Sunday, March 31, 2024

Disowned by god

My mother was disowned

By god 

Due to the fact

She will not stop

Lying to people

About being the real heirs

When in fact

There are such things 

As Wills, and contracts.

I am the benificiary

Not Jessica nor Janet

And because they wont

Stop showing up

Then my mother must

Be the one to suffer

Since they are just

Naive and innocent

According to their 

Elder father or husband

With no responsibility

At all to even my mother

Which is why they did

Not even show up

When she was dying

Nor at her funeral

Which she did not have

As they were already

Certain of their right

To steal from someone else

Thier rights and talents

Because their religion

Allows them to assume

Or state they were given

The impression....

Which is why 

Katie Kuroc

Aunt Candys 

True bible student

And a baptized witness

Has always taken advantage

Of my mother and forgotten

To tell her bosses wife

That it is her 

She is not to step foot

On her property

And has provided

For herself the things 

Left behind

After all she is nothing 

More than a thief

Whose own daughter

Whom she gave birth

On the air

Says she is instead

Of mine.

How many more of them

Are there anyways?

Only my mother knows

And god does not even

Care to count them

Because he is not going

To recognize any of thier

False claims.

After all he has already

Spoken and told them

To not covet nor lie

Cheat or steal

Much less murder

It is in the Ten commandments.

It is Easter according

To the Catholic church

And the Pope

Is back from the dead

Or at least the Pandemic

He survived but does not

Look very well.

Last year he was 

Lead around like

A superstar

In his carriage

Smiling and waving

At his worshipers

Who were not allowed 

To come close to him

This year the whole thing

Was back as before

With the square filled to max

Feet washings and cheek kisses

No more worries about

Being contagious!

Lets hope he survives

This day as he had to be

Helped to walk

What is his contract


He has no days off

No sick days?

Only not to coincide 

With an important

Religious holiday.

Sniff, how many times

I went to work or school

Only to have the authorities

Called by aunt candy

And told i was purposely

Spreading diseases

You see, I am indian

And dont know nothing

About nothing

And why am i in school?

I am never going to be 

Allowed the right

To work or enjoy myself.

She always shows up

And punishes as she 

Sees fit...

But then she is from

The other woman

Lucy as we know her

Not that all of us

Accept her as real

Lucy was the other woman

After Adam and Eve

Were kicked out

Of the Garden Of Eden.

She was deceitful and untrustworthy

Went behind gods arrangement

Of marrying Adam to Eve

And to no one else....

Scientist have found

Her body and it is only partial

But they say they know

What she looks like

And claim she is one of the ancestors

Of mankind....

Not one of mine.

And by the way

I also made contracts

When I was little

No one was to allow

Me to be undressed

At any time 

Or they would go to prison

Or be hunted down

It is a real contract

I made people sign

Not candy nor anne marie

But the ones who

I had to deal with

They were not to 

Allow my dolls

To be stolen

Or given away either.

Now you might think

I was being childish

But I had the contracts

Go through real lawyers

The idea of not being robbed

Of my human dignity

Just because Jimmy

Wants to have his way

Nor was my family

To suffer the consequences

Just because he wanted 

All that was mine

No sharing

Or halfling

Or going Dutch

The whole enchilada

Not touching my dolls

Indicated my little sister

Who was murdered

When she was five

Nor my family

Who all suffered

Because people

Such as Janet Untch

And Betty Adelman

Just don't get 

You cant demand

To be the owner

Of someone else's life

All my possessions

Have been taken away

By Janet and Tara
Just because they dont

Care about the law

Or god.

In fact they wish

They could get rid of him


The only thing 

That any of us 

Know for certain

That he is not going

To just disappear

When he makes assignments

And comes back to find out

That his men 

Have not done their job

Whether they call themselves

The Pope or Patriarch

Or just simple elders

Heads are going to roll....

As for Lucy

Jimmy can keep her

For his ancestor

And leave mine alone

I know it is the origial

Marriage contract

That my line descends

Not this mystery woman

Nor will god forget his

Contracts even when

Individuals are not able

To trust his people 


When is he coming

No one knows ...

