Saturday, March 16, 2024

Mary, Maria, Mariam who art thou?

She stood there
Watching him
Watching over him

She was his savior
His only one
Her mother had not wanted

Another boy
She had just put him
In the river

Just when that woman
Was about to come down
The woman was one of those

Woman of the court
Of Egypt
The daughter of Pharoah

She was the daughter
Of a Hebrew Prince
They were descendant

Of Abraham
The son of Terah
Of Ur

Not Goshen
The land of nothing
But green lush marsh

Great if one is a sheep
She knew they had
Come here in order

To survive a great drought
Thier land had once been 
Rich enough to support

Thier flocks
And they had gold on their hands
And shoes on their feet

Now everything 
Was upside-down
And backwards

Her little brother
Moses had been put out
By their own mother

Here she came
Down to the river
To worship her gods

What would she do
When she found a baby?
Eat him?

Sacrifice him?
Nothing at all
At first she just bathed

Then she had her perfumes
And expensive oils
Over her flesh

Then her carpets
Were put out
As she was given a massage

At last
She got down 
And beg her gods

For insight 
What was she to do?
She kept thinking

He was just a mirage
But a baby was there 
Floating along the Nile

With no parents
Who would put out their child.
Was it for her ?

Was she never to have
A child of her own?
Was this an omen

Of bad for her people?
Or was it a blessing
Then she waited

While her attendants
Played music
Finally the sun began

To set upon them
They slowly picked
Up everything 

Including the infant
She almost missed it
They were so silent

And quick 
They took her brother!
She had to run after him

Watching over him
She must have passed out
Here she was at the gates

What did she want?
The infant was not hers.
She was only making sure

He was not going 
To be killed and eaten
There she was once more

Standing in the corner
Watching over him.
Watching him

Being given the finest
Foods to finger
And camel milk

To drink
She was so frustrated
Her mother would 

Be angry when she did not
Return home
But she was watching over him.

They took it as a good sign
That a jewish infant
Had been offered

To the Pharoahs house
It was abdopted
And raised in the best

Of instructions
Along side the son
Of the pharoah

While the girl
Was provided jobs
To keep her busy

While they waited
To see who would come
It was a crying mother

Who first showed herself
She had lost her daughter

No, No
She did not have a baby
It was forbidden

For them to keep having
Babies in front of the Pharoah
Who had lost so many of them

The Hebrews
Had continued to grow
While the Pharoahs

Personall household
Had grown smaller
Joseph the great dreamer

Had been made second
In the land and given
A pregnant priest daughter

For his pleasure
But now there were
New ones in power

Not even the same
For some reason

No one had sent them home
Back to where they came
From in the desert

They say they were rich
Far more richer
Than the personal income

Of the Pharoah himself.
And they had relatives

Better to keep them close
The favored son 
Was given as a playmate

For this prince
While the girl was schooled
The mother had lied

About the boy
In order not to break the law
Of no more male infants

They were to be killed
Upon birth
Now they had a bunch

Of women who could
Not carry the weight
Of those huge

But they were small enough
To go through the narrow

Tunnels and could climb
The projects were going
Ahead with this convenience

Besides with so few males
They would now have to marry
Into their people

Making them one and the same
The girl had grown beautiful
And mysterious

Her mother was paid
For her to be trained 
In the arts of majic

Not something she had wanted
A priests daughter
Would become a prhopetess

They would train her
Now she watched
From the shadows

Over her younger brother
As he was given the best
As the first born son

Of the household of 
They hoped to be given

Into by the Arabs
And the Hebrews 
To rule over this area

The Mediterreanean
Was important to them
They had grains 

To sell in exchange
With those traveling
Along the route 

Towards Asia
And Europe
They wanted a monopoly

Meanwhile the family
Had another son
Aaron who was allowed

To the freedom
Of not being a slave
The poor woman

Had not been able
To kill her third child
Most of the others 

Kept one girl child 
While the boys

Were disappearing
Into the fields 
On the other side

Now she was old enough
For what they wanted

Mary girl of the sea
For that is where 
They had first seen her

Standing in the midst
Of the sea
For hours

Without drowning
Thier sea goddess

She had not realized
Until she began to speak
Thier language

How different they were
They were not cruel
Yet her brother admonished

Her as she spoke to him
In order to not forget
Thier language

He was a trained 
For the Jews 

Who needed to speak
To the Egyptians
She had become the wife

Of one of the magic 
Practicing priests
They had ways of speaking

To the other world.
She was not there the day
Her brother Moses

Had killed another man
The laws of the land
Were so severe

They could not kill
Another man
Not even the pharaoh

Without proper justice
Assessment and assistance
While the law of making

Sure no more males
Were allowed to be born
Was a direct corruption

She had to do things
For him to make sure
He was not slaughtered

They found out afterwards
That he had been set up
It was not his fault

But now she was married
But could not have children
She had to drink

Nauseating stuff
That made her vomit
And bleed every other month

Until she got to that age
Where she stood watching
The others having babies

She began to think
He would never return
When word came

From the sea
To the south
He was alive and coming home

He was warned
Not to bring his wife
They would have taken 

Her away from him
And his sons
He had sons!

