Saturday, March 30, 2024

Rocky Mountain Oysters


Prairie Oysters

Lamb Fries

Huevos de toro


Do you know

Where these treasures


Or do you even care?

Oh come on

Its been a slow weekend.

I almost got drowned

Out at Pacific beach

I awoke to find

Someone had deposited

Money into my bank account



Its only a thousand dollars

But finally after all this time

I have my medical disability

Since I have no work history.

My family used to own

Land in all these tiny enclaves

One of them was this train town

Crystal Pier

Used to  be a ballroom

And a train stop

As well as an aquariam.

It now has all those 

Cottages people used

To build and leave 

On the beach

Now they are all 

On the pier 

Where I used to live

But those days

Of Gary and Tara

Have still not gone away

One or the other 

Was always coming

Through the window

Or hitting me on the head

And shoving me into

A car trunk

The authorities could 

Do nothing

But there was this 

Little beach cafe

My parents 

Began out of thier

House during those 

Days when even the 

Professors at the University

Of California did not get paid.

Finances have changed a lot

Now it is privatized

And does not have to 

Have a fluent congress

To get those bills paid.

They still serve a good

Holiday meal

The rest of the time

It is breakfast by the beach

Or Happy hours

Before Sunset

Anyways it was pouring

Down rain

By the time I got 

There and was being 

Warned by the bus driver

I have been through worse

But there they were

Setting up outdoor heaters

And waitresses waiting

Around for customers

I was one of the first

To walk in and sat

Next to the window

Where I could watch

The water drench

The beach and eat

Real food.

My spine does not

Allow me to linger

It is when i got up

To go that we had

A flash flood watch

I laughed as I headed

Out the door 

Only to find the street


I had to go ankle deep

To get through the intersection

Where the bus stop

Was so close

And yet I stood there

Drenched from the knee

Down due to the sudden

Influx of water

My bad.

And I was yelling at the wind

When this guy comes by

Who looks just like...

Anyways I had to go 

Get some food 

It is Easter Weekend

And I was noticing 

The Meatballs around me.

No Ham supper?

Or Lamb?

Hmm, I love lamb

But I began to think

About those days of travel

Where I became a vegetarian

At an unusual young age

While the adults

Were not aware of what

They were eating.


By the way is the answer

The meatball originates

From the land of Persia

Which is now Iran and Iraq

The first century

Has a cookbook

Or recipes of their food.

The rolled ball of meat

Was developed and served

It was originally lamb

Different countries 

Serve it differently

The Swedish Meatball

Is supposed to be 

Served with gravy

And suercraut

While Asia uses 

Thier own unique sauces

And of course

Italy adopted it

As its national item

Plopping them down

On top of their spaghetti

With red tomato sauce

All America knew 

Of Italian cuisine

Was pizza which was an appetizer

To the real meal

Which was mainly 

Spaghetti and meatballs.

I don't know what

They served in Italy

But after the WWII

It was nothing but

In America 

The grand great meatball

Of beef rolled in breadcrumbs

Not a gluten free item

There are now recipes

With herbs and apples

To jalapeno and cheese.

Noodles of course 

Came back with 

Marco Polo

From his tour of China

Which took twenty years

I bet he spent time

In prison!

All those travelers

Leave that out

In their stories.

But rice was the ingredient

Of boiled pasta

Thier main staple

Imagine boiling bread!

Thats what bagels

Are from those others

Who were once in the same land

Anyways the rice noodles

Are now all durum wheat

And tomatoes were brought 

Back by Chrisotpher Columbus

To make a sauce

Just waiting for those little balls.

What did they eat before that?

Well, they ate the whole cow

In other words

Cattle which are part

Of Europe's history

Were not wasted

They were also 

Castrated in order 

To develop those bit guys

Not that the Spanish 

Matador would face

A eunuch in the ring

But the rest of them

If they were not 

Producing milk 

For cheese

The girls that is

Had their balls cut off

Testicles are also 

Considered a delicacy

Served in Spain

As well as the Midwest

And even in Asia

Were they use goats

For meat

Ball shaped things

Deep fried

Or sautéed with onions

I also did not eat anything

Suspicious by covering 

Its true nature 

With flour and deep frying

Although I was surpriesed

To find that in England

Thay actually serve

Fish in a deep fry batter

Not bad

Especially if one could

Find a poor propiteer

Who used buckwheat

Or other type of flour

Than the highly allergic


Also from the land

Of the holy ones

And grown in Africa

Where they also serve

The whole cow.

Those dainty things

Are not small

And sometimes

The only thing 

The poor can afford

They probably served

Them in a red sauce

One with blood as its source

Also part of the whole cow

Where the whale was cut up

Into all its parts

For glue and perfume base

The cow or goat

Gave its all as a food source

Ironically in America

Those pig farmers

Were given a separate

Part of the city

These were not the Jews

Who don't eat pig

Who also have those things

But usually Muslims

Who found sheep

Filthy to raise

And preferred bacon

To mutton

The old quarter system

Or ghettos as we call them

The poor will always be with us...

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday

In the western 

Catholic Christian world

The Pope is sick

But his main duty

Is those holiday masses

Christmas and Easter

Get out of bed

Lazy slug

And go out to those

People who keep 

Congregating at the gates

Saint Peters square

Which is not shaped

As a square but as a key hole

Is the main plaza

Of the Vatican

Which is a city of its own

Not under the domination

Of the Italian government

And it was once owned

By France at one time

Which is probably

Where the Swiss guard

Came from

One used to have

To be from Switzerland

To become a guard

In Italy at the Popes place

Anyways the poor guy

Has not recovered

From his respiratory virus

They say he has a cold

But we know he is going

Into pneumonia 

If he does not stay

In bed...

But he will be up they say

And I who have still not

Gotten over my nonpneumatic

Asthmatic state

And have been running

A temperature

Since last weekend

When I missed my event

Will be up at midnight

To watch this guy

Who has not had a good enough

Run of things 

Hope he does not faint

Or worse

But at least they will not

Be serving him


For his Italian supper

Perhaps he will get

Those tasty dainties

While i still prefer


Especially the duck variety

On occasion for my own


From fish, salmon, tuna

And occasionally sliced beef

Cant afford anything else

Although I enjoy a good

Beef stew with root vegetables

Are you sure this is beef?

Oh yes, their head nod

Only to find it tastes funny...

Not convinced it is not 

Something nasty

Which is why i also

Prefer salami 

Which lists its ingredients

As opposed to those 

German sausages

Which are not only

Jimmies favorite pig

But also have blood 

In them.

Jimmy never reads 

The ingredients

Nor the recipe

I bet he would love

To eat some 

Fried Oysters....

Which are ???

Well, I am going

To catch my cold

Sitting up for that man

To give his religious mass

Whereas I once lived amongst

The American Russians

Who always made you

Welcome in their community

Now are in hiding....

Well I prefer my meat 


Not round shaped

Shepards pie

Is a good lamb meal

When it is not cow.

As for politics

One can read anything

They want into my delivery


There were those three guys

Who walked into a bar

And had to do a stand up 

Performance on stage

Three Presidents on stools

And then there was the other one

Who walked into a wake

At least it was not one

Of those Jewish things

Were one might 

Accidently get lifted up

In the air

Used to hear those guys

In San Francisco

Describe why they ran

Away from home

And preferred walking small dogs

And holding hands

With another guy

Ugh, those women....

Persia was once

A nice place in the old stories

Of rich princesses

And poor thieves

Who had a heart

And never ate another guys....

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