Sunday, March 17, 2024

A castle for your ladies honor?



William of Windsor

One of the better known

Princes  of England

With a sterling reputation

And yet he brought home

A whore for his father

I'm sorry she is nothing



A liar

Her reputation

Is nothing but 

Fake gold


Is not even her mothers

Real surname


A Jew

Hiding their identity

In England

And at a time

Mid 1600

When the Puritans

Had to leave town

To have arrive


My main complaint

Your Majesty

Is not her religion

Or ethnic background

But that she insists

That I am her mother

We have gone to court

So many times

She was even incarcerated

When she was an unwed

Pregnant teenager

Her parole or release

Demanded she never

Ever approach me again

Extend her hand out

And falsely claim

Me as her mother

Nor introduce herself

To anyone else 

As thier relative

Which she has continued

To do relentlessly.

For your information

Her real mother

Was an assistant

At one of the two high schools

I attended

One for dad

And one for mom

Mom won out

By going behind 

My back in order

To betray her own father

Whom she never forgave

For serving your King

During that war

When he refused to come home

Until the end of WWII

Really to hold such grudges.

During midterms

Her mother showed up

Instead of the teacher

Mrs. Arnold

Had an emergency

With her own family

Only to arrive

Amidst the media

Filming the birth

As the only one available

To help bring the baby

Into the world 

Was the class itself.

We were not favorites

Studying Mexican Spanish

Not French or German

And our class was last

Hence that day

We were the only ones

On that side of the school

No nurse nor paramedics

She came into the world

With a bunch of teenagers

Taking on the role of adults

Her arrival caused her mother

Grief because her father

Had not given permission

For her to marry

After he found out she was pregnant

But happiness

The Arnolds

A school teacher and a police officer

Agreed to adopt 

The unwanted bundle

Yes they are related

To Benedict Arnold

A traitror

In America

But a hero

In Britian

And somehow

On her first trip

She got put down

By her adopted brother

Her parents were not aware

And an airline stewardess

Came upon her 

Found a windfall

Already a gold digger

A occupation name

Being a smith

Her and her husband

Managed to blackmail

The wrong family

Becoming billionaires


My grandmother

Died of horror

Shortly afterwards

While I was going

Through kidney failure

I was constantly 

Passing out or coming up

Missing due to the severity

I was in a coma

And dialysis

Before I was finally

Awarded my sisters


When i was still a minor

Throughout all of that

Hardship upon a young person

I was always under 

A doctors care

And there was no pregnancy

On my medical records.

Instead of allowing me freedom

Your bitch has caused enormous

Troubles for myslef

Even being indicated

In an attempt upon

My father

And then on what she thought

Was a male child 

Of mine

As she was not going

To be unseated

As a princess

A princess is what she wanted

And a princess is all she is worth

By marriage

Not by birth

Have you ever heard

Of defamataion?

It is a serious charge

To defame someone

Especially over a paternity suit

Then there is slander

That I was a slut or something

When in fact 

I had gone through 

A marriage registration

Not with Jimmy

Who wont stop using

My name.

Then there is 


Of affection

By both my father

And my husband

Fiance or boyfriend

Preventing me from 

Getting married 

Or having a family

Of my own

While she sits there

Clearly having had 

A breakdown

Over being a mother

Instead of gaining

Upon her own father in law

She expected what?

To be given the queenship

On the death

Of Queen Elizabeth II

She thought she could

Buy herself a throne

By using ill gotten gains?

I am not going

To be called a liar

As well.

I want your castle

Of Windsor 

Upon a hill

In exchange 

For you little bitch

Accusation that I am

Her mother!

And leave my son


He might be a Prince

But she is not his sister!

No matter whom it is

I might have married

He is not her father

Gary Calvi

Is the most likely 


Her serviced 


In order to get

Away from Jimmy

Her then husband

In fact he also

Appears to have given

The same service

To Demi Moore

Adam Driver

Is her little one

Whom she had in order

To be free of extortioners

She thought she would

Steal my identity

And then got into it deep

These German communist

Come into this country 

In order to make mayhem

Of other peoples lives

Eva Greene

Is the other one 

With that nose of hers

And by the way


Is also a crime

Even in England

She has been trained

By her communist mother

Has she not?

Carole Middleton

Was known previously

For her work against 

America and its democracy

Suzie Pittsenbarger

Was even arrested

For pretending to be 

An agent 

Along with her sister

Candace who does 

Nothing but betray her own

Are all under the impression

That democracy is a bad thing

And even the other sister

Alona goes around 

Claiming she is some sort

Of Soviet Diva

All are liars!

Thier association with 

The worldly Adleman's

Catholic communist

By their own mouths

And banned from Hollywood

For their sabotage

And known home invasions

Stealing peoples personal papers

And then using them 

As extortion

Or even assuming 

The identity of someone else

Such as Jimmy

Who keeps claiming

He  is a dead fetus

Which never reached maturity

Than neither has he.

Your castle 

For your ladies



For I am tired

Of being threatened

And denied 

My rights

And true nature

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