Friday, December 30, 2022

Aleksandrovka, Yuzivkz, Hughesevka, Stalino and Dontsek, A city with many names...


She was only six years old, too little to stay at home. She should be going to school but was instead quickly packing up the few items that was hers for her rucksack.

Today was the day they were leaving the miserable Wales countryside with no prospects. What was the use of going to school? There was nothing to do but get pregnant by the time they were 13 or 14 as real woman. Or go to work in a factory of some sort, for most no longer owned any land at all not even the small village plots where they once grew enough to feed themselves.

Off she was going with her dad to a new place on the other side of Italy. No longer Britian's commonwealth was good enough, but they were going to travel around France, Spain and then turn when they got to Italy. The schoolteacher had explained it to them all, about where this new place was on the Aztov Sea. 

Russia was not a bad place, at least not as bad as Germany which was still trying to gain England. Even though they had a young Queen Victoria, and her German husband there still was not enough for them on the tip of Wales. 

Mr. John James Hughes, they called him, he came from Wales. He had started at the local iron works working for his own father. But had risen to having his own boat and port. He had acquired a prestige's standing with his patents and armament works. Not just iron troughs for pigs but metal objects for protection and other things that went boom. 

He had worked for the Royal house of England but now had a contract with the Tsar himself. He had been given a Russian grant to build an iron foundry in the Baltic Sea for a Russian naval port. He was an important man now and had acquired a wife of equal standing who had blessed him with eight children.

He was taking eight boats with him today to this new place to start a new life under the Russian Tsar. God bless the Queen, but he was going to be a richer man than most with this new contract. He also hired a hired specialist for his new foundry. Thier families were coming along or some of them and the rest to follow.

She arrived at the port with her father and carried her belongings on board to stand next to him. It was decided because he had a daughter, he could have a cabin instead of remaining top side. The cooking was done downstairs, and the little girl could be taught how to do it by one of the wives while she stayed with him at night.

Smart man to bring his daughter while the wife was finishing up the family business. It meant he would not have to put up with women who did not know their place, nor would he be considered an unmarried man. His pay would be substantial above that, and he would also be one of the first to acquire a cabin to live and then be able to bring his wife more quickly.

The trip had been breathtaking, first all of the British fog they had crossed over to Europe and then it cleared they could see France in the distance. Then they ventured out of ocean itself with nothing but water and sky. Now they had crossed to the Mediterranean Sea with the stories from her Sunday primer in her head. Not only of Moses in the desert but also of Greece and Rome. 

Finally, they arrived in Turkey where they had to go through a channel or straight into the Baltic Sea. It had been a splendid journey for her and her father. It seems most get seasick or worse. They were healthy specimens and her cooking had turned to top side viewing of the geography and astronomy as being taught by the some on board. 

Thier arrival at this spot on the map, it was a barren landscape with no buildings. They said the Scythians once ruled the area they were stepping onto. The long boat trip was now replaced with a unloading process and building project. The first part of the foundry had to go up immediately. Meanwhile tents were erected for the women and children while the men used their muscles.

It was a different environment with new animals and birds. She was inquisitive one and wanted to be an engineer herself one day. Following her father around with his lunch she had made the night before kept her out of the tent village where there was trouble brewing. 

Then the day occurred when they revolted, they wanted homes to live in. Hughes himself came to speak to them, he promised English churches would be built and English schools for the children and English hospitals as well. If they would give it some time to prepare the works in order to begin making money for the new Russian foundation he had established. They could bring their families and live comfortably without having to become Russian or give up their Welsh.

And so, they proceeded to lay the foundations that day for the first English church in the remote realms of Russia. And not a catholic one either but a proper Protestant one. The foundry was completed in the basic form, and they began to produce things which meant her engineer father was not too busy for her to follow. She had to begin to attend the English school which was first in a tent and then in a cabin and then in a whole school as in London with separate rooms for each grade. 

The Hospital had been set up in a tent finally got a building to move into with Welsh doctors and nurses who had arrived on the next group from Wales. Fifty thousand Welsh people came to this new place to help produce iron works for the Tsar of Russia. They flourished in the Sunshine and learned what snow was meant to kept inside. They acquired real homes, and their city grew out of a tent village into a metropolis. 

She had her own mother and brothers show up as she was getting too old to be left alone. She did finish her schooling but there was little hope of her becoming a girl engineer. That would be left to her brothers. She did however gain a teacher's license and worked first at the schools and then made the first female professor at the university. Where she taught engineering design never marrying but remaining single as no man was equal to her own experience.

Hughes was a great man, moving them in 1855 to this new place. On a trip to Saint Petersburg, he suddenly died. His sons had to go and get his body to remove it to Wales where he was buried. They took over the running of the business and everyone was still happy with their choice. Til the Queen died in England and the Tsar was assassinated. 

There were stories abounding of the trouble to come. Men showed up wanting to start a rebellion against the factory owners. What good would that do? Then they would have no work nor place to live. But they continued and one bad day in October, they took Moscow by storm. 

The new Tsar and his wife were arrested, and their daughters deported without guards. They were now in Siberia far to the north where the sun almost never shined. They would eventually be murdered and left in the fields for the animals to feast upon. 

Meanwhile, the brothers Hughes could not retain control of their foundry nor their city that their father had built. In 1917 it was over the Welsh dream of a new life in an area not wracked with starvation as most of Ireland poor had immigrated to America. They were too poor to own anything at all even passage on a boat. They were selling themselves to become servants in houses on the other side of the Atlantic. Those stories were not good ones either but at least they were speaking English.

The first thing that occurred was that English was no longer to be spoken in their city but Russian. And Orthodox religion would now be taught instead of protestant. What difference did it make? They were antigod and atheist this movement of Bolsheviks. 

Stalin came and decided he like the city and kept the residents from returning to their own land. Some had made it out in the first hours of the bizarre take over along with the Hughes family who had not remained behind. There was no hope of the family at all having control of their factory nor their bank accounts. All were seized and lost. 

Her family had remained happily, and her brothers had married and had children. Her nieces were well educated and able to conquer anything.  A few of them had gone exploring the world even to America. the rest stayed and built the family fortunes. They were quicker than the others in retrieving their monies and valuables. Some were not on the first boat out but across the border to Italy and then to Switzerland. There they were safe from everyone and had one family become bankers while the one had gone home to find nothing to do at all in old Wales which was given over to great poverty.

Without the Queen attending to her people. there was little hope of their lives. It was best to remain where they were until something else occurred. As it was this Great war was tearing apart Europe. In the end, Germany had to admit defeat which was good for England and Russia. Except they were no longer Russia but the Soviet Union.

There was now no escape for those left behind. Over the years a few of her family would make it out but she stayed true to their new city. Her great nieces took up the cause as they new war took the land by storm. This time they were also involved, and their precious foundry was producing things for the war. 

It only remained for a hundred years to go by and find them a completely different people. No longer Welsh nor even Russian but Donbas a merged group of both Slavic and Celtic. The remains of her family had survived the Soviets and become Russian Federation. Now they were Ukrainians and free of the terrible leaders who killed without thinking.

Female warriors were not unknown in the past to save a people. Nor little girls to lead a group to safety and prosperity. The rise of the machines only gave the impression that woman was no longer needed. But the new century proved too much for the men to handle. They wanted their freedom. They fought in Kiev for freedom. Then in the Crimea for freedom. Then they turned to Donbas who wanted their freedom. 