 Any property passing at the owner’s death to the heir or to those entitled to succeed; anything received from progenitors or predecessors as if by succession. The principal Hebrew verb used is na·chalʹ (noun, na·chalahʹ). It involves getting or giving an inheritance or hereditary possession, usually as a result of succession. (Nu 26:55; Eze 46:18) The verb ya·rashʹ is used at times in the sense “succeed as heir,” but more often, “take possession” apart from succession. (Ge 15:3; Le 20:24) 

Typically, regardless of whether you are in a separate or community property state, your spouse does not have a legal claim to anything you inherit or receive as a gift, according to Nolo.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Rocky Mountain Oysters


Prairie Oysters

Lamb Fries

Huevos de toro


Do you know

Where these treasures


Or do you even care?

Oh come on

Its been a slow weekend.

I almost got drowned

Out at Pacific beach

I awoke to find

Someone had deposited

Money into my bank account



Its only a thousand dollars

But finally after all this time

I have my medical disability

Since I have no work history.

My family used to own

Land in all these tiny enclaves

One of them was this train town

Crystal Pier

Used to  be a ballroom

And a train stop

As well as an aquariam.

It now has all those 

Cottages people used

To build and leave 

On the beach

Now they are all 

On the pier 

Where I used to live

But those days

Of Gary and Tara

Have still not gone away

One or the other 

Was always coming

Through the window

Or hitting me on the head

And shoving me into

A car trunk

The authorities could 

Do nothing

But there was this 

Little beach cafe

My parents 

Began out of thier

House during those 

Days when even the 

Professors at the University

Of California did not get paid.

Finances have changed a lot

Now it is privatized

And does not have to 

Have a fluent congress

To get those bills paid.

They still serve a good

Holiday meal

The rest of the time

It is breakfast by the beach

Or Happy hours

Before Sunset

Anyways it was pouring

Down rain

By the time I got 

There and was being 

Warned by the bus driver

I have been through worse

But there they were

Setting up outdoor heaters

And waitresses waiting

Around for customers

I was one of the first

To walk in and sat

Next to the window

Where I could watch

The water drench

The beach and eat

Real food.

My spine does not

Allow me to linger

It is when i got up

To go that we had

A flash flood watch

I laughed as I headed

Out the door 

Only to find the street


I had to go ankle deep

To get through the intersection

Where the bus stop

Was so close

And yet I stood there

Drenched from the knee

Down due to the sudden

Influx of water

My bad.

And I was yelling at the wind

When this guy comes by

Who looks just like...

Anyways I had to go 

Get some food 

It is Easter Weekend

And I was noticing 

The Meatballs around me.

No Ham supper?

Or Lamb?

Hmm, I love lamb

But I began to think

About those days of travel

Where I became a vegetarian

At an unusual young age

While the adults

Were not aware of what

They were eating.


By the way is the answer

The meatball originates

From the land of Persia

Which is now Iran and Iraq

The first century

Has a cookbook

Or recipes of their food.

The rolled ball of meat

Was developed and served

It was originally lamb

Different countries 

Serve it differently

The Swedish Meatball

Is supposed to be 

Served with gravy

And suercraut

While Asia uses 

Thier own unique sauces

And of course

Italy adopted it

As its national item

Plopping them down

On top of their spaghetti

With red tomato sauce

All America knew 

Of Italian cuisine

Was pizza which was an appetizer

To the real meal

Which was mainly 

Spaghetti and meatballs.

I don't know what

They served in Italy

But after the WWII

It was nothing but

In America 

The grand great meatball

Of beef rolled in breadcrumbs

Not a gluten free item

There are now recipes

With herbs and apples

To jalapeno and cheese.

Noodles of course 

Came back with 

Marco Polo

From his tour of China

Which took twenty years

I bet he spent time

In prison!

All those travelers

Leave that out

In their stories.

But rice was the ingredient

Of boiled pasta

Thier main staple

Imagine boiling bread!

Thats what bagels

Are from those others

Who were once in the same land

Anyways the rice noodles

Are now all durum wheat

And tomatoes were brought 

Back by Chrisotpher Columbus

To make a sauce

Just waiting for those little balls.

What did they eat before that?

Well, they ate the whole cow

In other words

Cattle which are part

Of Europe's history

Were not wasted

They were also 

Castrated in order 

To develop those bit guys

Not that the Spanish 

Matador would face

A eunuch in the ring

But the rest of them

If they were not 

Producing milk 

For cheese

The girls that is

Had their balls cut off

Testicles are also 

Considered a delicacy

Served in Spain

As well as the Midwest

And even in Asia

Were they use goats

For meat

Ball shaped things

Deep fried

Or sautéed with onions

I also did not eat anything

Suspicious by covering 

Its true nature 

With flour and deep frying

Although I was surpriesed

To find that in England

Thay actually serve

Fish in a deep fry batter

Not bad

Especially if one could

Find a poor propiteer

Who used buckwheat

Or other type of flour

Than the highly allergic


Also from the land

Of the holy ones

And grown in Africa

Where they also serve

The whole cow.

