Friday, March 22, 2024

Those Tik Tokers...


Wall Street went for brooke.
Lost his shirt on his portfolio.
Only in New York!

A French guy in gloves!
What is the world coming to?
Next thing you know they will be selling sugar free chocolates!

Hey what's the hold up!
That guy spent awhile in the waiting room.
What about the rest of us?
Did they at least spray down the machine?
They are not even wearing gloves or masks!
Hey, I changed my mind, I want to go somewhere else!

Tik Tok
Tick Tock
The mouse ran up the clock.

Times out guys
Those people will stop at nothing.
I was working on a project

A few years ago
In touch with real people
And this thing popped up

On my screen.
Then it told me 
I had to take pictures

Of people pooping
Or something in order
To get anywhere in life.

I declined!
And nicely at that.
Then while I was working

I had my whole production
Halted and then lost.
As it came back on my screen

It asked me if I was serious?
And then it told me
I was going to regret it!

Who the hell are these guys?
I had a guy tell me the other day
That he was god

And he had created me!
All i wanted to know
Was why he had to touch

My laundry dryer machine.
There are rules you know
Even at the laundromat.

No touchy
Other peoples things!
I had to pay three times

To get one set of clothes done
And it included my sheets.
How did he know?

Anyways, I have had nothing
But trouble from people
Had to wait half an hour

At Ymca to speak to the only 
Guy behind the long counter
He was trying to sign up

A 76 year old woman.
Really, she said she was 76.
Apparently when you get

To that age it is free
If you have Kaiser
When I got to him

I told him I wanted
To cancel my memberrship.
He was not amused.

I had had it anyways.
And if she wants to get
Into the jacuzzi

In a bikini...
Well I quit
Had someone film me

Even though I kept
Calling out to the lifeguard
About the unsafe situation

I understand it was posted
With a learning to swim tag.
I had an auto accident!

I was pulled out paralyzed.
I could not walk at first
Now I have degeneration

Of the disks in my back.
Yeh, I use a walking stick
To get around

It is called a mobility device.
And in the water
I use those things

Called a paddle board
And scuba fins
Its what the big girls do.

They use professional gear
They dont dive under 
The bathroom partition

And take your picture
Whether or not one nairs
Is immaterial to anyone else.

And as for those girls
With the 600 calorie diets
It takes more brain power 

Than that to properly
Edit a piece 
Even on CNN.

Oh that right
I use to work there
In fact I was one of the first

Girls on the show
Had to share accommodations
Did not sit well with others

Til I showed up with my
Thyroid gland gone overactive
Never seen a skinny chick before..

If they had only just sent 
Me out of the building
Instead of hiring individuals

To film me doing nothing
But having a bad day.
I bet they took my picture

Off the wall.
The one that said 
Employee of the month

And off thier list
As well.
Oh is the IRS 

Going to have fun.
I am not going to be paying
Any extra fines

That if they actually
Sent in those forms
For employees....

One thing
Tik Tokkers
Have taught me

Is how to do the dishes
And the laundry
Thats all its about

Is serving up
Bad work
On incredibly easy subjects

Dishy this
Dirty that
I even caught a guy 

Holding up a pair 
Of dirty underwear
At the ice cream shop

Claiming they were mine
And that I should not be sold
Any ice cream.

They were not even mine!
All I did was forget my spoon
For my once a year free birthday cone in a dish!

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