But they were not granted the same freedom of the others. Not real people anyways but these descendants of thw Welsh. The Princess of Wales won't even come to visit them. Nor will she stand up for the discrimination against them. Why can't they have their freedom as well? Why does this man i Kiev insist they are slaves? Just because they signed over their lives to Hughes who is long gone except for his stature, does he believe he owns them as well?

The city has changed its name so many times. It has survived so many different things. War and famine were the things they fled and now they are at their doorsteps. There is no place for the women nor the children. Those fleeing are cut down by their own neighbors who dress it up as the enemy. 

Where will they go now? This is their home. They don't have a home in Wales anymore, long left by the very ones who supported their move. They are not allowed to speak English nor go to protestant churches. They even altered their Christmas leaving the Russian Orthodox traditions for a Catholic one. 

The Catholic President of America was provided a blessing he might not want in the future.  No longer Orthodox nor Protestant but Catholic, it would be better if they all became Jewish themselves!

At least then the world would listen to their plight of no freedom. How come such a nice guy got stuck? He is probably just doing what his group wants which was not to free them but to take on the Russians. Just as before they want to rule the universe from Kiev instead of Moscow. 

And by a Jewish man who knows not the difference between the churches. He seems honest and his wife pathetic, but they sold them as well. Even his mother received the dream of the little girl to become a female engineer a hundred years after the Welsh girl was told she could not.  Maybe they are related to the little girl from Wales whose family held out against all the invaders for their newly acquired life and property.

When will they learn? One little girl learned on her voyage thee signs of the heavens and workings of metal. She made her family survive an ordeal that could have cost them, and her relatives are now in danger of being removed completely with no place to go. 

Kate will never come for them as a warrior or a princess unlike her mother-in-law who brought to the world notice many things about war and freedoms. Only to lose hers over a few bad decisions which is what life is about. 

It would take a Scythian female Princess warrior to rise up out of the ground to finish this debate off. But which side would she choose? The cute guy in his fatigues with the beautiful wife and kids? Or the old balding suited former intelligence officer with no wife and too many stories of his misbehavior and bastards? 

Should she choose between a once handsome man who has grown older than the population wants or the upcoming young guy who might turn out fat and ugly before his time is up? 

Maybe she would want peace and prosperity. Maybe she would want freedom to choose her own house of worship and her own language as well as other things such as what day to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

El Dorado City of Gold


The Centurion had seen it all in the Roman empire.

He had gone the great distance north to the barbarians of the British Isles.

He had made it through the Silk Route to the place of India. 

Foraged into Africa as far south as Ethiopia. 

He had studied with the monks and became acquitted with the scrolls.

His training had included language skills as well as geography

He had a special mission. A suicide one of no return.

His comrades had no idea the lengths the Caeser had gone.

A concern had come about with the wealth of the former empires disappeared

There must have been a set of rules in the past.

But now there was nothing but pillaging.

When they arrived in a new location there was always the knowledge.

That almost everything would already be destroyed.

His men had been special picked with not families.

All orphans with no ties to their homes.

It had been decided that the treasures of the Jews must be removed.

Those people had strange ways and claimed a vengeful god.

King Soloman had been one of the wealthiest in the world.

His knowledge extended beyond what was normal.

Even the Queen of Sheba had come to him with her own wisemen.

No one was wealthier and the palace was pure gold.

The religious items could not be melted down without fear it might cause chaos.

They had already had a volcano explode, what might happen next.

They had carefully removed the items and then killed everyone off.

No survivors to tell stories of the gold items.

His gold throne alone would have been worth a fortune.

They had loaded boats with their cargo and put on board supplies.

There was one navigator who had been schooled in the enormous globe.

They knew of another continent on the other side of their ocean.

They had been visited by special envoys who were concerned.

Disease had swept through their lands, and they wanted not more contact.

Explorers had been kept from returning and were being held hostage.

Until they were certain there would be no incursions, they would not release them.

Sadly, there would be no exchange and that was one of his assignments.

Once his task was done, he was to go into the forests.

If he found the captives, he would kill them.

Or if possible, allow them to find their own way home.

He would not be returning at all as his final assignment

Was to become one of the inhabitants of the new world.

He was to associate and perhaps marry into the higher ranks.

Then when the time came the new explorers would find friends.

Not enemies who could follow home the men but not be willing to negotiate.

There were three of them who were now the nephew of Caeser.

The first one was to be left behind on first contact.

South continent had a huge bulge in its design.

There they made contact and left the least of the gold for the new ruler.

He made contact already and was told of a river called the Amazon.

There was another side of this continent with a new ocean.

That is where he was headed.

But to the north were islands and many different peoples.

They had sent a small force up north to discover it while they waited.

It was marvelous they said but the people were fierce.

These were to be avoided but a few had volunteered to stay behind.

They would make their way to the main hub of activity.

In the future they or their descendants would greet the new explorers.

The route around the tail of this massive beast had been difficult.

High in the Andes they found the infamous people of the clouds.

Their empire was huge and spanned half of the northern half of the continent.

They blazed large animal symbols on the cliffs for the future.

Inside the new headquarters were many men who had also volunteered.

It seems the plan was being revealed to them without explanation.

Many understood they were going too far to return.

And in an effort to save themselves were asking to stay.

That was fine as the second nephew was placed into the group.

The elite status was unique here where they might be from Asia. 

They already had a path along the coast that ran upwards.

Thier communication system was well developed.

And their pyramids were equal to those of Egypt.

His journey was to head as far north as possible.

Before meeting another strong people.

He had heard the Inuit to the north.

They lived in ice conditions. Not what they wanted.

The problem was this community was far inland.

They had to provide a special burial of the most expensive items.

They wanted the golden angels in particular not to be found.

His men had been patient with him in his designs.

But every night the lower ranks were disappearing.

They had not wanted their trip to be exposed.

Others were sent after them to kill them.

Some of the trusted could remain but the rest were not to talk.

There was going to be one boat empty of cargo that would make its way.

Through the newer ocean towards the west.

And hopefully refined their own land.

His assignment was to meet and greet these people.

He found they had astronomical buildings.

Great understanding of the heavens.

They traded with the groups from the south.

They spoke of another group to the north.

Those were the ones they were avoiding.

He had to make a decision as to where he was going to stay.

Cassa Grande is where he decided.

There were cliff houses and round kivas for them.

His crew had made it clear they also were going to stay.

While the last boat made its way across the great expanse.

Perhaps towards Japan as they had heard was the far kingdom.

He and his men could guard their wealth while becoming part of the environment.

They could communicate now with the northern tribes. 

They had their own city upon a massive river.

They controlled the whole expanse of the north.

While the middle group were the fiercest

And wealthiest as they traded between the south and the north.

Information was passed quickly between the groups.

The river as big as the Nile was navigated by a group.

Who made it through the forests to a place where they could inform.

Most of the wanderers were not going to make it back at all.

And after collecting information of the vast continent.

He sent it back through the northern route of ice.

They said there was a way though to those isles.

Thier monks had been found growing wine.

When he heard there was wine, he knew there were Europeans.

Now he was encased into this new life.

Made over into a god of sorts.

His wives were the best of the three groups.