Those dainty things

Are not small

And sometimes

The only thing 

The poor can afford

They probably served

Them in a red sauce

One with blood as its source

Also part of the whole cow

Where the whale was cut up

Into all its parts

For glue and perfume base

The cow or goat

Gave its all as a food source

Ironically in America

Those pig farmers

Were given a separate

Part of the city

These were not the Jews

Who don't eat pig

Who also have those things

But usually Muslims

Who found sheep

Filthy to raise

And preferred bacon

To mutton

The old quarter system

Or ghettos as we call them

The poor will always be with us...

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday

In the western 

Catholic Christian world

The Pope is sick

But his main duty

Is those holiday masses

Christmas and Easter

Get out of bed

Lazy slug

And go out to those

People who keep 

Congregating at the gates

Saint Peters square

Which is not shaped

As a square but as a key hole

Is the main plaza

Of the Vatican

Which is a city of its own

Not under the domination

Of the Italian government

And it was once owned

By France at one time

Which is probably

Where the Swiss guard

Came from

One used to have

To be from Switzerland

To become a guard

In Italy at the Popes place

Anyways the poor guy

Has not recovered

From his respiratory virus

They say he has a cold

But we know he is going

Into pneumonia 

If he does not stay

In bed...

But he will be up they say

And I who have still not

Gotten over my nonpneumatic

Asthmatic state

And have been running

A temperature

Since last weekend

When I missed my event

Will be up at midnight

To watch this guy

Who has not had a good enough

Run of things 

Hope he does not faint

Or worse

But at least they will not

Be serving him


For his Italian supper

Perhaps he will get

Those tasty dainties

While i still prefer


Especially the duck variety

On occasion for my own


From fish, salmon, tuna

And occasionally sliced beef

Cant afford anything else

Although I enjoy a good

Beef stew with root vegetables

Are you sure this is beef?

Oh yes, their head nod

Only to find it tastes funny...

Not convinced it is not 

Something nasty

Which is why i also

Prefer salami 

Which lists its ingredients

As opposed to those 

German sausages

Which are not only

Jimmies favorite pig

But also have blood 

In them.

Jimmy never reads 

The ingredients

Nor the recipe

I bet he would love

To eat some 

Fried Oysters....

Which are ???

Well, I am going

To catch my cold

Sitting up for that man

To give his religious mass

Whereas I once lived amongst

The American Russians

Who always made you

Welcome in their community

Now are in hiding....

Well I prefer my meat 


Not round shaped

Shepards pie

Is a good lamb meal

When it is not cow.

As for politics

One can read anything

They want into my delivery


There were those three guys

Who walked into a bar

And had to do a stand up 

Performance on stage

Three Presidents on stools

And then there was the other one

Who walked into a wake

At least it was not one

Of those Jewish things

Were one might 

Accidently get lifted up

In the air

Used to hear those guys

In San Francisco

Describe why they ran

Away from home

And preferred walking small dogs

And holding hands

With another guy

Ugh, those women....

Persia was once

A nice place in the old stories

Of rich princesses

And poor thieves

Who had a heart

And never ate another guys....

Thursday, March 28, 2024

What dont we miss?

Imagine 1974
What were you doing?
I was being accused

Of multiple births
Which it is impossible
To have had.

Only a religion
Of unwilling participants
Would keep it up.

No matter what they are told
By their own 
They insist on having their way

I hear Brent
Is back in the picture
When is the guy

Going to get
That he is no god?
He just thinks

He is wonderful
He is not!
I don't miss those

Days of old
When every young
And old cock

Insisted i was prettier
Than Brooke
Just because they wanted

That little piece of property
Robbing and raping
And scamming 

And swindling
That is all it is about.
Even the young girls

Want me to know
They have had sex
With my man

The old ones as well
Will poor, poor thing
Me and make me mad.

