Tuesday, March 12, 2024

I have a confession to make...


The unmasking of 
I have a confession

To make
One day
I am going to kill him...

He had been so
With his plans

This time
He had tried before
But he had failed

All because of her
He could not have 
His way...

She had gotten
In his way
On the day

She was born
And he was not there
To kill her then

Now he was going
To end it all
Just like that auto accident

Where he had pulled
Her out of the car
Risking his own life

And then killing her
Only to find out
There were two of them!

One had survived
While he was running
Around enjoying himself

After all 
Christmas was his holiday
His birthday

He got to have anything
He wanted 
Because he said so.

He simply did not want
That woman to have 
That stupid piece of property

That made her more important
Than his dad
Who was rich 

But not part of that set
He just wanted to sit 
Down and tell people

What ever he wanted
He had worked hard
On that stupid woman

Only to have her go 
And have a baby
A stinking girl

He wanted to be 
The Prince of her life
They always gave her

Things and whatnot
Really it was all about
That song she had sung

I am dreaming of a prince
Cathy Barmettler
Stooled her letter

And her right
To sing the song
And be beautiful

She was not going
To be more beautiful
Than his own mother

Whom he denounced
Because no matter
What he did she was better

Now he was taking
Down her daughter
Who was not going

To be a Princess
He had hired stupid people
To help him

Do things 
Such as kidnapping her
And even stealing

Her medical records
Her blood was especially important
To him

But she kept getting sick
They got suspicious
Because she could not get over

Her illness
He was not supposed to be
With the family

But he had done things
To make the mother
Believe he was her son

Just so he could
Be inside the house with her
Now she had been poisoned

She had gone off
And won awards
Gotten scholarships

Even went to the Olympics
They were these important
Events that other admired

He wanted to be the center
Of attention
His doctors said he lived

In a make believe world
Where he created things
That were not real.

Now he was going to
Show them!
She had been starved

And had not died
This time he was poisoning her
Keeping her from her medicine

He had a big win
He was still working out
How to drown her

Had gone in and shot up
Thats right him with a gun
And she was not there!

They had exchanged houses
The woman on the docks
Was not her mother

Had also survived 
His attack on her staff.
If she ever found out

It was him that day...
Anyways the girl had to be returned
To her family 

He had them living out
At a river
So he could have fun 

With them 
While he was not allowing
Them to live on their own property

It was so easy
To get women to sit
There and lie about being

Her real mother
But even that was not working
One more time

She was coming back
This time he had found
A drug that would kill her

In thier home
So they would go to prison
There she lay

Asking for nothing
Her mother had gotten 
So mean with her

She had also gotten
Plump pregnant looking
All his girlfriends

Were pregnant
Without his touching them
His father was angry

That he had to keep
Paying for their babies
When he could not have any

That was also her fault
Actually he did not want them
But it was all her fault!

Acute Kidney damage
She had told them
She did not feel well

Candy had been coming
Into his window
And jabbing her with needles

Some how she had gotten
The right medicines
She was dying from organ failure

He did not have to do anything!
Great he was so happy
Then they had to go 

And do a story about it.
He was under investigation
He was not supposed to be

In the home with her.
Had to do something about it.
A coma!

She had gone into
A stinking coma!
What else could she do to him.

He ran around the hospital
Making friends for himself
His real dad had this job

Where people could go on
And be bitches 

Some of them 
Would even become

He was not allowed
To do it himself
His dad was not going

To be embarrased
That is why he made
Her mother give him

That right 
And he had ended up
Nude on stage 

In New York city
He thought it funny
After all he had a beautiful face.

Really he kept having
It altered like the bad guys
To look more like them

And not like his mother
There it was he got the blood work
Back and it was negative

He was not related to her at all
They needed a kidney
In order to save her.

He had run all the way
To the east coast
Where the other one 

Was still being kept
In a frozen room
Took sizors

And cut her open
Just to get her kidneys
Out of her body

Before they got to her.
Got caught!
Only had one of the things

Found out later
That there were two of them
Just like there was two of her.