His children were being trained to keep the secrets.

Meanwhile their loads had been places strategically.

In case the future found them and needed them.

The city of gold had been disbursed into three sites.

No longer the loot of the Israel nation.

But the future of a new existence in case those back in Rome.

Meet a fate wors than death.

Death in the form of volcanoes and tsunamis.

It had been a difficult trip, but his men were now happy.

His small band of faithful who had no other place to be.

A city of gold hidden underground where it would only be found.

With the right set of papers and devices collected together.

Until then he had fulfilled his oath to Caeser and to Rome.

They had to be stopped from crossing the great ocean.

They were interfering with Romes empire.

Thier exclusion was intentional.

It had been thought they might have been the first to explore.

Arriving in waves from their own side of the ocean.

A new arrangement of negotiation.

They had as string of forts with something to guard.

It would last a short time. 

Disease and invasions were often quite common.

The great cities were lost after a shorter time.

His men had been allowed to feel loyal.

But their own flesh wanted more than the beauty.

They wanted a Rome which was already present.

Never trust anyone at all with the mission.

Those burials were still there when the next wave of explorers arrived.

After Rome fell but the Catholic church had risen.

As a single controller of the larger world

Where the leaders of Europe came to bend their knees

In Rome to a new kind of ruler, a religious one.

His control included the lost knowledge of the other side.

But it was the single centurion who had saved the world.

From the demise of the area through more infighting.

The later Crusades would do that for them.

They would also be the ones to find the various devices

That would explain the lost ships of Rome 

Who had a place to go and no way home.

A single commander had made it back.

But too late to save Rome but not civilization.

It had been deemed necessary to remove some of the items.

Even the plague of China had not destroyed Europe.

As time went by only those who knew of his trip.

Were allowed to know of it.

Meanwhile the world changed over.

The modern world where the planes are canceled.

And lost travelers complain of being stuck at the airport.

Have no idea of those men who wanted to go home.

But could not or those who plunge ahead.

As in China where a highway has not stop.

Piling on top of each other in their effort.

To continue on without helping their fellows.

This is what was going to happen if they had not made their trips.

Cars piled on top of each other.

Due to no self-control nor ability to foresee the end.

And a people who built a wall to keep out others.

Another story of invasions that would over run them.

And bring about the end of civilization. 

This is what they stopped the overrun of Europe.

And those golden stories where only a ruler 

Could live in a city with an entire group of faithful 

Who would not find a way of slitting his thought.

El Dorado did exist but was immediately taken over.

Each time they brought out the relics.

Something terrible happened to the group.

Long live Caeser who foresaw the demise of his own empire.

And sent away the cause of Middle east troubles.

Somewhere in America they are waiting.

The religious relics which might have been stolen

From another culture but used by the Israelites.

To be rediscovered and to wreak the new owners of them....

Monday, December 26, 2022

The last Christmas or the Buffalo story


Pio Pico top was the last Governor of California under Mexico rule. His family were old Mexico with a line towards Montezuma the last Aztec ruler and the Conquistadors who came to destroy the society of this Nueva Espana. They never left but melded into the new California with connections through marriage to Plymouth colony.

The Last Queen of Hawaii born after the Kingdom was no more but who adopted who niece who was half East Coast society. Hawaii survived many invasions and incursions, but it was the offer of marriage into the Christian world which brought the demise. The last Princess just passed away with her wealth about 200 million, she had a female spouse as a survivor, it will be the courts to decide the fate of the last, last of the Hawaiian wealth dispersal.

The Buffalo story was that my little brothers were engulfed in history to the point of wanting to relive it and we went a few places to live for them to experience it. They of course did not like it much and eventually moved on to other things. 

When the family dispersed there was no going back to the happy family. They tried living in Hawaii, but a Volcano erupted, and we ended up standing in the water of the ocean of the beach watching the bright red river flow edging towards our cul-de-sac. That was enough to send my mother into hysterics. We also tried Alaska where a storm came and demolished the thought of a dream of a life away from those others. 

And there were the many attempts at a California life as we were the descendants of four different families who arrived in California before statehood or shortly afterwards. We watched each small homestead or old house be moved or torn down in an effort to become modern cities. Now all there are all tall glass buildings where the elevator is not allowed to be used in case of emergency.

We moved to Buffalo New York for a job for dad and a life for mom away from the crazies in her old neighborhood. They had both lived there briefly as children in that corner where the Great Lakes merge into the East Coast. It was probably one large or sea at one time but now are separate lakes.
The house was bought for us all to reside and the kids given the rules of conduct in order to stay together. Meanwhile we were enrolled in school, each of us and special after school things as well. Never arrive home before she is ready to receive company which is just about supper time.

All went well for a short time until the holidays came around. My mother's biggest thing was to act up for her family during this time because then she got what she wanted the rest of the time. Her parents were now divorced even though they had grown up together as sandbox kids.

It had to happen if not a hurricane or a tornado which we as a family had lived through but a historic storm. Buffalo is right there on the corner of the lakes just waiting for a windfall. A huge storm arrived with a yell from the bedroom we heard about it the snow on the ground was now steadily climbing up the outside walls. 

My mother liked to lay in bed and tell my father how much she hated what I was going to do in the future, and should they tell me how it made her feel. I could not understand as a child not to try to keep peace and make the world a better place. I knew Grandpa was overdue for his arrival and her sound was getting a little bit heavy in their room. 

I got up quietly saw the boys asleep on the Livingroom floor and went snatched the new sleigh from the garage that was meant for Christmas morning. It was an emergency it would be returned when finished, I also took my bag of things.

Out on top of the snow pulling the sleigh quietly along streets where the cars were already snowed into the ground. I stopped to listen to an emergency alarm on someone's radio, that was what was missing at home the sound or hum of the radio or emergency frequency meant to stay on just in case. I padded on with the knowledge that no one was allowed to be driving except emergency vehicles.

I was spotted by someone as I turned the corner towards the large interchange that grandpa was likely to take. I could go no further than the end of the street. He was inside the car all night with the engine running. He had just arrived when the snow hit him or the rest of the line of cars. They were all sitting in their cars waiting for morning. 

She saw the smoke coming out of the tail of the car. She approached with caution and saw that it was grandpa. She no sooner started to communicate with him than snow fell on top of his tail pipe. With a scream she threw herself towards the back of the car with the shovel she had brought. She was trying to clear the tail pipe when someone lifted her up and took over. 

They had seen her searching the cars thinking she was looking to steal but instead she found someone inside who was still alive. Many of the others were too blue to be saved, at least this one was moving around. She went for the back window with her boots until it bent inwards. With more air the guy was going to survived. 

Now they had to get him out of the car, and she wanted his bags which he had brought. One of them had Christmas gifts but it was his files and other things he never left behind that she knew would be gone if not brought along. Now he was on the sleigh, and she was hovering over the backboard as they were pushed back towards their house. As they got away from the line of cars of dead people the guys left them with the news they knew where they were going. 

As she slid into the last section of the block her brothers were outside running around and then he was there standing in the street. He looked tired and angry, her father was worried sick with everything he had to handle and now she had disappeared. It had been a quick trip, but she had been caught. 
Grandpa was sitting in the living room with blankets around him and his bags on the floor. She had been properly reprimanded, and the boys were playing with the sleigh inside while mom made breakfast. 

