Sunday, March 24, 2024

Remember Grandmas will?

The whole fight
Boils down to 
Whether or not

Grandma left a will!

I know you know
They did 
All of them....

What are we to say
Another misfortune

Concert goers
Who did not go home.
I have been there 

And survived
But with no place to go.
Which is why 

My grandmothers
Made wills 
In order to prevent

What has occurred
In my local community.

Weren't those your 
School yard friends

Was not going
To get dad
To let him use a gun

On his show 
Captain Kangaroo.
Could not get 

Those other people
To let him do target
Practice of their daughter

Ran off to play
In the desert dirt
Where the boys

Were being trained
To use big guns
Even took a few photos

To use on his range
One of my mom
And one of his

According to the reports
Of the FBI and CIA
Oh those things

That is why janitors
Get careless when 
Doing their rounds.

Right Candace?
Oops a little bit 
Accident prone

But why was she 
In there?
We don't have outside

She says she was 
To show up 

Had the keys
Just didn't know
Not to dump all those 

Filing cabinets 
Over into a big pile
And take them to the big

Dumpster where they set fire
To everything.
They say she showed

Up at the local 
County records
And ran off with

The entire filing cabinet
Took it to a storage shed
And what did they do?

Its that she has no priors
She is a committed individual!

Yet she has not committed
A crime in any state
It is not a crime

To have mental health issues.
But she does commit crimes
She just always gets off

With that I don't know 
What I am doing
Because I have to take my pills....

Mr. Donald Trump
Have you heard 

Of the lottery?
The Mega is up to a 
Billion dollars

Maybe you kids
Could chip in
And buy you a few tickets

Just dont sell your house
Might not win.
Sorry, really sorry.

My sympathies
To those in Crocus
Not taking it lightly

Thier deaths 
Nor experiences
Duck and cover

Next time.
And it seems

There will be a next time.
After the border 
Had to be closed 

During the elections
Due to Ukraine
Bombing them

They felt safe
Way up in Moscow
To go out dancing...

After all their guy
Won the elections.
By the way

What type of cancer
Are we talking about
I have a little bit 

Of experience
Dealing with it
Now kids

Will and Harry
Had to put up
With loosing thier mum

Before they got to go out
With girls
You will just have

To keep those chins up
And let her do her thing
I wont tell you 

What i had to deal
With as an older adult
Chasing her down the street

And asking politely
If there was anything
My mother had left behind???

As for those wills.
I know Jimmy
That Grace left one

Which included your name
But left all her jewels to me
As well as several other listed things

None of which I got
As you know
And yet there are 

Baubles being littered
Throughout the land
Wonder where they came from?

Her husband in the Navy
For both WW wars
Earned her at least one 

Fur coat
Thats right
Your wife Teresa got that one

What did you give
And Suzzana

Or Laura and Lillie
What did you give them?
I also know 

That this all started
With Great grandma
Making out her will

She had boys
Who were in the Mormon
Leagues up in Utah

And Idaho
She left them the 
Ranches and houses

Where they were
While the girls
Got to stay in California

Where they had been born
And choose a different
Way to walk

Not that they were not
Ella wrote for the Lutheran magazine

And Hazel was on the Radio.
While Norma disappeared
During the Pearl Harbor

Attack and is probably
Still in an unmarked grave
It is Helen

Who was put on a ship
For that Spanish Influenza
Who ended up 

In Saint Petersburg
Russia not Pennslyvania
But died in Paris

I can only assume
Both of those apartments
Have also been wiped clean

By the way
It is not legal
To have someone else say

They are the real person
In the will
Or that I am not the right one

As those people go to prison
I even remember

Grandpa making a will
Leaving me that old brick thing

Which someone sold out
From under me
While I was living there

And of course
My own mother 
Made out a will

Listing me as the heir
Not you!
You know that

It is not Amnesia.
You should be practicing
But Amnesty

You might get a female judge
To believe you
When you say you were to faint

To understand
Or that it is not your fault
That your children

Broke me.
And ahem
Mother wants to know

How much did your 
Real father leave you?

Your other sister
Should have inherited 
From her father

Since her mother
Was also made to go broke.
And for your information

I am not married
To your son
Either of them!

And it does take
A judges decree
To decide of a male

Who has done nothing
Deserves his wives
Inheritance for himself

Or even her disability.
Halvies don't count
In this instance

I know you always
Take your share
Which is all of it!

I want my stuff back!
Or those children
Of your go to jail

Or worse.
I have already informed
The only one who has 

A legal right to mine
That it is his responisbility
To go kick out the squatters!

I have no daughters
Not even Kate!
Click, click

Go the handcuffs
And that back seat
Is small jimmy....


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