Monday, March 11, 2024

Clothes are optional???


There are white tie
Events where a man
Is expected to have on

His very best suit
Which includes a tailored
Jacket, white bow tie

And sometimes gloves
Black tie is a formal
Where the man can wear

Any color jacket
Along with a black bow tie
And tails.....

The Oscars 
Where first presented
1927 -1929

The height 
Of the roaring twenties
When everyone seemed rich

In America
While the poor Soviets
Were just gearing up

For a fight 
They had shot the Tsar

Raped and murdered
The royal princesses
And elected themselves

Supreme rulers
Of the world
With their Jewish university man

Showing their strength
In the fields of industry
Not just big men on tractors

But strong men with muscles
And implements of industry
They were using their brawn

Not their brains
After all where had that gotten
The previous generation

Of elite thinkers?
Poor poets 
And mad musicians

That is what happens
When one is starving
The highest intellect

Still needs food.
Fast forward a century
We have the bizarre 

Presentation of a soviet art item
After all the Oscar
Is obvious styled 

After those soviet posters
Of a big strong man
Wearing nothing

His arms crossed
To cover those body parts
Intellectuals in the arts

Being presented 
A gold statue
Instead of a gold watch

For their mastering
The film industry
Which was new 

Along with the old
Theater arts of design
And music industry

Leading to the original
Plays and musical scores
Then the stockmarket

Caused everyone to stop
Flapping around in those dresses
Which exposed a womans body

To the need to go out
And pick fruit
Grapes of Wrath

Thank god for that 
Second world war
Or America would

Have stayed in the era
Of the dinosaur
These modern things

Bring everything
Together in a grand performance
Where even a plastic man

Gets to play 
With the cowboys
He was replacing

Out with the western
In with the surfer movies?
Anyways David Niven

Who was not unknown
For being a runner
At a time when it was not normal

Had to put up with
A war prostetor
And we had to be reminded

That muscles still matter
More then brains
Smart women stayed at home

Not invited
Only the starved skinnies
Needed to be present

Not that there were
A few surprises
But the big Indian girl

Did not win
Instead of a thin blond
As I say 

Beware Africans
When they are not using
You to get even with us

Brown skinned ones
They step on your toes
As well

What did we need
A nude presenter?
Are clothes now optional?

Or is it that we cant afford them
I do not want to be undressed
Just because I wandered

Into the wrong place
The big winners
Were not a simple story

Of murder and mayhem
But the big bomb
By the way 

Guy who played
The jury is still out

There were others
You know who had studied
That new stuff

Rocket science
Is what I grew up
With hearing yelled

Loudly in my direction
My grandfather
Was Ralph

Ralph who?
He worked at the laboratory
In Oak Ridge

Where they developed
The things that went inside
Your big bomb

The nuts and bolts
The innards
Nuclear laboratory

Quietly hidden
In one of the poorest parts
Eastern Tennessee

Appalachian Mountains
With a few holes in the ground
Better protected

Than Fort Knox
Knoxville was the nearest city
And no one was allowed

To talk about this place
Until the Carters
Accidently walked into it

By mistake as they were
Viewing the countries 
Common places

Rode public transport
Anyways his name 
Was scratched into the interior

Of one of the bombs
One can see Ralph
As the Japanese children

Hold up a section
That was not destroyed
He also won 

A Noble for his book
But not a movie
Although some geek

Did steal the manuscript
Which was supposed to be
About his early years

As a math genius
Who came from those people
You know

Has anyone ever heard
Of Jimmy Stewart?

He was a lt. col of the Airforce
During WWII
Came home to make movies

He got at least one of those things
And made a movie
About the FBI

Which included the story
Of the Osage
And why no white man

Is allowed to take
A brown skin girl
By the hand, wrist or ankle

And insist her bank account
Land and titles are his
Not even Jimmy Bullocks!

I thought it was a nice piece
Of art film 

For the newer generation
The thing is that
It is not what they want

They want to hear about
The big bomb
Or how this little country

Is denying its neighbors
Their right to freedom
By going around panhandling

No war is good 
For anyone except those
Who are making money

If poor little Ukraine
Which was already allowed 
Its freedom 

From the Russian Federation
Looses their border skirmish
Do you really believe

They wont ask for their freedom
If Putin wins

In his initial fight
To allow the Donbas people
The right to chose 

Thier own government
He will be expected to hand over
To the people of Ukraine

The right to remain
Separate from his country
They might loose precious land

But in the end
They will still be a free
And independent nation.

Unlike its neighbors.
I cry for them
After all they are also

My people
I am only half Indian
Once touted as the Native girl

Who did this and did that
And now forgotten
I am also half eastern europe

Danish, Russian
Hungarian and a little bit 
Of French.

I am a direct descendant
Of Kiev
A Rurik

And I am ashamed
Of my non comrades
For not allowing

Blood not to be spilled.
Then I am no longer 
Remembered at anything

Including the Foreign correspondent
You see Indians
I was not a domestic reporter 

I was sent to other countries
To report their hardships
Everywhere I went

Thier was a family
Willing to perjure themselves
By falsely claiming

That I had left something
Behind in the toilet
A baby

Everyone of those new girls
Insist they are my daughters
They did not have time

To come to my mother 
Funeral because they were busy
Stealing the show for themselves

Meanwhile pornography
Keeps being suggested
Every time I start to get my head

All Indians are good for
Is to exhibit their unique form
Its called a permanent suntan!

What i write about
Will never win a noble
Nor a pulitzer

Nobody cares 
But I really do hope
In the near future

Clothes are a requirement
Especially for the Presidential race
No one wants to see

Nude photos
Of brown skinned Nikki
Or either of those white guys

Then again
They are not promoting
A Soviet art style

Of big muscled men.
Please don't show up at my gym
I am out of shape with menopause.

Too old for breeding
And too old to be put on a skinny pill
Please keep your shirts on girls!

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