This lasted a little while as they storm had abated and then the lines were reconnected. That when the phone begun to ring over and over again. As mom kept hanging up on the person until one of the boys was told to bring the phone to grandpa. It was grandma and she was furious, why was there no one at the train station. She had been stuck there for days now, when was she going to be picked up?
Grandpas spoke slowly to her as her former mate and knew the steam would boil over. Her daughter had not realized they would both be invited but there was not able to deal with reality was simply wishing one of them would disappear.

Mom had enough. Before grandpa was done speaking to her mother walked out the door with her purse and without a warm coat. We did not know where she was going, nor could we follow. We were warned not to leave again from the house as dad had gone to get more gas for the backup generator so the house would not freeze us if it happened again. Grandpa called the local sheriff and told him to be on the lookout for his daughter. 

Dad was going to be angry when he got back. He had the only vehicle that would operate. After another night with snow and storm and all of us in the living room with grandpa, we got up to find nothing working. He decided to send two of us out as scouts with the sleigh. The boys refused to stay behind.
So, all of us were walking down towards the city center looking and looking and there he was inside the car freezing to death. He had taken blankets with him instead of keeping the engine running. We got to him just in time and he was yanked out by his father-in-law who was angry with himself. 

Should have thought about this before and had it prepared. It was missing, from the garage someone must have swiped it. Where was she anyways? On her way to meet her mother at the trains station!
They were yelling not at each other but in frustration. The boys got quiet and moved the gas to the new sleigh with care, Grandpa was going back as soon as he could get out of here. He was not going to spend one night with her in the house because of what they had gone through and never got over his heart attack for her not wanting him after the war. It was all his daughters plan to keep them from talking.

As dad and I walked slowly behind them talking about what had happened the day before, we heard the honking. It was distinct and a signal to us that they were nearby. We turned around while the boys continued on with grandpa who was not paying attention.

Sliding most of the time and then a emergency vehicle pulled up. They had seen us pull him out from a distance. They were speaking to us about returning when the honking began again and in earnest. They swiveled looking for its source with us right behind them. There they were in a borrowed car the three of them. The two ladies were about passed out from the cold. It was my sister who was hitting the horn with her feet. 

The workers surged on the car and then turned around to ask a question only to see me jumping up and down. She was frightened and frustrated. Dad hugged her and spoke to her about being with grandma instead of with hm. I grabbed her and was pushing her through the snow towards the vehicle. 
She was stiff as a board and angry as hell. The boys were really going to enjoy tonight. The women were being pulled out of the stranded car along with the bags.

An ambulance arrived and the women were put inside and then we were lifted up as well. All three of us, they wanted us to be seen at the hospital. With no way of communicating with the others who had kept walking. At the hospital grandma was being treated for a heart attack and mom for high blood pressure while dad for exposure to the cold. We were being treated for possible pneumonia.

None of us were happy about not getting through to the house. The sheriff was called again, and, in the morning, we were found by three boys, two little ones and a very old one looking a little bit too tired.
The storm had kept them in and without being rescued they might not have made it. The gasoline could not be put into the generator because it was too cold, and it froze instead of being liquid. We were all put into the same room, and they were allowed to stay with us for the time being.

The storm passed through, and things were being put back together but our house had to be revived. The boys went home first to put everything together for us girls. Unwilling the older women were escorted to the house before they were ready. The girls were instructed to stay inside and under blankets in case we had contracted pneumonia. 

A general peace had been declared amongst the grandparents. The boys did what they could to entertain us as we were sleeping in the living room as our room was now grandmas. We had our last Christmas together as a family. 

But it was not anormal one but with laugher a Russian one as we had missed the Western one due to the storm. A thirteen-day difference between the two of them and we got to experience the missed one as well as the other one with the grandparents explaining to us about growing up between two different calendars.

It would have been nice that all was well with the world, but her brain was not well. Her parents had been informed of her tumors growing and the possibility of cancer. Arrangements were being made to separate us children in order to keep her from finding out. The trip to the hospital caused us all to find out what it meant to be survivors of nature but not of the cruel world with the way in which a life can be stolen from one woman. 

And the whole world come to an end. Sometimes I was asked if I remembered that last time. What had gone wrong. Why were we no longer together. Would she ever be well enough? I did not tell them that she had gone crazy inside but only that one day we would be together again.
Even I did not know everything that would happen.

Nor that it was the Cardinale's this time who had found us. The couple from San Francisco who had caused to much trouble for my father. She was an Irish Catholic bomber working still even fifty years later as her comrades still greet her with their secret hug. He was from Iraq not Italy and spent time at Rikers and San Quentin. 

Their children would finish off my mother's mental health. Throwing funeral for her when I had been denied but they wanted to hold hands and dance around. Instead, they were told to sit down and listen to the self-appointed overseer who was really a hells angel in disguise.

I wished I had not come to my mother's own memorial of her death. The hells angel spoke of her writing in a derogatory way. Making fun of her who had been difficult to stay with after all the harm she had done. But she had made it for one moment into the Washington DC environment and was printed in the Post.

The Buffalo story is the end of all things normal. A family who went to hell and back due to those who were allowed to grow weary of America at a time when that was okay. Now it is not okay to spy on their neighbors nor read their emails, blogs nor letters. But they do it anyways because they are a family of terrorists. 

They were even on the road on 9/11 driving towards New York but safely behind the normal range of anything going bad. How did they know that week they needed to be on the road with no particular place to be present? They are still in touch with their friends and invited more to San Diego our real hometown that we kept being forced out of but with our home addresses still in the phone books. 

All good things come to an end. Sometimes it is Kingdoms such as the free Hawaiians who thought they would prefer the Western World.
Or an Imperial nation such as Mexico who had gotten too big to soon. The California governments had m any different rulers from Europe who ignored the natives. 
Just as others who get their freedom but don't want the freedom of some amongst them but prefer to show off that they are more willing not to be peaceable.

Another historic storm has hit Buffalo named after the animals who were once plentiful. 
Despite the warnings some are foolish to go outside when it is not safe, and others have no other place to be as their homes are raided and kept from them by civilian terrorists who believe they have the right to make decisions for others without the authority of the government which promises freedom to all. 

May all stay safe and heed the warnings. Never take for granted the freedom of your own government nor that your neighbors are peaceable. 

Someday has not come yet to my family because we are not allowed to even think about each other without causing alarm amongst those who took siege a single family and their friends who don't even visit anymore either. 

The sadness of the world is ever present in the celebrations of the world hope and faith are present to a few.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Just that kind of year


Imagine a year without any nutcrackers?

I have searched all the boutiques 

Seeking one more nutcracker

Last year there were two Latino women

Who blocked me and then went off laughing

Having grabbed all of them!

Another year I went to a Church sale

And my box with the tender things

Was left on the sidewalk 

As i was once more captured 

By Janet and her aunt Candy

They have stopped showing up

Not that I trust them at all

I saw some of my little ones

On display at some women's 

Exhibition at her Chamber of commerce

I have lots of things to put on display

But those nutcrackers which i collected

Instead of clowns have all flown

Into someone else mantle

I actually found just one this year

While I was working through the store

I saw him standing there

And cautiously approached

Sure, enough it was a nutcracker

Disguised as a snowman!

