

 A word of advice.

You have no sisters

Don't let the women approach 

They have ill intentions

Just as the other guy got burned

Every time he was nice and now

Has nothing but bombs

And causalities to count

Terrorists are all I grew up with

And then they denied everything

Only to resurface and attack my father

Old hands at the Washington 

Politics instead of being an insider

And observer who has tallied

And danced a little bit too much.

Watch out for that eggnog

It might have been spat in by Jimmy

And he has no spit.

Although on inspection

Did you notice where you and your wife will be seating?

Om the South lawn!

In December and at night!

Tell your wife to pack her fur 

Or at least wear a full-length wool dress

There might not be snow on the ground yet

But it is frigid after the sun goes down

What an octogenarian is planning to do 

I would like the Whitehouse to explain.

Maybe they will have little heat lamps

For each of you to warm your toes.

Well, have a nice time,

And when you get to New Orleans

Remember where you come from.

France was once the ruler of this whole country

All the way up the Mississippi

And to the California shores as well.

Be proud to be a Frenchman

In America and not an ugly German

If something big and blond 

With blue eyes comes near

Run! It is best not to know.

Someday I will make it back to Paris,

I was born in route between

Paris France and Perris California

San Diego is my hometown

But Paris will always have my heart.

Play nice guys 

He might be your last chance and only answer!

And who is serving him orange chiffon?

It is not the Seventies!

Rosewater or rose petal is the newest cake flavor classic!

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