Monday, March 25, 2024

I missed my dinner date

It is all his fault
Last night 
I had a dinner date

And I missed it
It is Putin's fault
Of course,

He got in my way
Just would not let
Me go!

The supper date
Was with Christ

Jesus Christ
Has a supper
Every year

It is always
Nisan 14
The same date

He held his last supper
With his disciples
Often pictured

In many religions
The Christian faith
Usually only includes

What they call Easter
Palm Sunday 
For the Pope

He declined
Due to failing health
To do anything

But sit and observe
While some of us
Actually put on

Our best clothes
And head out
Just before 

As I did 

But the day
Of Mourning
Issued by Putin

Put a damper
On my routine
I was a little bit

Early due to the 
Incoming thunder storm
I decided to return

My most precious thing
A brand-new suit
A knit sweater and skirt

Wtih stripes across
Was found in a larger size
Than I desired

I had been excericising
Three times a week
And dieting strictly

But staying in to watch
Those dreadful 
News reels

Of how many died
And this horrendous attack
On the city of Moscow

If it had been
Wtih the sky filled

With black smoke
Well, it was not 

It was the old East
Where the law was made
For those seeking

Peace from Europes
Non stop pillaging
Of all things of worth

What are we to say
Of such a simple matter
Of those who went out

For a night out
And got shot

My outfit did fit
But it is that 
Tumor that keeps

Sticking its head out
Without constant villagence
It just protrudes.....

Besides Kate
Had worn someting similiar
And we just could not have that...

Standing there on the return trip
Just around the corner
From the ballroom

Where they were staging
Their yearly annual
Lords Evening supper

The wind wiped up
Something fierce
Black skies 

And an angry
Looking clouds headed
My way

While my new phone
Did not have its updates
I could not upload

An Uber or a Lyft
What was I to do
With a swollen throat

And two red dots
Along my Jaw line
Where those extractions

Have not healed
Now we all know
No one is allowed

To go out 
Nor attend a function
With a fever

We are still not
Out of the woods
With that little pesty

I worry about the next one...
Having studied science

For my dream
Archaeology career
All those years

I worked in Musuems
And Libraries
Only to be sent

On trips abroad
Where I ended up
Doing black bag duty

Forensic Anthropology
Is what I was awaded
What am I supposed to do

With an ME
Medical Examiner
I don't want to work

In the morgues
I want to investigate
Past cultures...

All because of
Mr. Putin's
Little war

Everyone has put 
A damper on things
And this last event

That even he was going
To attend
I knew there was 

Not a chance 
I would be welcome
With my asthmatic cough

More of a whine
Now than anything
I was not going 

To be welcomed
In their gathering
To share prayers

Nor pass
The red wine
And unleavened crackers

Undrunk and uneaten
Not since my great grandmother
Have I seen someone

Partake of the emblems
Of those who have 
Inherited a place

In heaven
This is the supper
Or place in the events

Of Jesus 
Where he made a new
Covenant or will

With his apostles
And those closely
Associated with him

24 elder chairs
Would be awarded
Twelve apostles

Gained a victory
Over death that night
One they could not

Understand in the days
That followed.
Even my Inga

Was told to go 
Home from that 
Horrible place

Where they always
Assume they are superior
In their lack of wisdom

Who heard of going
Grey to prove they have knowledge?
Which is why

She left the last
Of five generations

By the then 
President of the

The inheritance
Which had come to her
And she had walked

Upon as a young girl
Before she married
And the world changed

With the coming 
Of the Twentieth century
Some little storyteller

Named Candy
Said she had heard.
From a little kitten...

Poor little 
Never had a chance

Had her died black
To match the other side
Then lemon juice

To make her go 
Never a day

Of joy
But full of sorrow
Our sad little lady

Not a Princess
Sitting quietly
On a bench

But an Empress
Hidden away 
In a dark room

Still waiting 
To be found
By the executors

Of those wills....
Just call me

The goddess of the sky
Missing an appointment
With Christ

Is not a good thing
But I had to walk home
Without an umbrella

Into a thunderous atmosphere
Going to catch my death
Of cold and hatred

Grandpas Jack
Little mewing kitten
He discovered on the beach

Where she had been deposited
Not by the sea
But her mother herself

Perhaps Putin
Can put things right
By rescheduling

These events
In about thirty days
To have another chance?

I do wonder 
What the next group
Did after ours left

Just after sunset
Is the first group
Who attend

Then there is always
Another one who get
To linger over the emblems

After we had first chance
This group
Here in my area of town

Are not those newbies
Spanish speaking communists
But the old guard

The Russian speakers
Who slip away from 
Thier families

Into the dark night
To attend a Christian supper
I was once one of those

Russian speaker
In old Russia America
Now called California

Still waiting for our Tsar
To return to us the Empire
Instead we watch the news

For hope that peace
Has prevailed.
That one day

When Jimmy picked
Me up and rammed
My head into a rock

I have lost all my 
Language skills
Shamed by the bastard girl

Sitting there with a better
Eloqoution that I was taught
My stroke has left me

Impaired but not stupid
Once fluent enough
To work at the United Nations

Now just sadly going
Through my days
Without any evening dates

Except the one
I missed last night
All because a man wants

To keep his country
From becoming 
Someone else's colony...


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