Well, no one else noticed

In a year of frugality

Those new store-bought ones

Are not the same as the used

And old antique ones we seek

The true collector.

He reminded me of the year

My Forestry father who had

Worked on his Engineering degree

Only to have a wife who always 

Had another idea about things.

Where to live or what to do.

He ended up working for the Forestry dept

Fighting fires and water management

Was not the same as building bridges

And then we ended up living 

On a Christmas tree farm.

Those trees were tricky 

And they were easily damaged

I started cutting down one of them

And then my brothers joined

Recreating the ones that would

Not be sold at all

Into snowman 

Each one was trimmed 

Resemble a family member

Tall skinny dad started off

And then round mama

Each child was getting worked

Into the story line as we went

Through the lost and found

Looking for clothes to dress 

Our family of flocked trees

It was Christmas eve

And no one wanted any of these

My mother was going back and forth

And watched the family grow

She was confused at first 

How often her brain did not keep

Up with what was happening

Her parents dismay turned into reality

She had brain cancer which caused 

So much of the families' problems

Finally, she could not stand it any longer

The police arrived to find out what was going on

And then the grandparents were found standing

In front of them as we finished off 

The entire line of them

They were appalled she had run away

Christmas eve she was in a hotel room.

Again, we had not understood to stress 

Her out with our child play

Father of course was helping

Quietly from behind the scenes

By morning there were three additional 

Snowmen in the formation

Of the two grandparents in law

And his own father as one family

Ha, ha it was so funny.

She could not stand it 

But the sandcastles got more elaborate

As the talented artists wanted to practice

They never did get another chance

As disaster hit our family.

But the memory brought tears.

There is no Christmas being celebrated

In most of Russia as it is not yet

Christmas as their calendar is different

Only in Ukraine did the Orthodox world

Get dragged unnecessarily into the West

For the sake of the media

They put on a display 

When in fact it will be two more weeks

Before they will have their religious

Celebration along with the rest of the East

Who still have conflicting calendars

But Hannukah will end on the 26th.

My Y has been closed for the holidays

I have to wait to swim 

Everyone else must be mad

Those who are exercise nuts.

Anyways I spent X eve

Washing my clothes 

Since my residence shut down

The laundry room.

And then I went to the grocery store

I was out of half and half 

For my coffee

A disaster on its own.

I ended up finding things I needed.

Of course, but could not bring home

The 75 percent off flowers

They had orchids on sale

And rose pots which would

Well put me back a few more bucks

Instead, I had to walk around the full grown

Girls in their pajamas

The kind you wear in front of the fire

On Christmas morning

But it is X eve and they had to go to the store

So, they put them on and wandered around

Causing the men putting up items 

Some amount of distress

Worse than the bikinis that show up

Anyways I got back by noon.

Feeling terrible 

They gave me the flu shot

And I am not feeling well.

I was just thinking it would be a quiet

Weekend but then the fire alarm

Went off again and again.

The fire department did show up

All of them 

They must not have had anything to do

There was a fire on the third floor

Which they put out quickly.

While we sat out in the cold

Getting sicker by the minute

Buckingham was set on fire

Just a tiny one and put out

Not a good year for Charles either

Moscow keeps getting hit as well

A fire here and a fire there

At least the White house

Has not been burnt down again.

What is next?

No nutcrackers nor laundry room.

Really it is more than a girl 

Can handle

Just make sure Jimmy does not show up.

I have a few surprised for him

He wont like them 

I got a airfryer

For my end of the year

Reward from this crazy place

I bought some tatter tots

To try out this new device.

I am not sure what is worse

The microwave or this air thing

I want traditional cooking.

Please no more fires 

Unless it is Jimmys house

Or Candys house.

Firebugs both of them.

I have watched a few houses

Burn down due to one of them.

Expresso is what I am drinking

Something neither of them will touch.

Dear Santa

Please don't trip but perhaps

That one house that deserves

Lumps of coal 

Could have a whole bucket full of them

And well on their way to igniting

Last year I just wanted Jimmys head on a platter

This year I don't want to spend next year

Thinking about him nor waiting for him

I used to ask for kittens

Only to watch them die

Or worse things occur

Betty A even took

My prize blue egg laying chicken

And made chicken soup out of it.

A blue ribbon it earned 

But don't worry about cruel people

God has plans for them 

When he gets his hand on them.

Which he will do one day 

When they die.

Too many people have died 

This year from too many things

100 million cases of CVD 19 

In America alone

Not to mention all those shootings

Even at Mall America on X eve.

Well tomorrow is just one day

Which I plan to spend alone!

With no interruptions!

If I don't die from pneumonia

Which the doctor refuses to diagnose 

I will be working towards disappearing

From Jimmys life 

And all those daughters

I did not give birth 

Who don't show up

Unless they can rob my wallet

And take my pretty clothes

Just one cat please

Who can survive 

And eat a few of the big rat humans!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Roses story

 The Ethiopian heiress came from a family said to descend from King Soloman of Israel.

Her family had been in the higher elite caste for generations. Now there was so much unrest with the slave trade that they were discussing on the West coast. Her family did not want to be a part of such a thing but owning and running coffee plantations were not an easy job without labor.  They usually employed the local tribe's man who were either willing or those who had to pay tribute. 

Instead of sending them out to war as warriors they served on the farms in a lesser capacity. They had warriors and guards trained for warfare and did not need to kill them instead of returning them to their families once their tribute time was over.

She had become engaged to a wealthy man with titles in Europe. She had money and titles but was African black instead of white. He wanted her to go to Europe with him on a Grand Tour of the continent. 

It included Rome and the old ruins he said as well as Paris with its newer lifestyle. They would end their tour in the North where she could decide where she wanted to live. London, everyone wanted to live where the Queen and King of England resided. He said it might be possible.

On their voyage to Europe two things were decided. On their last day they were quietly married by the Justices with the approval of her family. They were hoping to make contracts for their coffee in Europe. Her younger brothers were accompanying her to at least France. 

Meanwhile, they had to go through the Bahamas as the trade routes had altered which is why their marriage was performed so there would be no confusion about her being seen as a slave. There they would make contact with the manager of the trade who seemed to making Rum instead of Coffee. They wanted coffee to be sold in America as well as Europe, her family planners. 

Her brothers were being kept busy while she was having a honeymoon at sea. They were learning about boats and shipping as well as how to behave as gentleman around the Europeans. Her husband became sick while they were crossing the Atlantic. They had traveled by train as far as they could West so there not be any problems in the Mediterranean. 

By the time they arrived in the West Indies her brothers were also sick. She was the only one who had remained in doors the entire time. Her husband was too ill to go ashore where his brother was waiting for him to arrive. Since her brothers were also ill, she was sent accompanied by the Ship's Captain and his men. 

Things were bad in the town where they were supposed to be meeting. Some sort of revolt had occurred, and the white men had been imprisoned. This they learned as they arrived, she was not the only African on board and they were not a slave ship but a merchant ship. Quickly they asked for the commandant to inform them of their arrival but could not offer support except for their musket as they did not carry canon.

Instead of being received properly they were themselves arrested. She and the other black individuals were separated to the complaint of the captain. He was very vocal about the state of affairs if she was harmed. Her husband's brother was among those captured and imprisoned. She managed to get him word of his imminent demise if he did not get medical treatment. 

