Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Eight Billion graves to be dug


The newest Ranger of Windsor Castle.

He is 74 years old today.

One wonders how he got the job at that age!

Retirment comes early for most but not Royals.

The new King has taken on a new job.

Always has his hands on something.

Whereas others complain about everything.

While striking is the way of the middleclass

It does sometimes make one wonder who they think are

After all there are plenty who would prefer to work

Then walk the streets or even riots.

Rioters are the worst with nothing to do at all.

When it is all done will we know who through the first rock?

Just like the Bosten tea party was said to be Indians.

But were in fact the towns people 

Complaining about the Kings tea and taxes

Imagine they actually wanted them to pay

Postage on personal letters back home.

Postal services were different

Where a person was expected to send letters

And for free, without cost to themselves.

Well, The World has become its own burden,

Eight Billion members of the human race,

Whether or not they were created or evolved.

They are here in mass despite all the designs

To keep them from overpopulating the earth.

Mass drought and starvation is what the past

Knew of the great masses of people.

With no food nor work to produce.

What happened? Maybe war is the answer.

The G20 summit should be shedding

Some answers to the few questions.

Since no one seems to have done,

Anything since the Pandemic.

Except reproduce!

Certainly not gotten smarter nor wiser.

Where will we be without rulers?

Who have a measure of knowledge

And willingness not to assassinate each other?

They say that William the Conqueror 

Built Windsor Castle.

But some guy named Otter

Was the constable or caretaker.

Whose name belongs to whom?

The Windsor's name themselves after a castle,

Instead of the Williamsons.

After the King who made England

Into a country to be reckoned.

Who knows what tomorrow

Might bring. 

With the marvelous discoveries

Of the earth and universe.

Peace is the most difficult of prizes

To attain in our world, however.

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