They had to stay away
There was an increase of women
That no man was allowed

To go unmarried
Somehow they had misjudged
Now the women

Were being married 
To Egyptians
Who agreed to become

Jewish faith
While the Pharoahs
Had sent ships

Out in every direction
There was coming
A time for others

To overtake the position
Of the Hebrews
The plagues upon

Egypt were meant
To bring an end
To the belief

In the Egyptian gods
She was aware of what
They were doing 

But knew it would not prevail
Until the son of the pharaoh
Died upon his bed

And not his father
Providing the evidence
That the Pharoah

Was himself not first born
His son should have been
Given training to take over

Instead it had been hidden
He was not the first born
But one of the younger sons

Replacing the rightful hier
If it got out throughout
His own people

Would kill him
His sons death 
Meant the end.

The people had become
Useless to them anyways
She saw as she watched

From the shadows
That they had gotten the message
Those ships were coming back

With the new information
That would allow them
To control the entire 

Mediterranean sea
Now was the time to get
Rid of them

They were sent away 
At last she could emerge
From her place

Her family did not want
To come with her
Her daughter

Wanted to stay 
As a priestess of Egypt
Where she would become

Immortal when her time
Came to the end.
While she watched over him

She wished her daughter
Could have married his son
But it was not to be

They switched places
For her the nephews
She kept the first born

To become a priest
Under his uncle Aaron
While the younger one

Would stay with his mother
Becoming a Prince and king
Amongst the Arabs

His line would not disappaer
While she wanted to finish
Performing her duties

As a phropetess
Her husband had to kill 
Himself while she watched

Which is why the daughter
Chose to stay with the priest
The magic practices

Were not going to survive
Having failed the Pharoah
Whose life was in danger

And there it was 
A sign from the heavens
The parting of the red sea

Was her standing there
Watching over him
And telling them

Now was a good time
Jehovah had listened to her
This time and allowed

The red sea to part
With their victory
She was so exited

She praised the work
Of her brother Moses
He was a great man

Who had gotten the best
Of his own adopted brother
He was now their king

He was going to rule
Her desires got the better of her
As she watched 

Everything they had hoped
Come to nothing 
But chasing the wind

There were things
That were coming back
On those boats

That would not be known
The plagues had offended
Those in the deserts

Who were not in favor
Of these people
Of Terah of Ur

Who was Jehovah?
She watched again
From the shadows

Until in the end
Her phropecies
Had become so many

And so accurate
That she could not make
A mistake

His going to the mountain
Was an unfair advantage
She wanted to know

What he was doing
It was her right
She had stood over him

She was the one
Chosen to stay and keep him

She was the one 
Who had covered for him
Had sacrificed for him

She not her mother
Was to be credited 
For his survival

And rise amongst
The people to this end
He was going to lead 

Them all into the new
Kingdom and make them
All immortals

In the shadows
From where she watched
She had begun

To get ahead of her brothers
She wanted to be the female
Deity that they spoke of 

Along side thier single god
Her name would be known
As well in the future

And Mary the mother of Jesus
As well as Scotland
Named after Mare Scota

The sister of young Tut
Was immortalized
She saw this in her visions

That these two women
Would make the world
A different place

And there would be others
Named Mary who would
Become Queens 

In her darkness
She forgot who she was
Sending her sister in law

Away because she was
The one to reign supreme
Of all the priests daughters

And priestresses
She was now going
To become a leader of her own

Her followers of thsoe 
Many women who had gone
Without a Hebrew husband

Had to give up thier sons
In order to satisfy the law
Of the Pharoah

Made them bitter
Against Jehovah
Allowing the others 

To have sons
They wanted their sons
She had been approached

She herself missed her own
Unborn sons
She decided to provide

Evidence it was her
From the shadows
Who was the real communicator

With Jehovah the god of the Jews
His wrath was severe
Her demand to bring

To life their dead sons
Was to great a demand
Aaron and Moses

Had been lead along
By her their only
Reminder of the mother

Who had not lived long
After her losing both her children
As a unit

They had forgotten
That they served Jehovah
Not the Miriam and her magic

For she had brought 
It with her
Teaching the women

To become witches
In order to protect 
From the shadows

Not the desired result
And she had gone against
The rules and laws

He had to put her death
Himself, Jehovah
Her strength was more than

The priests of the Hebrews
Only a few women
Can go that dark

Candace is another one of them
The sadness of the brothers
Who realized their desire

To become rulers 
Over their own people
Was not going to happen

Having been raised 
Along side the Egyptians
When the Jews were provided

A king he was not a god
As well nor have the ability
To contend with his angels....



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Three times loser

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