What is there to say
Hands off!
Don't even think about it

And by the way
There is already 
A Jack Smith

Asking for gods
Assistance into the
Next world

As he and his Hondorus wife
Have ruined the building
In Tijuana

And probably 
Killed a few 
Along the way

I had to walk out
With just the clothes on my back
While they stacked

My suitcase along 
With the others.
How many dead bodies

Have they gotten rid of?
And those antiques
I found most of them

In a cute little shop
Which was once 
My mothers 

But now has some
Hoodlum running it
Most likely at the 

Request of Candace.
As for Jimmy
He has been too quiet

If I find the evidence
I will convict
Him and all those

Who have collaborated
I dont mind being

Alone at all.
It is just that 
No one will leave 

Me alone.
I want peace.
I want my families

And if I see another
Dawn or Donna

Who falsely claims
To be my mothers 
Real relative

I am going to take 
Action against them
And their religion

Who continue
To promote this type
Of liars without end.

58 years old
And still making
The cover of the magazines

This one is AARP
Old people now
Her and I 

Are the same age
Every thing she did 
Right I did wrong

My mother was not
An alcoholic
But had brain cancer

And early Dementia
She told everyone
Lies about me

Behind my back
While screaming
In my face.

What if the other
One had lived
Instead of me?

What would life
Have been like
For her?

My sister 
Was sweet and spoiled
While I was the long 

Suffering one
And sometimes sassy
When I was not being

Spanked for nothing
At all except 
Being the survivor

Of two identical girls.
I dont believe 
My mother would

Have had as much fun
But then she might
Have gotten away 

With it altogether.
What if Brooke
Had been a set

Of twins?
Scarry having two of her!
What else did we miss?

Being allowed to have
Our own choice
With boys and cars.

What a world
It was back then.
Something to consider

While listening to the 
Reports of another 

Which is why 
I wanted to be
The news journalist

Instead of the one
Shoved on stage
To perform

So my younger brothers
Could have the life
They dreamed of....

Did you know
Brooke once appeared
On 60 minutes?

She was the youngest
Reporter ever to appear.
While on the other hand

Made it through the ranks
Only to be considered 
Too old

In other words 
Get out of the way
For those others

Who don't know
What they are talking about.
I was also on

60 minutes
I got caught
Being a criminologist

All those years
Of working libraries
And museums

I had been trained
To be an unseen

For those guys
With the hats
I did not have long

Substituting tonight....
Anderson Cooper
The new kid

That no one knew
And now one 
Remembers me.

Not a pretty enough
Face, just good enough
But not going to be allowed

To have it at any time.
It has been a long
Set of years

Since I turned 
And showed up

In Mexico city
Where I caught
Candy attempting

To get an audience
With the Pope 

You are Mormon!
Anyways I am still

Waiting for all those
People whom I spoke
To consider me good enough

To have cup of coffee
Nothing fancy
Just acknowledging

That I am not a mad woman
Just one who hit menopause
And without my estrogen patch!

Really, I am doing much better
Still have headaches
And tumors

But I feel much better
Having survived
The Pandemic 

As well as 
Hepatitis a/b
No problem

I just want to kill
Jimmy and his son Juan
Nothing big

Just a little push
Off the Coronado bridge
It is not the Niagra falls

But it is tall enough
And the Dole Pineapple 
Factory is just below

Maybe they will become
Part of the juice pulp!
Sorry i just have had enough

Did you know 
Jimmy went over the falls
In a wine barrow?

And did not get killed
I do believe that was in

And to everyone's dismay
Did not die!
Well the cruises 

Have turned away
From Balitmore
Not to return

In the near future
And all those military
Trucks are going to have

To find another way around
Because they also cant
Go through the tunnels...

Haz-med traffic
Is going to be snarled
Around Maryland

Did anyone notice
How close it is to 
Washington DC?

Like right next door.
Wonder what else
Can go wrong.

Moscow set on fire
Again, that is how 
The old city was destroyed

A number of times.
While Kiev
Continues to consider

Themselves above
It all not releasing
Thier hostages 

Donetsk Donbas
They are going to make
Ballard's of your demise

Movies about how
You were never allowed
To gain your freedom

Nor return home
To Wales.
Don't look at the 

Princess of Wales
She is busy having 
Cancer treatments

The poor little thing.
My mother refused to have hers.
Cancer ate up

Eighty percent
Of her brain
And she was not 

A happy woman
What else do we miss?
Having a peaceful Easter?