That was her last communication. The revolt was severe, and they were fought back by military who arrived from Florida, who did not ask questions. Many of her companions were shot, she was taken hostage and then raped and sold as a slave before the second wave of authority arrived to quell the disturbance.

Her husband's brother managed to get a doctor to the ship before they set in on fire. There was not word of her brothers who could marry royalty if they wanted or rich women in Europe if they desired. The ship's captain had been strung up and hung as a dissenter upon learning they he was transporting Africans without planning on selling them but accepting money payment from them instead.

She was lost in a slew of women put on board another ship. Her fine European clothes had been stripped from her before she could help herself. They sent them to the America she had hoped to visit as an heiress wanting to establish a coffee connection with them for their rum and other productions for her family. 

Her clothes were brought along with her and then sold or provided to a spoiled rich daddy's girl. While she was learning to work tobacco in the fields because she was too pretty, they said to be nearer the house. Or she would be made to service the men inside on a regular basis. Some of the more experienced had recognized she had no clue what to do nor was she one of the ones captured and sold. 

At a Southern ball her rich clothes were recognized by two men. Her husband had survived and with his brother had been traveling seeking news of her whereabouts. They had already taken their complaint to the President of the United States. He said he would do what he could and would offer support if they find the man's wife as he had produced a marriage certificate.

They had to be careful of their movements. They hired men to follow the young girl to find out who she was and then visited the plantation. Where upon they asked about things in the usual customary fashion. One of men from the islands, the bookkeeper saw them and knew what they were after. He attempted to get away and inform his comrades about the rich woman they had stolen off he merchant ship. But he was caught by the hired private guards and brought to the men in the dark.

He had to be interrogated before he would reveal what they had done. It was assumed that any woman on any ship was available. They often stole them off the merchants' ships as they were leaving port, so it was assumed they had fallen overboard or been left behind. No one else had been successful on finding one of these women. He knew which plantation she had gone to but not where she was upon the land.

Another private detective was hired to impersonate an accountant in order to go through their records. It was discovered she was not even listed on the books. But some house workers became suspicious of the new man. They allowed him to find her working in the far field to see if that was what he wanted. 

Apparently, it was not uncommon to find someone out of the ordinary who would be hidden. For a while they would be kept busy until the masters were able to find another place. This kind of human trade market was in addition to the slaves being sold. The masters were still trying to find out who she was before they held her for ransom to either her family or her own m aster. More money was made in this fashion then sending them to the farmhouses where they reproduced.

A raid was made upon the farm. First men from the government asked for an audience in Washington for the owners to establish ownerships of the land and property. Then while they were traveling and away from the plantation the others arrived. Quickly they took over the management of the slaves and acquired access to the far fields. 

She was with child when he found her standing under the trees. She had seen them coming and was waiting to see her they were. She had not imagined he could find her at all after she had seen the way in which the slaves were gathered and disbursed. Her county was nothing compared where here they were not seen as groups or peoples but as cattle.

He dropped to his knees and begged her forgiveness for bringing her to America. Instead of traveling overland through Europe. He had been afraid until they reached England of her welfare and his brother was waiting for him. He had not known an insurrection would occur or that she would be taken hostage. Her plight was worse than he could imagine as she had been discovered. 

She wept and kept to herself how many times she was abused. The child she was carrying was his as she was pregnant when they had arrived in the West Indies. She was also far along in her pregnancy. She could do nothing but allow him to take her back to the Captial where they would hold a trail for the men who had stolen and sold her as a slave instead of a married woman. 

Her time for delivery arrived as they drew near the beautiful city of Washinton named after the great general. Harpers Ferry is where they meet their fate. The owners of the plantation were aware of their crimes and had been made aware of the raid on their property. They had stopped their trip to DC while they found out what was occurring. As she was delivering her child to her husband they were discovered.

A standoff occurred between the two groups. Knowing that there was no good on continuing on the plantation owner drew a revolver and fired at her in order to prevent her from speaking. She had hidden her English from them on the word of a slave who recognized her family. He had taken a liking to her in particular because she was new to everything. 

Her husband fell on top of her and her baby. He died in her arms, while she took his gun lying nearby and shot at the owner. He also died on the spot as did she from her ill treatment. She had never recovered from the illness that had followed her to the plantation. The wife of the plantation thought of returning to her home once it was told to her what her husband had done. Taken another man's wife for himself to amuse himself while she was having another baby. 

But there was a bad cow in the barns and a fire broke out which burnt down the entire estate. There were no men left to fight the fire and the animals had gotten hungry and angry. There was a mass exodus of the inhabitants of the local church. Most went west or left for England where they thought they would be safe.

Instead, a group of men set up a task force of discovering waylaid property of others. Forced to become slaves although they were free and often rich. Thier league brought an end to the number of boats and person who went missing from the Bermuda triangle. A free trade between the three continents relied upon the honest managers and non-piracy of ships and persons.

Rose was her name, the woman who died protecting her husband and child. Her brother's fate was worse, they had died before their arrival in America. She would have had a hard time explaining this to her father who did have another son, but he was little and would take training. Meanwhile, her brother-in-law took custody of the child. 

Rosette is what he called her, a little rose who had survived. He made sure it was his brother's child but would have taken care of her anyways. An allowance was provided, and she was sent north and then to England in order to become proper lady. He also established a coffee plantation in America in her honor with those slaves who had been left with no place to go. They would be provided for and then given pay for their work towards their freedom as this is all the south allowed them.

Her inheritance came to the uncle of the child who had done well enough. Since the death of the plantation owner, his wife was charged with piracy as the only possible charge against them. She fled through Florida to the islands where she remained. Her family made attempts to have her brought back but they could not get past the international incident that had happened with the death of princes. The knowledge that they were royal was known and yet the men had done nothing but further the harm.

Rosette finally got the Grand Tour her mother had not completed. Her entire life she was guarded and made to stay away from ships and Florida. Her uncles had nephews from his sister, and they were attentive. She fell in love with Maurice who was kind and intelligent. Thier life would be in the north were she would be allowed to be his wife. 

Thier engagement was proceeded by her uncle's wife. Who had kept secret her true identity to outsiders who might want to kill her in retaliation of the plantation and the piracy that had occurred. There were still men who went missing who had been involved. The royal family were not satisfied until every one of the culprits had been taken care of. The death of the boys and the enslavement of the married daughter was not pleasing nor allowed.

A large amount of money was kept in the safe in case there was an emergency. When the uncle had died, he had made it clear to his wife that it must go to the girl upon her marriage. There would be those who would seek the lives of those who took it instead. There was also a diamond broach which had been given to her by her brother-in-law as a gift for caring for his plight.

She gave instructions to remove the money from the safe and placed on a tray in a carpet bag. Her husband's niece had come to speak to her, and she did not allow others to now she was fond of her just terribly frightened of her own neighbors. Who own daughters had been raised to respect and admire those from Africa without getting involved with the abolitionist movement. They did it anyways in the quiet without being caught on the outside.

Someone removed the carpet bag while the lady was dying and not knowing it never got to the young woman. The diamond brooch was placed on the tray by mistake by someone dealing with her death. Having received instructions to pick up her inheritance off the tray, Rosette picked up the brooch and quietly walked away from the house. She had expected money to be provided for her and her husband the type of income to be free and independent.

