Sunday, March 3, 2024

Just call me Alex

I was named after 
The Queen
Of England

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
Whose mother was 
Elizabeth Angela Margueritte

J' Aurora Alexandra Angela Anastasia Marie
Is what is written on my confirmation
Sometimes a Birth Certificate is simple

But the baptism 
Is always as long 
As the God parents

I was confirmed 
In a variety of churches
But raised Orthodox

Russian Orthodox
The first one is always
For the old country

And in our case
Just in case
Something should 

Happen to the 
Soviet world
One of us would

Be able to go back
And claim
Our past inheritance

Much over do.
I was also raised
Old school ancient

Herbs without 
The Sorcery
Native American

Not that I did not
Go to Shaman school
I was proud

When I made 
Beloved Woman 
Rank above the average

Indian Princess
My little sister 
Is still just that

Waiting for her resurrection
And it is resurrection time
Easter with your bonnets

Is named after 
A Jewish Queen
Who became married

In Babylon
To the Emperor
Prior to the Ottomans

She and her uncle 
Caught and captured

The betrayers 
Of the Emperor
Who wanted a genocide

Of all those jews
Who were often rich
Under the carpet type

As well as the original
Land owners
Just as in America

The Natives were first
Given diseases such as measles
Then drugs in their alcohol

And finally genocide
They hired mercenaries
From Africa 

To come and kill
Thier natural enemy
Just as the Scots

And Picts
Were set against 
Each other

So the Romans
Might have thier land
There was a call to end

All the lives of the Jews
Which included Mordecai
And his niece

Now the wife of the King
Ester as she is called 
In the bible

Made it clear
To her husband
That her relatives

And his own offspring
Were affected by this bad man
Named Haman

In the end
The law could not be reversed
But amended

To the point
They would be allowed
To defend themselves

And thus a great joy
Went out throughout the world
Of the vanquished

Fleeing throughout
While those left behind
Defended themselves 

For Hitler to want to destroy
And his own people.

Hester or Easter
Is a time of joy
In the Christian world

Where they celebrate
The resurrection of Christ
In the various different

Christian religions
Sometimes in March
Or in April

Schools let out
For half a week
Little girls 

Get new dresses
The rest of us get
Somber ware

I have many to remember
Including our Jewish friend
Diane Feinstein

Whose family were Russian
Arriving in San Francisco
In the 19th century

Some of her older relatives
Are buried in the Russian Orthodox
Cemetaries as well as the Jewish ones

I grew up in a California
Still in shock
Being told they must be

Spanish or Mexican
Instead of English speakers
But Russia had been the language

There were once burials
All over rural california
Which included the double eagle.

This year I will remember
My little sister
Who came into this world

Six months after myself
Something my mother
Does not want to discuss

You see when my mother
Was in labor over Russia
After having left Paris France

For Perris California
There was a glitch
The doctor performing

One of the first c-sections
Discovered a tiny blue face
And along with it a pink one

My sister was holding on to me
She was held back 
Brought into the world

Naturally in a tub
In the Spring
While my grandmother

Watched over her
Making sure nothing 
Went wrong 

This time
She had only heard about
The situation 

From a cousin
And officials
She used to be the voice

Of London 
During the Blitzes
Until someone hit her

Over the head
Walking home
Because they blamed her

For the London bombings
Get that boobie off the air
And Gerry will go home to his....

Anyways I am an Autumn Rose
Left to die in an aquarium
Where I learned to breathe

My grandfather
Was the lucky idiot
To be on board

That day
I received all sorts of things
Including the family name

Of Camille
Then stolen and given
To my sister 

When she was born
I was also called 
Cecelia after Sicely

Where some of the family
French Sicely

Not Italian
Our grapes came from there
Now long mowed down

By some tramp
Named Teresa
But that is going to be

Another story
When I am done with her
And her son Alex.

I came to be called
Little Jack
After my grandfather

But spent most of my time
As Alex in schools
Hence Alexei

Is special to me
I recall him living 
With us in California

That woman who laid flowers
On his grave is not his mother
Who gave birth to him

But the one who raised him
From the time of about eight
When we lost our way of life

My grandmother had died
After her own mother
Made it to 96

He was one of ours
A cousin
And now waiting his resurrection...

Is what it is called
In Fine art

The mother holding her adult son
Who should not have died before her
Mary the Jewish woman holding her son the Christ.


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