Now she was dying
Laying there asleep
Just like sleeping beauty

People kept telling
The mother that 
He even took a picture

Of her without her top
On just like those models.
Naked tits!

He was going to have
So much fun with this.
Only to have the doctors

Tell the parents
That he was not related
He had to go into this big

Thing with them
About being their real son
And how it looked

For them to have
The wrong girl sit with them
Look this proved it.

Thier daughter had died
In that car accident
This one was a fraud!

They were drugged of course
And the father sadly told
The mother that he had enough

She was the one who kept
Having problems with the girl
If she was not his

He was not going to stay
That is all she wanted
To leave him

And live with this boy
He cried as he walked out.
He knew the boy was not his.

The mother sat there in shock
When she went to the bathroom
He had her abducted again

By Candy and her sister Suzie
She would wake up 
A thousand miles away

Wondering what had happened
While the father had been offered
Another job overseas...

He had her all to himself
He could do what ever

He wanted to her!
He got caught trying
To have sex with her

After saying she was his daughter
Now they wanted him to sit
And watch her breathing

Labored on those machines
He got someone to bring him
Stolen music equipment

He sat there tape recording it
The machines moving in and out
It sounded like an alien or somethng

With her sweet little face
Lying against the pillow
He just wanted to put it

Over her face.
He had got caught
Doing that as well

So he was now sitting
Listening to her labored breathing
Taping it for himself to enjoy

He had convinced
Some judge that he was real
And that he could make his

Girlfriend into a movie star
Rebecca was her name
And she was going to become

Big, really big
Only after she provided him
With a blonde baby

For him to steal and sell
So he could sit back
And enjoy the idea

Of having a beautiful baby girl princess....
There it was the court order
Had gone through

He said it was about religion
Just sounded good
But the parents had not come back

He had them disconnect
The machine and the tubes
Sitting there listening to her

Slowly stop breathing
As the machines stopped working
Tape recording it for himself

To enjoy listening to 
In the future
When he was going to enjoy it.

He was told he had to leave
She was being moved to the morgue
As he heart had stopped

Some said it was broken
Listening to her parents
Having that last argument

When they were told 
She was not theirs
And had been lying to them...

He had a one way ticket
To London
Where he was going to stop

By and visit the Queen
Her grandmother had interviewed
Her on her radio show

Or something.
It was important to people
Not for him to interfere

He sat there in Buckingham Palace
Playing the sounds
Of the little princess

Dying and taking 
Her last breathe...
He so enjoyed himself

While he ran off to join
This crew that was making
One of those alien movies...

Star wars
He had decided to call it.
He had them listen to it

As well.
So much fun he was having
That they put a straight jacket

On him and locked him up
They said he had threatened 
The Queen

To do the same thing
To her
To make her die 

Because he did not want
To be told no at any time.
They also told him

That the queen had called
And stopped  what they were doing
All the way to California

She had saved the child's life
She was supposed to have no place
To be buried 

Just like the other one
Was waiting for her real parents
To come and take her home

She was still alive!
After all his planning
She had somehow managed

To get enough oxygen
And her heart was bad
She might even have to get a transplant

She was being cared for
At the cost of the Queen
She had felt responsible

For her being murdered 
By the boy
They had already had a funeral

There was a boy
Who claimed to be related
And then walked into

The hunting party
To be shot in the back
It had made the papers

The funeral attended by her husband
Who this kid was she wanted to know
They had paid for that funeral

She was not going to pay 
For another one
And he was not even related

Her mother had needed
Help way back in the war
Her grandmother had interviewed

Them as a couple
When the King was going 
To announce his abdication

Those were different day
But it was what they said
Had made the public accept

Her parents as the new King and Queen
She owed it to the family
To at least keep their child

From becoming fodder for someone else.
The girl did survive
But they said

She might ever be the same.
Something had gone wrong
SAD they said was her permanent condition.

He sold his tape to some movie
People to be used 
So he got something out of it

All his plans
That labored breathing of hers
As her heart was breaking

As her parents argued
Thinking she was not theirs
Ha, ha, ha....

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