Otherwise, they could not reside even in New York. She went to the funeral where the will was read giving her name as an heiress, but it was assumed she had already been taken care of. After that she and her husband returned to France where they could take care of the merchants managership and live without fear of capture or death. She died in childbirth after having experienced what her mother had not in her short life.

The daughter was brought back to the states to be raised by the uncle's family. Maurice was distraught, he was sure his wife had been afflicted on the boat over and never recovered. He was afraid to raise the girl himself without the continued rivalry fall upon her as well. He traveled to Africa himself to make sure the royals understood and were allowed news of their great granddaughter. 

Three generations of one family attempt to live and reside in America. The first ended in slavery and death. The second got her European trip but was denied her inheritance by chance to stay in America. The third girl was raised entirely in New York by family who knew who she was but never got to meet her relatives in Africa. She was educated and worked at the museum of Metropolitan art.

She was meet one day by a visitor from Africa. He wanted to meet her and was amused by her innocence. It was decided to tell her of her grandmother and how she could return to Africa where she would become one of the elites. She was not sure that is what she wanted as she was about to become engaged to an archaeologist.

Her wedding was attended by her African relative who made himself available to her white relatives. She was to go off on to help excavate in the middle east and would be stopping in Ethiopia. However, miserable weather and other things prevented them from leaving for six months. By then she was too pregnant to safely go by ship to Rome. Her husband put off his trip for her and the arrival of their child.

It was also a daughter, a little beauty born to a free woman from her long line of African royalty. They had been discovered from the carelessness of the African who had no idea not to speak of it even on his return. He did not make it all the way back home but died in Rome from an unknown infection. He had sent word of her marriage ahead of him.

They were surprised on their return from the hospital where their baby was born by ruffians. They thought they were being robbed instead of murdered. Some things never go away, and some families never forget. The plantation owner's wife's family had not given up keeping the baby and her children from having a life. It was assumed the baby was her husbands as she had not known the woman was already pregnant.

The baby laid in the snow where she had fallen. The members of the household were horrified to be engulfed in a fire. While the couple sat in their buggy dead from not knowing that their lives were to be taken from them. They should have left immediately but had not been able or they would at least have made it to Rome. Thier child was due a huge inheritance and could become a queen herself.

Along came a cousin of hers who was making plans for them to leave on a ship as soon as the young child was able to travel. He had been busy making arrangements at the docks for their quiet removal from New York. Instead, he saw the fire before he got to their house. The carriage had been toppled and dragged out of the way after the horses fled in terror. 

A soft quiet cry was heard by him, who went down on his knees. He said he had found a kitten as he walked away. He sent his law intern down to find out what had happened to the couple. Meanwhile, he had to speak to his wife about adopting the baby who had survived the attack. HIs wife was from the same family and had a issue with the brooch the bride had worn. It was supposed to have come to her, instead this unknown girl had worn it on her wedding day.

Now his wife took herself to the morgue where she attempted to speak to the bride. Instead, she found her journal, which included her mother's story and how money had been promised but instead a single brooch was left on the tray. Then she knew what had happened, the valise with money had been found without knowing it belonged to anyone and removed to a bank for safe keeping. The brooch must have dropped onto the carpet where it was then place on the tray.

She regretted not having gotten a chance to question her husband's cousin. Her family had benefitted from the mistake and now she had the brooch back in her hand. She would provide it to the young infant as well as the bank balance from the accidental theft of funds. She was honest about the kind of people their family had found were involved in trade and merchants.

She waited until the infant had been established inside her house without anyone else knowing before she told her husband. It would mean they would have to replace the money taken from their own moneys. He was more shocked that the money had been found. There had been a careful search for it at the time, but not imagined deposited into the family's accounts.

This child was going to be well cared for by them. They ended up being childless due to something or else. After a while they decided to follow the path that should have been taken by the first couple. After their Grand Tour needed in Rome, they did it again, decided to take the hidden child to Africa. Her arrival in Ethiopia was not seen at first but upon discovery of who they were related there was a massive feast arranged.

Sadly, the couple saw the girl in her proper home. They were a rich family with means and connection to Europe having decided not to have any more dealings with America. The decision had been to come fand found out who they had been protecting but instead the instantly gave her up to her family.

They were welcomed to stay and watch over her as relatives, but they were heart broken. A young queen was going to need her own people and safety was with her at home where she would be protected by warriors instead of hired servants. They were richly awarded by the royals who gave them a life in Europe they had not imagined. 

Thier Paris apartment was the entire building as they could now afford more than before. Thier relatives visited and made enquiries while the Abolitionist were encouraged to continue freeing people from enslavement. Thier adopted daughter did come to visit them but had changed her name from Rose after her grandmother. Her life was incredible was her family had risen through the ranks and she was going to have what was left of her life in luxury.

The story was compiled by the couple and printed as evidence against the slave trade. Four generations of women who should never had to hide from pirates nor criminally insane. Those who were after them waited to see what would happen next. The Civil war ended their line and there was nothing left for them to fight. While this story was celebrated and then lost to the stacks of old literature not seen as fit for the newer school system of America which sought to hide her mistakes.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

What a difference time makes


When I was little 

I lived with Grandpa Jack

He used to go to his friends

We would walk down the streets

To street cafes 

Where his cronies from the war

Would elaborate about life

About the French Resistance

About the Communists takeover

How Russia was a friend

Who could be trusted

Then the war was over

And Germany was all anyone

Talked about those fascists

Who took them hostage

And shorted teh life of everyone

They had to have thier country rebuilt

Because they would not stop

Bombing London

They were bombed 

Til there was nothing left

It is almost as if they allowed it

Just to be rebuilt by America

Imagine poor Winston Churchills

Escape from London during the Bliztes

To be smuggled into America

To secretly speak to an informal congress

I bet he had to go the long way

Maybe a submarine trip

And ice-cold twin-engine plane

In the artic to get a Potomac

Boat trip, no Ritz nor Blair House

No Air Force fighter jet escort

All because they believed 

The free world worth saving

Against the evil-minded Nazis

Where would we be today

If he had not come?

England and France would have fallen

Even Russia and its satellites 

Were threatened by the three axis powers

Italy acts as if they never did any harm

And Japan is our best friend now

While China became our enemy

And Russia was throw over

For the Marshall plan

All those poor Germans 

Who just wanted to come to America

To be free!

You notice they did not go home.

When the Berlin wall fell!

My grandfather's friends 

Were great lecturers 

Traveled the world 

And pledge allegiance 

To the freedom of all people

I wonder what happened to them.

After he died suddenly 

In my kitchen while I was at work

They all seemed to have vanished.

Survival skills

Disappear when threatened

Surface when it is safe.

The fireside chat 

Was made immemorable

By Roosevelt chained to a wheelchair

He brought the country back to its feet

Kept us from hunger and war

Then sent the men off to fight

For the freedom of the world

Only his voice kept us all from harm

And his fire light for those such as 

Churchill who would not give up.

Now we have a special situation

They smuggled Zelensky 

Out through the front lines

To a train to Poland

And then an escorted flight

They even attempted to make sure

There were no nasty submarines

Waiting to shoot him out of the air.