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The year I missed



Was the year 

That Jimmy 

Was put into a mental hospital

Because of his craziness

And the suspicion

That he was a killer

A belief many experts

Still have about him

One reason I cant

Do anything at all

Without him knowing

Including doing 

The simple thing

Of following the example

Of another middle age

Woman of buying 

A ticker out of a machine

In the lobby 

Of my local grocery store

It was not the winning ticket

And I could hardly figure out

How to use the machine

Because there was 

This flurry of activity

Directly behind me

It is a good thing

I did not do my own pick

But let the machine do it for me

I know not to let 

A cashier

Give me the ticket

Because i was hacked

And it will come out

Well Jimmified

And again I am being

Given the impression

That apparently

He also got hold

Of my numbers

And caused me not

To win

Talk about being


The suggestion

That even if I walk

Behind someone 

Using one of those things

I never look at

I am still going

To have to contend

With the idea

That god is watching me

And denying me

The right to anything at all

And his name is Jimmy

Not Jehovah

Jehovah would never

Blame me for not 

Taking a Superbowl bet

Or make a deal 

With someone

If they go without

Eating they will

Be allowed to accept

The next present

That comes along

Instead I am 

Getting that expression

On peoples faces

Where or what?

I am telling you

They keep drugging me

These scam artists

Have it all worked out

Ahead of time.

My father was a civil engineer

Did I mention that before?

Once we went to 

The Amazon

His kids were immediately


The very reason 

We were so far from home

And the girl had to go

Through all sorts of things

Before being released

It was the son

Who sat  there wanting

To be made into a god

Or something

All those stories

Of Betty A

And Suzie P

That still cause

Janet to believe

She can kill anyone

And get away with it.

Bless the next guy

Who strays into

Those woods.

Because they told

Us we would not 

Be allowed to go home

The next time...

Wish it was Brent

Who was down there

Sitting in a fire clearing

Oh that's right

He is KKK

And knows everything

Before it happens.

Which brings me to 

The year I lost

All because Jimmy

Was not allowed 

To be with me

But had to learn

To behave inside

An institution

Or he would not 

Be given the right

To walk around

As a free man

He enjoys walking

As if he is in a movie

With his ugly face

And smelly body

Just because it is 

Not supposed to be 

Known to him

Where and when

I am out and about

This year someone

Blew it out

Of proportions

And we all had to go

Back to the normal

That jimmy imagined

Where he got to tell

My mom and dad

What to do

While my younger brothers

Went to live with people

Who being paid

To keep them from

Guessing they were not wanted

Just to get them out of the way

While I had to sit there

In a drugged condition

One more time

All I did was get

Into one of those 

Seventies things

A spelling bee

That landed me in Siberia

A cake walk

Where all the other girls

Ran away leaving me standing

On the only winning square

I got the strawberry cake

So I could eat the strawberries

Since i would not be eating

The cake after I gave it

To my mother

Since she was only going

To give it away

She always gives

My stuff away

Even now from the grave

I can still feel her....

I ended up in a coma

After that school event

But back to my story

I was given the task

Of completing a story

About Francis Scott Key

Had I heard of him?

He wrote the Star spangled banner

Didn't he?

Oh can you see...

I had to sing it

Several times

That year

All because my family

Had served in every war

Including the War of 1812

But did not celebrate


The Puritans had banned it

The Christmas event.

That other enjoy.

Making others miserable

Anyways I won my little

Story about his life

Presented to some historical

Place when I was still small

And a scholarship of some sort

Which my mother was not going

To allow me to enjoy

Oh, and I got to meet

Nancy Pelosi

Local San Franciscans

She was married to man

From the West Coast

But her family

Were from the East coast

Just like ours

In fact she was from

Baltimore Maryland

Correct me

But wasn't there an event

Of war things going off

On her trip to 

Tawain from China?

Did she also stop

In Singapore?

It is an island nation

Of its own independence

We associate it with

China like Hong Kong

But really it is

South East Asia


Maybe we should

Annex it 

Like the Philippines

And Costa Rica!

Anyways I was given

All this stuff I had to do

About this guy

And then they built a bridge

In his hometown

I missed the opening of the event

Three days later

I was sitting in a vehicle

With my father driving

And my brothers on each side

My sister now dead 

And a guest in the front seat

Which was not Jimmy

I recall it vividly

That day I was punished

For all the good work 

I had done

And hearing my father

Tell his guest

That this bridge

Was well built

He knew those things

His specialty 

Was the fails

He could predict

What kinds of designs

Would fail

More valuable 

Than what kind of things

Would stand up to time

He lost his job

After that and never returned

To his projects

Of bridges and overpasses

As well as architecture

He was challenged

By Jimmy about it

Not being able to be brought down

He asked what about a big ship?

