Sunday, March 10, 2024



Just a little bit

Late to the show

On the wrong side

Of the street

All because my phone

Said 16 percent

Now it was at 50 

There it was after

I climbed the small rise

The line I was looking

And it was all the way

Around the large quad

The old gym

Had not been used

For decades

They said it was 

Thier largest sale

Since 1927

All of us who arrived

After 6 am

Had to stand and watch

Those who had arrived

At Midnight

I did not know

There was overnight Parking

At the Balboa Park

But they had come

To get their tickets

An hour and a half

It took the line 

To rind around

To the door

While we watched

Them exit

With large piles

Of loot

And even larger smiles

When I finally got to the door

The line was still wrapped

Around to where I started

The sale was from 


Nothing was left!

Even with my glasses

I could see that 

Hour and a half

Was all it took

Even from the sign

One can see

There was stuff

To greedily steal

From someone's else's

Home and house

I was there to reacquire

Grandma stuff

They beat me to it!

All the dolls were gone

A few pathetic


Tried to get me to buy them

But there was not a single

Thing I really wanted

I found things of course

There was the Pinta

And a few tiny things

Not noticed

Made in Soviet Union

They said the two small

Women with scarves

In they went into my bag

Now they were renting

Bags for one dollar

Renting not keeping

My bag was clothe

And it found a few

Items snuggled inside

When I got captured

They wanted me to put 

My stuff down 

To continue shopping

All I had was a new

Cat pooper

Twice the size

Of the one he had

He has outgrown

Everything i have bought

And a did find a used


Not a handmade quilt

No those probably

Went the first ten minutes

But I liked the color

And it was cotton not polyester

I complied but kept

My eye on them

Meanwhile there was 

A group of men

Who knew where

Thier next meal came from

Standing guard over 

A stack of goods

The jewelry all looked

Fake or plastic

The artwork was amazing

And one signed photograph

Of an original Eagles

Was still sitting on the wall

As I walked past the men

With those looks

On their faces

I almost suggested

They go to Rodeo drive

On a rainy day

There were certainly 

Clouds over their heads.

I had one item in my bag

I had quietly and quickly

Tucked it into my

Then empty bag

I had a tag

That said 12 dollars plus tax

I wanted them to confirm

Since most of the other items

Were over priced 

For this type of event

But they were happy

To see me bring it out

I emptied my bag

And shook it out

Just so they understood

Even a rummage sale

With twelve strong men

Guarding each entry and exit


And I am a former member

Of the Thursday club

I got away with just

Over fifty dollars

And only one old doll

Forgotten in the antique section

15 dollars!


Everyone of them

I choose one with 

Eyes that moved

Norway I believe 

Is her outfit

Nothing else

Of those storehouses

Of gifts and promises

I don't know why

Teresa and her son Juan

Believe they are going 

To get away

With throwing my stuff away

Just because she claims

To be from Mexico city

France dear was the owner

Of this section 

Of the country

She is far off

But then all those 

Illegals are given

The impression

That they are allowed

To steal anything

Not nailed down

Just because it is wrong

Teresa will never do anything

Right or honest

With that criminal

Who just wanted

To study the bible

With her and teach her

How to take advantage

Of others who just don't

Fit into their mold

Original occupants


I hate to tell 

Jo something 

I cant recall

That everyone is going

Back to where they came from

According to those magazines

No disinheriting

The natural heirs


No matter how many

False witnesses

There are to some 

Non essential even

In other words

I was told I had 


About something I dont know

Since it is not true

Nor am I going to repent

From this so called sin

The crime is they cant make me

And I want all my stuff back!


Teresa and Juan

All those houses?

Too bad is not what

You are going to say.

There are repercussions

For tearing down a house

On purpose 

Your grandchildren

Will not enter

The Kingdom of God

And by the way

I also have grandchildren

You see I cant have them

But I can hire out

And adopt myself

My mother had 

At least half a dozen

Minus my sister 

Who died but is waiting

For her resurrection

She also has a dozen


Plus mine 

Who are not girls

Nor any of yours

They come with special


Unique not notarized

As it is i was robbed.

The woman I hired

Decided to keep 

Her bundle

Instead of handing it over

To the one who had paid her.

Then those years

When I tried to keep stealing

Him for myself to raise

Only to have him replaced

No Africans need apply

I know what he looks like

And the red head i got

One day instead of him

I decided to keep

His name Armando

Is about as popular

As Amber 

The name of the girl

From Kiev

Whom I have not seen

Since the beggining 

Of the Pandemic

Does not want me

And is not really mine

Broke my heart

When she was a teenager

By living with you


Learned the Tijuana


Of going from 

Relationship to relationship

Just like you

Who have more than one husband

And ICE does not know?

While Jimmy has so many 

Wives I trip over them

In mass everyday

I don't have daughters

Nor any Mexicans

Nor any Muslims

Nor any redheads!

Except for the one boy

I thought I would keep

Only to have him

Kick me out of a house

Older than the DC.

My Lad did survive

But he is not available

To you or yours

He is also not to give

Away that nut farm

For it is never to leave

Our family 

Which neither you

Nor your son is a part of 

Jimmy half sister

Is still alive 

And living here in the same town.

She is the real heir to her mothers

As well as I am to mine.

Not Demi Moore

Nor Jimmy Bullocks!

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Three times loser

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