Thursday, March 14, 2024

A tale of woe

William Boarman left a St. Mary's County will on 16 May 1708, proved 17 June 1709. He gave his wife "Slaves Robert, Charles & Elliner," his son John Baptiste slave Catherine, his son Francis Ignatius slaves Anne and Margaret, his daughter Mary slaves Sarah and Henry, and his daughter Clare slaves Jane and Susannah [Hodes, White Women, Black Men, 33; Baldwin, Calendar of Maryland Wills, III:140].

Eleanor Nell Notley Indentured servant 1665-1727 Irish descendant since 1500. Listed in the inventory as an old Irish woman along with the mulatto children.

Wife of Charles Boarman Butler adopted son of Major William Boarman, plantation owner. 

Born in Nigeria, Africa and the family Butler who took their name but was listed as slave in the will. 

Even though he was known as a free black. The times forbade slaves from marrying and indentured servants had to have permission.

Thier descendants were listed as mulattos and were also listed as slave owners, having married their own cousins, keeping this man's blood in the family.

Igbo tribe is his listed ancestors but was he also a Boarman?

They are related to Plymouth colony, Allens and Atwood. Also, part of the Salem Witch trials, Blount's and Tuttle's.

Traveled through eleven generations towards the West Coast. Where the last of this one line died in Sausalito.

A well-known member of the American communist party and the wife of the young brother Frank Oppenheimer, which hindered his work on the Manhattan Bomb project.

Jacquenette Yvonne Quann Oppenheimer never had children, and little is known of why she was felt as a threat to this project which limited her talented husband.

Frank was as knowledgeable as his brother and had his own awards, taught at Colorado university as a physicist and then founded the Exploratorium at San Francisco, his "child".

The Oppenheimer's came from Germany as Jews, lived in New York and San Francisco. The boys appeared not to practice their religion, studied atheist topics such as nuclear fusion and physics.

Married whom they wanted, women who at the time were college educated. Such as Emily Blount's character who appears to be upper aristocratic class and can't handle babies.

Out classing the actress in many ways, her children are the end of her line, married without having children.

Where did America come from?

I have been told to get back in my boat and go back to where I came from.

But my people walked here from the mountains of East Euro Asia. 

My family had many different variations but none of them from Africa.

I am not against the mixed races but notice the way in which some families are more successful than others.

The Wallers, infamous of the Roots book by Alex Haley were unable to keep themselves from harming others.

Thomas Jeffersons wife was from this family and Sally was her half-sister. Keeping her in the house was kindness, since she was a granddaughter of a free African woman who married a ships captain. Thier daughter seemed to have suffered the consequences of the times after their death.

Whereas other families don't seem to mind as much such as the Browns of Jamaica. Kamala Harris family were related to elite in Europe and had marriages into families such as the Rochester's of New York. 

Yet her own family who basically owned their portion of the island migrated towards California without making any inroads into their society. 

She is however the result of another immigrant from India and a man whose ancestor did not keep them from marrying and having lives.

This indentured servant chose to remain in the care of the family she came from Ireland to serve. Seven years was the requirement and many left and went home. Some remained and married others who then became part of the network of the American Society.

Her course of life resulted in marrying the family Butler who was African. Allowing her children to become Mulato half white and half black. It seems that there is more to her husband, the family kept marrying their own cousins giving the impression he might have a stronger relationship than slave.

His descendants bare almost no resemblance to his African ancestors, appearing to be white. 

Was their descendant an important part of the American story? She is mentioned in the newest Oscar winning film about the "father of the atom bomb". Her being a communist while the world was against Hitler and his Nazis still caused alarm about the then Allies Russian neighbor.

While using the Russians for the war, they were however not happy about anyone who was communist. They did not want them to also have the bomb. She appears to be no more than a card carrying one.

Meanwhile there are other stories of people who come from this mixed type of background.

Such as the Shields family from Ireland, no relation to Brook, who may have bought himself a wife. He did allow his African son to use his name and the man was known as a preacher giving evidence of his having had some sort of education.

We know this family through Michelle Lavaughn Robinson Obama. A mixed-race descendant of a woman who had been brought her as a slave but lived the freedom of raising her son into a preacher of the Christian religion.

Too bad Michelle is known for her white hatred religion and not providing a serious Christian upbringing for her daughters. 

Whereas the returning war hero Walter Washington married himself a Howard girl. One with a Reverand Baptist father and a line of white ancestors going back to England. Bullocks was the name, the same as the former Mrs. Tina Turner, Ane Mae Bullocks a relative. 

And Sandra Bullocks, not known if she is a relative on the white side. As she also claims to be adopted.

But then there are the children, Bonita Bullocks Jules Rossette is his daughter who is a Professor of Sociology and the study of African Americans. She has published a book on another well-known mixed-race woman, Josephine Baker who did make a difference in American Culture.

Then there is the sad case of woe, Jimmy. He is Captain Kangaroos son by his longtime lover. They appeared on the show together, her daughter as well as a few of Jimmys girlfriends were also on the show.

Bob Keshan is his father, and he is supposed to call himself Robert James Keshan Jr. But instead, he prefers Jimmy Bullocks, refusing his white father's name. His first wife Ludmilla had a black skinned daughter after which he was chemically sterilized due to the time period.

Race and the fear it can cause is what America is about. Europe often had men and woman of color amongst their stock. But lines were more carefully drawn over religion.

Thier ability to live amongst others is remarkable but then the hatred of the slaves seems to be bizarre.

As is the idea that they did not want to go home once that was offered. Instead, they have become part of the patchwork. Thier rights have been provided to them while others still languish.

Brown skinned people still fear when walking in the wrong neighborhood. While those who were touted as leading others towards civilization were instead found not to be worthy of the honors.

How far will the fear of those not white go? Are they afraid we have special diseases or special genes?

It is hard to tell but it is ongoing now that others simply want all of us to have the same skin. Not white but black, insisting we don't have a choice when in fact there was never more than a handful of families inflicting harm on others.  

Why cant all of us be free? All of us be seen as humans? There is no need to undress anyone nor refuse to allow them to have a job nor money based on a fear of the unknown. 

Religion should be respected not forced to make decisions based on dishonest observations. It is not as in those days when everyone had the same religion and beliefs.

Half-bloods, half breed, Mulato, mix race, what are these anyways?

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