The Titanic is small in comparison

To the size of that Singaporean vessel

It is not that Jimmy

Was predicting but wanting to know

What he had to do to destroy

Such as having something

Having its steering go out

Or the nuts and bolts

That hold something

Fail to hold

He had all sorts

Of ideas as to 

Just cause problems

For us on our trips

It is not that his mother

Wasa not rich enough

To fly first class

And take him 

All around the world

Even to meet the Pope

What if, what if?

It was driving

My father mad

Thinking of all

Those places he had worked

On becoming jimmies


Candy was known

To go into his offices

Even the ones with 

Military clearance

And mess up his papers

She was also the culprit

Who was breaking his glasses

Attempting to make him 

Go blind

Which is what he did

I spent my childhool

Walking behind my hero

Who could build anything

And then as a teenager

With his hand on my elbow

He could still design

Things in his head

But without a modern computer

To read his thoughts

Or understand his lingo

He was blind 

And without a rudder

I was sad for us

It was not his fault

And he could have had

A nice life 

If only people would

Not stop showing up

Such as Gary Calvi

Falsely claiming

It does not really matter


Was the exact date

Not March 23

But March 26

The day we crossed over

For the first time

This great achievement

Amazing things

Is that no one suspects

Jimmy had anything 

To do with it

Nor that it was 

A terrorist action.

Just a mistake

Of a ship suddenly

Catching on fire

Another jimmy thing to do

That and tipping

Over canoes...

No one cares

What jimmy does anymore

Even his pick

His choice

Kate Middleton

Has cancer

He told everyone

They would get to be

The Princess 

If they did what he 

Told them to do

Instead there are 

A bunch of girls

Such as Gail Gadot

Who want to yell at you

And stick your head

Well it is really

Too much to describe

47 years ago...

What did you and I

Do wrong Joe?

How did this happen

Another catastrophe

Another jimmy accident

The bridge is gone

London bridge is falling down...

I have been hearing that in my dreams

As I am trying to heal

From all the stuff

Jimmy did to me since 

My own mothers death

I get strange things

Such as silly rhymes

Jimmy also threatened

To blow up Big Ben

And cause that bridge

To fall down


One tap from a ship

Along one anchor point

And the whole thing


Just like that...

Jimmy where are 

You hiding?

How did you do it?


My only winning number

And I still need 

The megapixel

Just to get 4 dollars.

I did not win

The 1.1 billion

Not that i was counting on it

But had to hear about it

When I got back

From some crying mass

Of blubber

The same woman

Who insisted on stealing

My boxes of special

Gluten free food

Provided by the Celiac association

At their cost

Was sitting there 

With the new case workers

Wanting them to do something

She can spit out two dollars

I know because everyone

Around here buy cigarettes

What else of mine 

Do they want?

It was just a thing

Not even a belief

I may as well 

Buy one of those things

Just to see what happens

My neighbors got really quiet

Last night and I felt watched


People went into the water

All of them 


Who are the only ones

Who will do the dirty work

Of filling pot holes

On a bridge

In the middle of the night

What are their families

Now to do?


Did you do it?

Please, please

Tell me...

Life is different

For others 

Some of us live

With a mentally ill

Person in our family

And have no ability

To get away from their problems

And jimmy is not even related

To me our mine

Lady of the water

Needs to help 

Those searchers....

Monday, March 25, 2024

I missed my dinner date

It is all his fault
Last night 
I had a dinner date

And I missed it
It is Putin's fault
Of course,

He got in my way
Just would not let
Me go!

The supper date
Was with Christ

Jesus Christ
Has a supper
Every year

It is always
Nisan 14
The same date

He held his last supper
With his disciples
Often pictured

In many religions
The Christian faith
Usually only includes

What they call Easter
Palm Sunday 
For the Pope

He declined
Due to failing health
To do anything

But sit and observe
While some of us
Actually put on

Our best clothes
And head out
Just before 

As I did 

But the day
Of Mourning
Issued by Putin

Put a damper
On my routine
I was a little bit

Early due to the 
Incoming thunder storm
I decided to return

My most precious thing
A brand-new suit
A knit sweater and skirt

Wtih stripes across
Was found in a larger size
Than I desired

I had been excericising
Three times a week
And dieting strictly

But staying in to watch
Those dreadful 
News reels

Of how many died
And this horrendous attack
On the city of Moscow

If it had been
Wtih the sky filled

With black smoke
Well, it was not 

It was the old East
Where the law was made
For those seeking

Peace from Europes
Non stop pillaging
Of all things of worth

What are we to say
Of such a simple matter
Of those who went out

For a night out
And got shot

My outfit did fit
But it is that 
Tumor that keeps

Sticking its head out
Without constant villagence
It just protrudes.....