Only to be received by the President 

And given the keys to Blair House

A fireside chat with the leading man

And then off to Capital hill

Where he got a heroes welcome

All because his country now needs

To be rebuilt after the fighting is over

And he wants his to understand

That he is not accepting hand outs

But investments!

No pay back is coming to America.

We are investing in a freedom loving 

Country who would not hold hostage

Another group at all.

He sent millions of people

Out of his country 

With no place to live

Nor any home to return.

He threatened the Port of Sebastopol

Cutting off Russia's access to the Black Sea

And their oil export business 

By denying them the right to use

Thier own naval base 

Or the sea they need

As a land locked country

On the West at least

He was once just a nobody

Who did get to the Oval office

To sit in a suit and discuss

Life with an unexpected win

He got welcomed

And escorted nowhere

He did not need to go

He was the wonder boy

Who had gotten elected

President with not credentials

To a country who had been 

Allowed its freedom by 

Mother Russia 

And then what?

He looked good in a suit.

His wife and him had children

He was just one of many leaders

At the G summits 

And nothing 

He had no value

Until he picked a fight

And got a response

They wanted to get rid

Of Putin who had assumed

Too much power

Even letting Hillary down

Not allowing her to occupy 

The oval office.

Or so they say in the news

I was once a news reporter

It is odd watching them all chat

And pick apart one thing

Day after day

The same thing

While we are getting ready

To hang a President

For not believing in anything

But Democracy in action.

He did not hold a gun 

To someone's head or anything.

But there it is

America is fickle

They have passed a new 

Spending bill in the trillions

Just to get back what?

A country that is not worth much

Donetsk has not real value

Now that it is no longer 

An industry country

Are there any farmers left?

Almost everyone are computer hackers

Or something sophisticated

Not oil men nor pig farmers

Wheat is expensive isnt it?

Where are we going with this

At Christmas time again.

They left the pine swag on the mantel

But removed the Christmas decorations

Out of respect for his Religioun

Never intolerant of anyones religion.

I do hope he knows what he is doing.

Because America is not nice

When it is betrayed

And traitors are never tolerated.

No longer in a suit 

But his military greens

And boots.

One thinks they are seeing a MASH

Actor relieving his glory days.

An investment in what future?

Germany never repaid their loans

Nor did they go home when it was safe

Instead, they are stealing our Social Security

For their retirement in Mexico

While the rest of us wait

For our Stipend to come through

Having lost our homes 

To over taxation when we had them

Accountants only remember bills

Owed not paid.

Property Managers come in

And steal property 

That is not theirs 

In order to make 

Work for those who have no means

OF an income excpet

To build what no one will live in

Nor be employed for very long.

Life flows through time

But it returns to the same

Over and over again.

We America are fighting

For the free world.

Everyone knows there 

Is no way of winning

A nuclear war

And yet ....

We all hope 

That someone else 

Will take command of 

All those war heads

And point them somewhere else

Where else do you want them?

Who do you trust 

To replace Putin?

And why now after

All the peaceful talks?

The price of gas is going to go up

Or the amount of taxes

All those Germans sponging 

Will be outraged when they have

To pay the interest on their loans.

Who is this guy 

No one wanted?

Now given a better welcome

Then Churchill?

Trust in our President

To know whom to invite in

And when to call it quits.

Best wishes to no assinations

On either side or we might not 

Wake up one morning

Because there will be no more mornings.

Rest in peace Winston.

Vive la France!

Where is Jimmy?

One can almost see him 

Brokering this deal

With his dream of being

A superhero 

By causing chaos

Allowing himself to be privy

To all the important discussions.

Let's not burn our bridges

Too soon Joe

After all you have a 

Few kids named after you.

Not "toppling a foreign nation"

Is all Democracy and America 

Have left to be proud.

Besides we might actually need

The other guy someday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter solstice at the beach

While everyone else were running

Back to Washinton DC

I went to the beach.

California raised I love a white Christmas

That is snow on the ground

The Coronado hotel creates

A Winter wonderland

Here is the ice rink 

Next to the swimming pool

They now have cabanas with fire pits

And plastic ice igloos to rent

A day at the beach 

Includes all the fixings

Including the sand man

Who had two sand ice man

For his Winter solstice display

He has been around for decades

And uses his sandcastles

For photo ops for tourists.

The water was ice cold

The air was pure delight

But the look south towards 

The San Ysidro - Tijuana border

Was hazy as if it was foggy

Im not sure if it was not smog

As Tijuana has no pollution laws

Whereas the ride down the strand

Was breath taking to view

However, I could not spot

The space pod resting out of water

Maybe they have already sent it home.

There were no Christmas displays

At the joint session of the congress

But the Jewish boy said merry Christmas 

Several times in front of the Russian Orthodox priests.

He wanted everyone to be comfortable with him.

He provided an interesting speech

One in which Jimmy would have been proud.

Jimmy did not pass the sixth grade

And was never a journalist 

No matter what he tells you

He steals everything he writes

Intellectual property means nothing.

But his favorite thing is to elaborate

About words that he finds impressive.

The battle of the bulge was a wwii

Reference but is actually about 

Jimmy making his women fat.

Including his real mother whom he hated

As well as any woman who says no to him.

Saratoga was a civil war battle 

And I am not sure he was not referencing

Coronado a spa hotel in a military town.

He gets things confused sometimes

It is Calistoga which got mixed up

With Saratoga of the East.

But both were out of fashion

When he was little and this town

Was the one everyone came 

He is not actually allowed to step

Foot inside the town which is on a island

But instead, he holds court at the fanciest

Restaurants he can find where he just walks

Up and sits down introducing himself

Explaining he is related to so and so

And if they don't do what they want

Tiher son might became a eunic or something

I assume jimmy has not been to the Ukraine

But his favorite references were there 

He is a blackmailer extraordinaire

A shiver ran down my spine 

But I came home from a morning

Enjoying nature and god's creation

To find my room had still not been

Bug sprayed yet which meant 

Another three hours to wait

Out of doors, brr

Not that I am not accustomed

To being put outside

Jimmy has made people believe

He is going to get even if not 


Unlike Winston Churchill

Chruchill wanted America

To enter WWII 

But could not get them

Until the Pearl Harbor event

When he was secretly flown

Over and before an informal congress

Made his speech not for money

But for men to joining the battle.

How did this show stopper

Best Churchill?

Hitler was never seen as a threat

Or he is just better at what he does?

He gave Nancy a kiss on her mouth

Instead of Camilla 

The younger one 

Wonder what Willow got?

His speech was preceded 

With a stop at the White House

It was almost like seeing Jimmy

In one of his dreams of being invited

To DC like Jimmy Stewart

And getting to sit by the fireplace

Of the Oval office

Having supper or tea

And then getting a heros 

Welcome to the Senate floor

Where he will give a stupendous

Speech, blowing everyone away

With his mockrey and spit.

I felt sorry for Zelensky 

In stepping into one of Jimmys

Favorate themes, his day in DC.

He seems to be heartfelt

But is still refusing to give in

When is this going to end?

Those people in Donetsk 

Have the right to live without fear

They asked for their freedom.

Is there something else this war

Is about and no one is telling me?

Meanwhile this is one of my favorites 

Celestial celebrations

Winters solstice 

When special things happen.

Belly rub coming to a cat 

If I get invited inside

I might also bring kitty grass.

Oh well, I can always dream as well...

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...