Thursday, March 21, 2024

Its all about religion

Are you Buddhist 
Or are you a Christian?

Its all about religion.
No matter what the discussion
It always come back

To what do you drink?
Tea or coffee.
Even the modern drinkers

Will tell you 
It is a religious experience

Still adhere to strict
English teas
None of that herbal stuff

Sneering down on us 
Who brew our coffee

From roasted berries
Not hot water
Poured over leaves.

They are all plants!
And for your information
Tea is from Asia

You know

And Hindu
And Islamic
Don't you dear spit!

Really how dumb are you?
It all comes down
To where you are from

And if you actually 
Know what you are doing.
When one boils water

For those tea leaves
One is delving into ancient
Chinese ceremonies

Heightened by the Japanese
To include a cultural significance
They still have their 

Tea leaves blessed
By their priests
Who are not Christian

Before they set sail
For Europe
And those Brits

They actually read tea leaves
Which includes occult

Only Miss Marple
Can get away with not only
Brewing the perfect cup of tea

But also those idiot
Occultist and their palm readings
Hercule Piorot 

On the other hand
Drinks pure coffee!
And some tinctures.

A word about tinctures
Those are those herbal teas
Really they are flowers

And flowering plants
That produce a nice
Taste when combined

With hot water.
Used throughout the world
But especially in 

Christian Europe 
Are they prone towards
Herbal flowering tinctures

For all sorts of medicine
Medicinal qualities
Have been noted 

In serious tea drinkers
They always tell you to drink up
No different then the herbals

Who don't have a religious 
Japanese Buddhist

Do use tea in their ceremonies
As do Muslims 
In Arabia along the old silk route

From end to end
The drink was tea
And used as a commodity

Worth its weight 
In Gold in some cases.
Stolen by the British

Who went to live in India
Acquiring the taste
For the black fermented 

Tea leaves 
More so than the mundane
Green tea with its lighter notes

Perhaps the Dali Lama
Could explain it better
As the religious head of Buddhism

Don't forget to order
Your your Turkish coffee!
Coffee it is said

Was discovered by goat herders
We don't really beleive
In the tale of dancing goats.

But we do know it is a berries
Grown on bushes
And the monks began

To enjoy lasting benefits
When they brewed this fruit
They were not as tired

Could stay awake 
Through those long
Relgious conventions

And the reading and writing
That once went on inside 

Which were usually Christian.
Unless one is Mormon
Where they dont abide

By any stemilunts
Including caffeine
And alchool

You arnt Mormon
Are you Candy?
Latter Day Saint

Born and bred?
Hmm, me thinks
You might be

No soda for you!
Nor beer for your husband!
Remember your grandfather

Is watching you
From his grave.
Mine just needs to peer

Down from heaven
No need of a phone
Nor looking glass.

Coffee is a christian drink.
It has been sought after
By those who need

It to keep awake
In times of danger
And to stave off 

Those demons lurking
At the street corner
It has been brewed

In Monastaries
And grand palaces
As well as those coffee houses.

Now Candace
There are tea houses as well
And I hear a lot more goes on

In those Asian places
Than the European ones
Where one meets friends

And acquaintances
But never takes off 
Even their shoes

Most of that fine
English china
Comes from China

While coffee roasters
And coffee machines
For extracting that thick liquid

Are more home grown
A lot of fine Italian 
Expresso machine companies

Would go out of work
If they were told 
They all had to drink tea

Then were would be
The Pope?
I have nothing against

The Dali Lama
Nor his peers
But I was raised 

Good strong coffee
For us Scandinavians!

There is nothing wrong
With visiting a Starbucks
Or any other coffee establishment

Tea gardens and tea parties
However could lead one
To trouble, big time.

Now, now it also comes
In iced coffee as well.
No need to squeeze lemons

Either it is taken
With either sweet sugar
Or moderated milk.

Milk from a cow
Goat, sheep or oatfield
Is fine unless

One wants to dig deep
For Soybeans!
Ha, ha

Just a little bit of fun
On a boring news day.
What else are we coffee drinkers

To do when there is nothing
To report upon?
Report those religious 

Nuts to the authorities!
I hear the Boston harbor
Was once littered with boxes

Of that lethal leaf!
Or one can get careless
The teas have to be carefully washed

As any Japanese or Chinese
Tea brewer will tell you
Eitherwise one might get poisoned!


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