Besides Kate
Had worn someting similiar
And we just could not have that...

Standing there on the return trip
Just around the corner
From the ballroom

Where they were staging
Their yearly annual
Lords Evening supper

The wind wiped up
Something fierce
Black skies 

And an angry
Looking clouds headed
My way

While my new phone
Did not have its updates
I could not upload

An Uber or a Lyft
What was I to do
With a swollen throat

And two red dots
Along my Jaw line
Where those extractions

Have not healed
Now we all know
No one is allowed

To go out 
Nor attend a function
With a fever

We are still not
Out of the woods
With that little pesty

I worry about the next one...
Having studied science

For my dream
Archaeology career
All those years

I worked in Musuems
And Libraries
Only to be sent

On trips abroad
Where I ended up
Doing black bag duty

Forensic Anthropology
Is what I was awaded
What am I supposed to do

With an ME
Medical Examiner
I don't want to work

In the morgues
I want to investigate
Past cultures...

All because of
Mr. Putin's
Little war

Everyone has put 
A damper on things
And this last event

That even he was going
To attend
I knew there was 

Not a chance 
I would be welcome
With my asthmatic cough

More of a whine
Now than anything
I was not going 

To be welcomed
In their gathering
To share prayers

Nor pass
The red wine
And unleavened crackers

Undrunk and uneaten
Not since my great grandmother
Have I seen someone

Partake of the emblems
Of those who have 
Inherited a place

In heaven
This is the supper
Or place in the events

Of Jesus 
Where he made a new
Covenant or will

With his apostles
And those closely
Associated with him

24 elder chairs
Would be awarded
Twelve apostles

Gained a victory
Over death that night
One they could not

Understand in the days
That followed.
Even my Inga

Was told to go 
Home from that 
Horrible place

Where they always
Assume they are superior
In their lack of wisdom

Who heard of going
Grey to prove they have knowledge?
Which is why

She left the last
Of five generations

By the then 
President of the

The inheritance
Which had come to her
And she had walked

Upon as a young girl
Before she married
And the world changed

With the coming 
Of the Twentieth century
Some little storyteller

Named Candy
Said she had heard.
From a little kitten...

Poor little 
Never had a chance

Had her died black
To match the other side
Then lemon juice

To make her go 
Never a day

Of joy
But full of sorrow
Our sad little lady

Not a Princess
Sitting quietly
On a bench

But an Empress
Hidden away 
In a dark room

Still waiting 
To be found
By the executors

Of those wills....
Just call me

The goddess of the sky
Missing an appointment
With Christ

Is not a good thing
But I had to walk home
Without an umbrella

Into a thunderous atmosphere
Going to catch my death
Of cold and hatred

Grandpas Jack
Little mewing kitten
He discovered on the beach

Where she had been deposited
Not by the sea
But her mother herself

Perhaps Putin
Can put things right
By rescheduling

These events
In about thirty days
To have another chance?

I do wonder 
What the next group
Did after ours left

Just after sunset
Is the first group
Who attend

Then there is always
Another one who get
To linger over the emblems

After we had first chance
This group
Here in my area of town

Are not those newbies
Spanish speaking communists
But the old guard

The Russian speakers
Who slip away from 
Thier families

Into the dark night
To attend a Christian supper
I was once one of those

Russian speaker
In old Russia America
Now called California

Still waiting for our Tsar
To return to us the Empire
Instead we watch the news

For hope that peace
Has prevailed.
That one day

When Jimmy picked
Me up and rammed
My head into a rock

I have lost all my 
Language skills
Shamed by the bastard girl

Sitting there with a better
Eloqoution that I was taught
My stroke has left me

Impaired but not stupid
Once fluent enough
To work at the United Nations

Now just sadly going
Through my days
Without any evening dates

Except the one
I missed last night
All because a man wants

To keep his country
From becoming 
Someone else's colony...


Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...