Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Where are you?

Where are You?
We have been waiting

For your return.
Are you still sleeping
Or just resting?

I am sorry 
For being modest
And honest

But I am uncertain
Of how to answer
And respond

To the many times
My family alone
Has been raided

Robbed, raped
And raked over the coals
Just for believing

No longer allowed 
To even attend 
Those holy meetings

I must rely upon
Instead other ways
Of expressing 

My desire to worship
But still concerned
About why there is 

No one willing
To put a stop
To the German nazi

Aggression towards us.
Why does no one else care?
When will there no longer

Be a need to be afraid
When encountering
Those with needles

They have even attempted
To bred us out
Preventing us from having

Children of our own
While my mother adopted
Those not capable

Of getting through 
Even with her help.

And my father 
Was burdened
With those not his own

Who kept on stealing
From him and his
Such as the Garloffs

And the Gillette's
And Jaillet's
Not to mention

The Galioto's
And Johnstons
Barmettler's and Pittsenbarger's

We wont even mention
The Smiths
Or Cardinale and Santacroce

Now there is a story
Some woman stood trail
In San Jose

In the 1970's
A time when a man
Was not charged with rape

If the woman was willing
But a woman would bring
A suit of paternity

There was such a woman
Who went out with John
Just once and got pregnant

She was allowed to pursue
Him for marriage
She had to prove

In court she had sex with him
And she was carrying his child
Which she did do

Then the bastard mentioned
He already had a wife
And child

Too bad Gloria!
Erica is her name 

It is super tuesday
When the American people

Are going to put to rest
All those horrible adds
And court cases

Which guy do you want?
Please tell us 
The bookies need to know

Which horse to bet on
Is very important
During the year of reelection.

Who will be the Republican
And the Democrat

Who else is in the running
Just Bobbie jr.

Best to the best.
There is going to be
A solar eclipse

April 8
Which we will be able
To see.

Is that a sign?

What about your
Sons resurrection
After his untimely death.

Will you support
Passover or Easter?
They are different dates

This year according 
To domination
Catholics are going

For March 31
Passover late April
And May 5 

For those Orthodox
Unless you are 

Than there is a completely
Different date
With St Patrick's 

And Parade
On March 17
Where are you going to be?

And whom are you 
Voting for this year?
Just being polite

I was always 
Told we had the truth
The true religion

Then five generations
Of women faithful and loyal
Were undone by one male

Who placed his naked dick
On my head 
And said it was forever!

Where's my divorce
And my religions outcry
They turned a deaf ear

All those false ones
Who were willing to say
They were the birth mother

Instead of my mother
Who had to have twin daughters
Not even born on the same year

But out of the same womb.
Then there are the more than
Two hundred daughters

Of Elders
Who just want to be
Called the one and only princess.

My sister was the princess
As you know 
I was deemed

The Empress
By my family and others
And no one is going 

To take that away 
From me
Naked penis or not

And as for his wives
He has multiple ones
Who have been calling themselves

Queens and mothers
They must beware
I know how to sodomize

And make their sons 
Into Eunuchs.
I still say that no one

But yourself 
Can pull off the greatest
Story ever told

Of having a young virgin
Get pregnant and give birth
Mary must have been

At least 14 or 16
Since she was still engaged.
Some of these girls

Are claiming a child
As young as a infant
Or 3 or 6 or 9

Has given birth to them.
I say you are not going
To be undone

Even by stupid Kate 
Middleton who is still
Incapable of understanding

I will never acknowledge 
Giving birth to her
And her children

Are not really legitimate
She is a bastard child
Who thinks by having

This crazy idea of 
Being born to an unwed
Teenager she is going to score.

I say Off with her head.
Stay the hell away from mine.
And as for those little girls

Who cant count
I was born before 
Most of them were able

To Menustrate
Mary and Jesus
Were a hard act to follow

In fact some still say
It didn't happen
And yet these ugly ones

Believe if they just 
Do a little more heroin
Or cocaine

They can convince
I am over 55 
And have never been 

Nor am I going to get rid
Of these tumors

Any time soon
As the female doctors
Are lied to about

Their qualifications
It is not how many hours
Of classrooms and labs

But how many guys 
You lay down with
Since they obviously

Cant tell the difference
Between someone with a thyroid
Condition and a diabetic

What am I to do?
Sue the Queen for slander
For thinking i look pregnant

Instead of burdened with fibroids?
Or sue the king of defamation
Just because his son married

An idiot who does not eat enough
And cant figure it out
Even when the judge spells it out.

When the day is done
I know you will be the winner
No matter what name

You call yourself.
It is not Jimmy
Nor is he going to be

The supreme ruler 
As we both know
It is Satan the Devil

Who most likely committed
The sin of transformation
And adultery upon Eve

In disguise not as a snake
But as her own husband.
There were no apples

Were there in the garden ?
The fruit is not them getting
Themselves in the family way

But the offense that she was naive
And allowed herself
To be taken by someone besides

Her own husband
After your performed 
The first marriage

In front of all creation.
And then Adam complained!
He did not believe her

Nor did you deal kindly
With her first born
What or what is to become of us all...

Please make it clear
Whether or not 
Your one true religion

Has done their best
To get betrayers and offensive males
From their midst

Who neither attempt
To grab your thumb
Nor your thigh!

The day of reckoning
Us upon us.
As is the season

Of the Resurrection
For which all of us must have faith
Or there would be no reason

For getting up 
Each day
Not even all those little princesses....

March 10
Is daylights saving time
March 19

Spring equinox
The old celebration
That even the Jews observed.

What will it be?
Are you ready?
We are all of us

To know the answer
In the year of 
2024 AD



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Three times loser

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